Machine Gunner: M1919 Medium Mg's/Bren light Mg/ DP 28 LMG, M.1891, M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 1 M2 frags/M.36M Mk.1 "Mills bombs"/RGD. 33's, M1A1 Bazooka/same/same, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Sniper: Scoped M1917 enfield/same/Scoped Mosin Nagant, M.1891, M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 2 No. 77 smoke grenade/same/same, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Camouflaged Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Pilot:M.1891, M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 5 No.74 Sticky grenades/same/Molotov Cocktails, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Military Fatigues, Repair Kit, Ability to use vehicles 5 misc. items of your choice
Medic:M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 2 No. 77 smoke grenade/same/same, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Medkit, Medical Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Axis Classes
it goes Germany/Italy/Japan
Rifleman: Karabiner 98K/Carcano M1981/Arisaka, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 3 Model 24 Grenade (with frag sleeve)/Bomba M1935/Type 97, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Assault: MP-40/Beretta M.38/Type 100, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 5 Model 24 Grenade (with frag sleeve)/Bomba M1935/Type 97, 3 Panzerwurfmine's/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Machine gunner: MG-34/Breda M.30/Type 3 MG, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 1 Model 24 Grenade (with frag sleeve)/Bomba M1935/Type 97, Panzerfaust/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Sniper: Scoped K98/Scoped Carcano/Scoped Arisaka, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 2 S-mines/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet,Camo Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Pilot:Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 5 Panzerwurfmines/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, Repair kit, Ability to use vehicles, 5 misc. items of your choice
Medic:Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 2 S-mines/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet,Medical Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
now you can make your own class, but explain it
to the sheet!
Name: Age: Gender: Class: Nationality: include whether axis or allies Personality: least 3 Phy.Desc.:least 3 Traits: i make from your personality/or desc. Bio: optional, least 5 sentences Perk: i make from bio ---------------------- Squad: 4 (put how what class each squad member is and their names) Weapons: Uniforms: Misc.: you can make 5 ---------------------- Health: 100/100 Condition:
Colin Mochrie is officially my favorite. Watch Season 1 Episode 19. xP
Errbody sits down and eats. What locals are here?
"Come on you can do better than that!"
"It was a long time ago," Heiskanen snaps. "I was what, 14 or 15 years old? I had just defected from Finland, and I didn't speak any German." Y'see, the Finns were allied with the Soviets during that time but the Soviets oppressed them.
well, a wave surges through the resting ranks, they get up as a runner informs them of the offensive going towards the park, and giving people their ration of vodka
Well, the medics sit down in a group. Beckenbauer and Wagner sit next to the Russian. Eisenberg and Richthofen sit wherever. The medics all sit in a group. Riesenthal and Schultz sit next to each other but also the locals. Kemmerich sits by himself.