Machine Gunner: M1919 Medium Mg's/Bren light Mg/ DP 28 LMG, M.1891, M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 1 M2 frags/M.36M Mk.1 "Mills bombs"/RGD. 33's, M1A1 Bazooka/same/same, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Sniper: Scoped M1917 enfield/same/Scoped Mosin Nagant, M.1891, M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 2 No. 77 smoke grenade/same/same, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Camouflaged Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Pilot:M.1891, M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 5 No.74 Sticky grenades/same/Molotov Cocktails, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Military Fatigues, Repair Kit, Ability to use vehicles 5 misc. items of your choice
Medic:M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 2 No. 77 smoke grenade/same/same, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Medkit, Medical Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Axis Classes
it goes Germany/Italy/Japan
Rifleman: Karabiner 98K/Carcano M1981/Arisaka, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 3 Model 24 Grenade (with frag sleeve)/Bomba M1935/Type 97, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Assault: MP-40/Beretta M.38/Type 100, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 5 Model 24 Grenade (with frag sleeve)/Bomba M1935/Type 97, 3 Panzerwurfmine's/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Machine gunner: MG-34/Breda M.30/Type 3 MG, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 1 Model 24 Grenade (with frag sleeve)/Bomba M1935/Type 97, Panzerfaust/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Sniper: Scoped K98/Scoped Carcano/Scoped Arisaka, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 2 S-mines/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet,Camo Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Pilot:Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 5 Panzerwurfmines/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, Repair kit, Ability to use vehicles, 5 misc. items of your choice
Medic:Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 2 S-mines/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet,Medical Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
now you can make your own class, but explain it
to the sheet!
Name: Age: Gender: Class: Nationality: include whether axis or allies Personality: least 3 Phy.Desc.:least 3 Traits: i make from your personality/or desc. Bio: optional, least 5 sentences Perk: i make from bio ---------------------- Squad: 4 (put how what class each squad member is and their names) Weapons: Uniforms: Misc.: you can make 5 ---------------------- Health: 100/100 Condition:
All right. Now everybody continues shooting. And on second thought, keep it Richthofen. As long as it's not any important fingers...mebbe both pinkies and the right ring finger. >.>
A steamroller can't steamroll a big wall of flying lead ajd explodijg shrapnel.
The Russians seriously had soldiers whose job it was to run in front of the group and take the bullets and bombs for them so that the other soldiers could advance.
the russsians now threaten to ovverrun you, seeing as you weredealing with tanks
Some of the Germans start retreating while the others hold out longer and cover them. Everybody but Richthofen, Heiskanen, Kemmerich, Riesenthal, and Beckenbauer starts running.
Tue Wurbelwind retreats to about halfway up the hill and keeps firing to cover everyone else's retreat, while the tanks button up and follow suit, then unbutton to provide supression fire.
@Hyper: 4-barrel fully automatic high velocity grenade launcher, Aka AA gun. A weapon almost worthy of Chuck Norris.
Tue Wurbelwind retreats to about halfway up the hill and keeps firing to cover everyone else's retreat, while the tanks button up and follow suit, then unbutton to provide supression fire.
the boarded ones are still boarded, one actually makes it in and sprays the tank killing everyone inside
Kay Wagner dies. >.> Then the rest start running.
they know them off and get into where, the pillbox or bunker
the boarded ones are still boarded, one actually makes it in and sprays the tank killing everyone inside
Not a single German on the hill had the sense t--y'know wyat **** it, nevermind. Schroder's former tank gets pwn'd. Regroup at the top of the hill and attempt to use the elevation advanatage to halt the charge.
Russian and more Russians is fine, but tuen you have 4x 1200rpm MGs spraying everything and anything in front of it.