I havn't seen a Halo RPG for a while and decided to make one so hope you enjoy.
Sign-Up Sheet: Name: Gender: Male or Female Race: Human or Covenant Species: See Below Weapon: See Below Greandes: Health: Sheilds: Service Tag: Atrributes: Divide 25 Points between these Accuracy: Strengh: Speed: Bravery: Reloading: Arm: (For Grenade Throws)
You get kncocked by a falling pod and your both inside. It falls out of the hole and into space. You see a covenant crusier take off which has caused a EMP. The hatch is still open on your pod
After around 2 Hours Heathers wakes up, not being able to see behind him because your squashed in the pod he says: "Bruin's are you trying to violate me!"
You start to attempt to grab something but can't find anything. A Phantom, then lines up next you, but it's attempting to board your ship. (It's sideways)
You turn the corner and kill him instantly with your DMR, everybody agress it was for the best. You walk over and take his tags when you hear a scream and then a loudly pitched voice shouting "No please n- ahhhhhhhh!" It came from a locked door to your left
Use a hand-gesture to show that I want a defensive position to be set up immediately. Walk over to a peice of cover that is excluded from the locked door.
You jump out the pod and gran a banshee. You skyjack it, but Heathers couldn't get close enough to his. He grabs onto your wing and you start to fly. The Banshee supports air systems so you are free to breathe, but Heathers air will soon run out.
The systems all seem foriegn to you but you get the hang of things. Another Banshee comes close and starts firing at you. Heathers then jumps and catches it. He skyjacks it and start to fly with you. You then spot the third Banshee heading towards the Covenant Crusier.