I havn't seen a Halo RPG for a while and decided to make one so hope you enjoy.
Sign-Up Sheet: Name: Gender: Male or Female Race: Human or Covenant Species: See Below Weapon: See Below Greandes: Health: Sheilds: Service Tag: Atrributes: Divide 25 Points between these Accuracy: Strengh: Speed: Bravery: Reloading: Arm: (For Grenade Throws)
You take a risk and walk inside. As you go in you hear a loud creaking sound. You try to lightly walk in. You go into the cabin and find a pilot. He's alive but a metal rod is stick out of his shoulder and has gone through the chair. Do You: A) Put him out of his misery B) Leave C) Try to help him D) You choose
You try the door. You bang on it and kick on it but it just won't budge. The Elites arrive and open fire on you. You roll out the way and they miss. A plasma bullet hits the door and it opens! It looks like its about to close any minute. You are a few inches away. Do You: A) Slide under B) RUN! C) Stand and fight D) You choose
You pick up the body and place it on your shoulder. You look down to the ground to notice a Sniper Rifle. It appears this dead marine was the sniper. You take the body back. Royal Guards ask is was he the only one? Do You: A) Say yes B) Say no C) Say no and go back into the forest D) You choose
He just growls because he knows that you proved a point. You move along and see a Phantom arrive. Before you board it you come under heavy machine-gun fire. The Elite Leader tells you all to get out of there and stays behind. The Phantom is about to take-off Do You: A) Jump off B) Stay on-board C) Use a turret D) You choose
You are told well done for catching the sniper. They tell you that they have ground teams heading into the forest and that you should stay at the base. Do You: A) Go back out B) Stay at base C) Jump into a phantom D) You choose
You run like Usain Bolt and escape them through the door, which closes immedietly after you. As you look around you notice blue energy in a bar like way as if its some sort of cell. After some exploring you find out that this is a prison. You only find Covenant but after some more exploring you find the bones of a marine. Do You: A) It's a trap? (Run) B) Explore more C) Try out a cage D) You choose
The first cage you see contains a woman crying and a man on her lap. He appears to be dead but could have passed out. You keep looking and find wounded Marines. Do You: A) Shoot the Traps B) Look for a button C) Walk off D) You choose
You decide to get into a phantom. It takes off and puts its headlight on. Two minutes into the search a rocket hits it and forces it to crash. You stumble out of the wreckage. Do You: A) Flee B) Look for survivors C) Hunt the Marines down D) You choose
You flee! As you are walking you come into a area surrounded by mines! (They're in a circle around you!) Do You: A) Try to Run B) End it C) Wait D) You choose