I havn't seen a Halo RPG for a while and decided to make one so hope you enjoy.
Sign-Up Sheet: Name: Gender: Male or Female Race: Human or Covenant Species: See Below Weapon: See Below Greandes: Health: Sheilds: Service Tag: Atrributes: Divide 25 Points between these Accuracy: Strengh: Speed: Bravery: Reloading: Arm: (For Grenade Throws)
You run off the Pelican and pick him up, plasma bullets flying past all around you. Your about 20 Metres from the Pelican. Seeing that you are helping wounded GSGT (Gunnery Sargent) Nicolas Carvison, orders his squad to provide covering fire. You get on board and cover there retreat. You lift off with many wounded, the covenant start opening fire but with little effect. You place the wounded soldier on the floor of the Pelican and he thanks you. After 2 Minutes of medics rushing around you come under fire. Your Pelican driver swerves and the injured soldier you saved starts to fall off. He's hanging on with one hand but the banshees are still at large. Do You: A) Man a turret B) Try to grab him C) Leave him D) You choose
Note to all Would you like me to not give 4 Options and just ask you what YOU want to do? If so leave a comment above your reply to your story!
You run over and grab him, a Marine sees both of you and helps you. As you pull him up you come over heavy fire. A Rocket Launcher falls out of a campartment and starts to fall off. It's going to fall off but if you let go of the Marine he will fall. Do You: A) Help Marine B) Save Rocket Launcher C) Ask for fire to go on the Banshees D) You choose
You open the door slowly, just as you walk in a pistol is fired at you. "So many of them!" "Not gunna be like the others I'm going to survive, God will save me ye God'll save me ha ha hahaha!" It appears to be a Insane Marine hell bent on survival. Do You A) Kill him B) Try to talk to him C) Call a medic D) You choose
You start to panic and run around, just as you start to get tierd a human pelican starts to come down towards you. You dive put the way and survive but it crashes and half of it comes off. There may be survives.
D."Marine! Cease fire! I'm friendly! I'm a Spartan!" I yell at him. I motion a medic to my position. Then motion him to walk to the other side of the door.
"Your all just like them haha all out to get me but you won't!" Seeing the movement from the medic he fires at his position but misses. Do You: A) Kill him B) Leave him C) Try to run past him D) You choose
You continue to help and you finally pull him aboard, the Rocket Launcher has fallen into the ocean. All marines and you start firing at the banshees. One of them is shot down but kamakazee's into the other pelican, it is stable but needs assistance. Do You: A) Tell it to sound off B) Keep firing at banshees C) Look for another Rocket Launcher D) You choose
You start to walk towards his voice and hear him grumble some more but cant make out what hes saying. You stab him from behind and the needler explodes. You then hear on the radio: "Roger 2-7 Evac is on the way!"
You smash the radio and sparks fly everywhere, you run out but trip over a humans body. You then get back up and run but not before being seen by a near Pelican, which then shoots at you. It misses and leaves but it alerts other units of your destination