ForumsWEPRthe illuminati

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148 posts

just think of it.. all the wars, all the media, part of the internet is owned by the Illuminati. before countries the was one world... one government... new world order. the collapsed and now the Illuminati want it again. here is a series that talks only about the music industry it has 11 parts. it just to open the eyes of some people. thanks

  • 80 Replies
424 posts

Horus is a SKY GOD. The Eye of Horus symbolizes protection, royal power and health NOT Illuminati or something your talking about. You clearly didn't read the Wikipedia didn't you?

148 posts

The Eye of Horus symbolizes protection, royal power and health NOT Illuminati or something your talking about. You clearly didn't read the Wikipedia didn't you?

its wikepedia bro its not reliable
424 posts

Oh I remember! The eye with the pyramid in the dollar bill means God's Eye of Providence not something evil. People who are crazy just make some stupid speculations.

5,552 posts

its wikepedia bro its not reliable

I love how you quote a forum and claim it's reliable and then say wikipedia is bad. Wikipedia is good 99% of the time.

Soldier, obviously you're uninformed about many of these subjects. What you're claiming makes absolutely no sense at all. Symbols have been used over and over again in history.

Did you know the symbol the Nazis used wasn't made by them?
5,552 posts

Forgot to add this.

but it does seem weird that something on a dollar bill is in a video game.

No, it's not. It's perfectly normally. The dollar bill is what represents wealth in America. It's a well known symbol. Also, just because something is "similar" doesn't mean it's the same. You're just twisting every little thing to try and shove it into your belief that Illuminate are controlling everything.
424 posts

The swastika is an equilateral cross with arms bent at right angles, all in the same direction, usually the right, or clockwise. The swastika is a symbol of prosperity and good fortune and is widely dispersed in both the ancient and modern world. It originally represented the revolving sun, fire, or life. The word swastika is derived from the Sanskrit swastika which means, "conducive to well- being". The swastika was widely utilized in ancient Mesopotamian coinage as well as appearing in early Christian and Byzantium art, where it was known as the gammadion cross. The swastika also appeared in South and Central America, widely used in Mayan art during that time period.

In North America, the swastika was a symbol used by the Navajos. The swastika still continues today to be an extensively used sign in Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism. In Buddhism, a swastika represents resignation. In Jainism, it delineates their seventh saint, and the four arms are also used to remind the worshiper of the four possible places of rebirth; the animal or plant world, in Hell, on Earth, or in the spirit world. To Hindus, the swastika with the arms bent to the left is called the sathio or sauvastika, which symbolizes night, magic, purity, and the destructive goddess Kali. In both Hinduism and Jainism, the swastika or sathio is used to mark the opening pages or their account books, thresholds, doors, and offerings.

The swastika was a symbol for the Aryan people, a name which, in Sanskrit means "noble". The Aryans were a group of people who settled in Iran and Northern India. They believed themselves to be a pure race, superior to the other surrounding cultures. When the Germans looked for a symbol, they looked for a symbol which represented the purity which they believed they contained. The Nazis regarded themselves as "Aryans" and tried to steal the accomplishments of these pre-historic people.

In Nazi Germany, the swastika with its arms turned clockwise became the national symbol. In 1910, a poet and nationalist Guido von List suggested that the swastika as a symbol for all anti-Semitic organizations. When the National Socialist Party was formed in 1919, it adopted the ancient symbol, the swastika, giving it the worst meaning possible, destroying the good symbolism which the swastika had held for thousands of years prior.

In 1935, the black swastika on a white circle with a crimson background became the national symbol of Germany. The major difference between the Nazi swastika and the ancient symbol of many different cultures, is that the Nazi swastika is at a slant, while the ancient swastika is rested flat.

Today, whenever the ancient symbol is used, it is automatically assumed by most people that it is a Nazi symbol and that the people who use it are Nazis. When the Nazis took the ancient symbol, they erased the good meaning of the swastika, the symbol of purity and of life. The racist people of today further degrade the meaning of the ancient symbol by spray painting the swastika on people houses, cars, and even schools.

In my eighth grade World of Difference class, we watched a video about a high school art student who painted the swastika and displayed it in his school's art gallery. We then had a debate on whether the painting should come down or not. Because most people are ignorant to the fact that the swastika was not only a Nazi symbol, symbolizing death and destruction, the class decided to take the painting down and in actuality, the boy was forced to take it down. This is a prime example of how the world delineates the swastika as a bad symbol, and how the Nazis destroyed the meaning of the symbol by adopting it as their own.

The swastika symbolizes so much more than what the Nazis planned. The swastika existed as a symbol of good fortune thousands of years before the Nazis even existed. The symbol is to many cultures an important one, representing their history and beliefs. The Nazis, by taking the swastika, annihilated the significance of the ancient symbol. Today, the swastika is to most people a symbol of evil, a symbol of demise, and a symbol of ruination. It is extremely depressing to find that although the swastika is a symbol of life, and symbol of joy, it has been made a symbol of evil, something the people of the ancient world never intended it to be.
424 posts

Got too long, eh? In my short term that the swastika the symbol of the Nazi's were actually good and it was only misinterpret by people

74 posts

Wait, wait, no, I was wrong. Illuminati was a Japanese automobile line marketed in America in the early 1990s with an ad campaign that never actually showed the cars.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

egyptians worshiped horus or the dajjal/anti christ. how come they knew that? islam was introduced far later. also why is there one eye not two, clearly we are human and we have two eyes. what does the eye symbolise? can anyone answer that?

Horus as the anti-Christ? I snort in contempt, have you realised that Christianity came thousands of years after Horus had first been worshipped?
8,256 posts

Actually, there's proof everywhere, even supporting their connection to the devil. Here's proof of their existence:

And here's proof for the connection with the devil:

Now what do you say?
Ok, I admit, I just wanted to make you listen to good music....

On a serious note, the eye of Horus has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the so-called illuminati pyramide eye. And that's not just wikipedia saying it, that's pretty much all egyptologists and specialists on the matter. If there is someone bad in the egyptian mythology, then it's Seth, who wanted Horus dead and mutilated Osiris. Why do you even think there's a connection to Horus?? Come on, we all have two eyes in the middle of our faces, it's no wonder that the eye has come up as a symbol many times!! Are you really that naïve?

148 posts

On a serious note, the eye of Horus has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the so-called illuminati pyramide eye. And that's not just wikipedia saying it, that's pretty much all egyptologists and specialists on the matter. If there is someone bad in the egyptian mythology, then it's Seth, who wanted Horus dead and mutilated Osiris. Why do you even think there's a connection to Horus?? Come on, we all have two eyes in the middle of our faces, it's no wonder that the eye has come up as a symbol many times!! Are you really that naïve?

yes i agree but if anyone is christian or muslim why does the antichrist/dajjal have only on eye on the to of his forehead
5,552 posts

yes i agree but if anyone is christian or muslim why does the antichrist

I don't know about muslims, but christian faith never specifies that the anti christ has an eye in his forehead.

And even if it DOES, exactly how would this prove what you've been saying?
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

yes i agree but if anyone is christian or muslim why does the antichrist/dajjal have only on eye on the to of his forehead

Both religions do not specify that the anti-Christ has one eye.

Also, if you read up on history, which I presume you don't, you would realise that the Prophet Muhammad had modelled part of his teachings on Christianity, seeing how both religions actually coexisted in such a close proximity for centuries. It is entirely plausible they just borrowed over bits and pieces, or inter mixed with local traditions.

Instead of scurrying off with absurd claims, do take time to get back to Planet Earth.
424 posts

Both religions do not specify that the anti-Christ has one eye.

The REAL symbol of being an Anti-Christ is 666 not a single eye.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Another nail in the argument coffin for him it seems!

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