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Under the gleaming light of Epsilona Revoluta

Hello! You are just a protoplanet.. awww. But wait, crash into that asteroid over there!

<Several Days Later>

Ok, now you can either evolve to a Terra planet or stay a Sub-Terra. As a Sub-terra, you could become a moon of a gas giant or Superterra. You want to evolve? ok, you are now big enough to support life..

<Several More Days>

You reach a critical stage. If you don't migrate inwards towards the inner solar system you will start accumulating massive amounts of Hydrogen and Helium making Intelligent life impossible on your surface. The chances of finding a Habitable moon are relatively low. do you wish to evolve? Yes? Ok.

<Weeks Later>

You are now a 1.01 Solar Mass Main Sequence Star. Planets with moons are forming around you.

<New Abilities: CME, Solar Flare, Luminosity Spike, Sunspot Percentage, Red Giant Phase.>

*You decide to gain more mass

<Month Later>

You have Evolved into a Hypergiant.

<New Abilities: Hypernovae>


Planet Classes
Star Classes



Name: (object name)
Gravity: 0.12 E
Class: Large Asteroid
Mass: 0.001563 Me
Diameter: 1434
Density:5.54 g/cm^3
Orbit: (10-300 Days)
Eccen: 0.00001
Inclin: (0.2 - 10.2)
Current Zone:
Parent Body: Epsilona Revoluta
Child Bodies: None
Rings: None

Terms Of Speech:

Me: Mass of Earth

Mj: Mass of Jupiter

Ms: Mass of Sol

H-Zone: Habitable Zone

I-Zone: Hot Zone

O-Zone: Too Cold For Liquid Water

This will be funnnn!

  • 1 Reply
1,373 posts

This looks really interesting and I dont want this to die. Imma join

Name: Harrapin
Gravity: 0.12 E
Class: Large Asteroid
Mass: 0.001563 Me
Diameter: 1434
Density:5.54 g/cm^3
Orbit: (10-300 Days)
Eccen: 0.00001
Inclin: (0.2 - 10.2)
Current Zone:
Parent Body: Epsilona Revoluta
Child Bodies: None
Rings: None

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