The World of Lexion and the 4 Species that live on this Planet are not in peace. They are at war to kill to the last. You must choose who wins. There are only 100 of each Species but soon 3 of them may Perish. Who do you fight for.
Say you subtract 1 from Humans then you add 1 to one of the other 3 races. Here is how it starts and so on... ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Well, now that you're attacking the humans I have more time to destroy the pitiful Dwarves. Also 1216+1149+298+1391=4054. 54 is only divisible by 3, not 4, so the Elves don't take the fall. Yes, Dwarves are certainly screwed now. After the next post should be a new page.
@HahiHa Human: 1216 Orcs: 1149 Dwarves: 298 Elves: 1391 These were the numbers before the change.
Human: 1198 Orcs: 1131 Dwarves: 280 Elves: 1391 And these were after. We were 54 above 4000. 54/4=13.5 and we can't do halves. 54/3=18. To get rid of the extra 54 we needed 3 races to lose 18 which was the -18.
We were 54 above 4000. 54/4=13.5 and we can't do halves. 54/3=18. To get rid of the extra 54 we needed 3 races to lose 18 which was the -18.
Riiiiiiight... and you arbitrarily distributed those three penalties on all other races except on elves, while, if I'm not completely blind, still giving the full +31 to them?
Allow me to explain this. First, I used the first list endlessrampage73 posted at the top of this page (before the change). Then, I distributed a 13, 14, 13, and 14 because 13.5 can not be distributed, or else there will be a decimal. A gave the 13s to the races with the least "oints," and 14 to the races with the most "oints." Then I used my turn, giving 30 to dwarves and taking 30 away from humans. Notice how 1172+1136+315+1377=4000
Here's a mistake we were both doing; we should have subtracted/added according to the page number.
Which is why changing the rules was a not-so-good idea. We should change back to the normal rules to avoid confusion again. Also, did anybody even ask the creator of this thread for permission for changing the rules?