ForumsWEPRWar In the Middle East

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1,627 posts

Israel is currently in a dire position where any decision they make could start at least a war in the Middle East, or potentially World War III. The basics of this is that Israel says that if they get sufficient evidence that Iran is close to achieving nuclear weapons. Israel has not hesitated to remove any threats with Operation Orchard () and Operation Opera ()

Any thoughts on what will happen in the area given Israel's history of pre-emptive striking targets that could be used against them in war?

Please keep the discussion respectful, and note that this thread has nothing to do about whether or not Israel is an "occupying" state or whether or not the West Bank should be Palestine, or anything related to Palestinian people, unless you are able to tie it into this topic.

  • 13 Replies
1,810 posts

This makes me a bit nervous knowing the tensions between the two. Does Iran have the air capability to counter an attack, or copy the Israeli strike? If they do, this may turn out to be an air compition.

26,390 posts

Any thoughts on what will happen in the area given Israel's history of pre-emptive striking targets that could be used against them in war?

Israel knows that preemptive strikes have the potential to turn public opinion against them, as well as make them the "bad guys" in the eyes of the United Nations, possibly cutting them off from support from their allies the United States. Just before the Yom Kippur War, Israel was aware that an attack would take place on Yom Kippur but they decided not to launch a preemptive strike for the same reasons I just mentioned. Hopefully they will be wise enough to make the same decision now.
317 posts

Iran's president is nuts. I don't think I need to source since Google is good enough. The guy is insane and like every Arab man wants to see Israel razed.
Look at Palestine! They say they want land...but only from Israel. Not Saudi Arabia or other nations which have plenty of land to share. But no, they want to take Israel.
Terrorists continue to blow Israel DAILY. Israel retaliates and Israel is considered the "bad guy".
I've been to the middle east twice. Arabs are nuts and full of hate. They want 1. Israel gone. 2. To destroy anything that is not their religion. 3. To take over countries like they have done in the UK.
Bottom line. Iran needs a good slap in the face.
HOWEVER, when Iran did get their systems up for their nuclear program there was hack (a worm I believe) that really messed their stuff up. I would almost bet it would happen again.

I'm not saying all muslims are bad. A lot aren't but of the groups that are, they are very malevolent.

5,340 posts

The guy is insane and like every Arab man wants to see Israel razed.

please dont be racist. that is not true.

I'm not saying all muslims are bad. A lot aren't but of the groups that are, they are very malevolent

just to make sure you know this: arab=/=muslim.

i know many arabs and even muslim people who are nice.
5,340 posts

oops... sorry about that. when i feel that racism is near i forget everything else XP.

back to the topic. i have no ide what is going to happen. but the one who acts first will lose. even if he wins that "war" he will lose most of the bonds to the rest of the world.

i guess hyper said everything i have to say

317 posts

Being naive towards a group that primarily straps explosives to themselves does not warrant racism. I am clearing stating that in the middle east (asia minor) that the majority of them (them being Arabs) [them being muslims] wish death upon Israel and Jews worldwide. Not to mention that their religion demands that all people convert to their religion or die.
That is not a statement of opinion, that last comment is a state of pure fact. If you want, I can throw koran verses in your face. But I don't think you want that. To dispute it, is to close ones eyes to facts and simply "band aid" a politically correct answer to appear to others that one is trying to appease the entire crowd.
If being racist is what I am, than I guess its true. If its a hate crime, it must be worse than murder =\\ (sarcastic face)

I am speaking from MY experience, talking and interacting with them for roughly 3 years of my life. I would love to hear your personal experience with them; unless of course, you are just talking political correctness and/or what you have read on the internet.
I am not ignorant if you want to call it that. Because I have been there, and I have talked to them. I can guess, that a lot of people here have not. And I am NOT talking about "Arab Americans" or "American Muslims". Or whatever wordage you want to use.

To stay on topic. I highly doubt Israel will start a WW3 (officially). They have been in war with all their surrounding countries for decades now and still haven't been eliminated.
Iran, although I can imagine that the people just want to live their lives. Their president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is nuts. Period. Having him follow a nuclear program is most unsettling.
Who's to say that he wouldn't nuke his own people? Look what Saddam did to his own people. Its basically genocide. Actually, it was genocide. No, I'm not going to sugar coat the truth.

I support Israel one hundred percent. There is nothing wrong with pre-emptive attacks. I know the controlled media would love to tell you otherwise. But why should they have to suffer a lose, get the backing of the rest of the world, and then ask for a united answer to their problems. If someone was about to strike someone, why would I stand there, doing nothing and wait for an attack to happen if I could stop it.

Long winded post...sorry. I guess my point is, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is NOT a good man. His intentions are not benevolent and no country in that area should have to await approval from the world to protect itself. There ARE bad things in this world. And people need to start calling it out. And not be scared that they will insult or upset people. The ones that get upset, are the ones that are getting called out.

5,340 posts

i know what their religion sais. but even though it sais that it doesnt mean that all of them do something about it. there are many hatefull things in christianity too but not everyone are extreme enough to actually do exactly as it sais.

your second post explained it but in your first post you said ALL of them are like that.

i do have personal experiences with arabs and muslims and all of them except for one were nice and good.

197 posts

Their president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is nuts.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad doesn't really make major decisions in Iran, that right belongs to the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. He, not Ahmadinejad, essentially makes all of the decisions regarding the country, including those involving war declaration. Ahmadinejad basically only proposes new governmental policies, which are voted on by the Parliament. Even then, the Council of Guardians can reject a bill before it is even voted on. In fact, the Council is probably more influential than Ahmadinejad in government.
Honestly, the media loves to exaggerate our enemies, like Iran. There's too many exaggerations for me to describe, but here's an
article that does, and I would recommend people read it, at least for some perspective. Many sections involve this very topic.

Anyway, to comment on the topic, I think Israel will definitely perform an air strike if they feel threatened. Israel will worry about itself before it worries about public opinion.
26,390 posts

I am clearing stating that in the middle east (asia minor) that the majority of them (them being Arabs) [them being muslims] wish death upon Israel and Jews worldwide.

The majority of people in the Middle East are Muslim. That does not mean that the majority of them hate Israel or Jews.

Not to mention that their religion demands that all people convert to their religion or die.

So does the Bible.
Exodus 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me
Exodus 23:24 Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works, but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images
Exodus 22:20 He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he must be utterly destroyed
1,627 posts

PauseBreak, while I agree with you on some statements, you are discrediting yourself when you state that ALL arabs hate Israel, and all Muslims want to kill Jews. You need to be more tolerant of other people whom you do not especially like. EVERY religion attempts to dominate the others (well, except Judaism perhaps). Please calm down the rhetoric against Arabs. Just a request, otherwise the mods might not be so kind to someone who hates people just because they were born in a region.

16 posts

Recently there has been alot of wars in the middle east.There is some history between Jews and Musilims Many people say a group of people began hating the other religon (not telling who started it) they began telling the other religon rascist stuff and they began hating them by this they had to do war a large explosion has happened in Iraq from this war and over 100,000 people are dead from this war.

1,826 posts

as long as syria is in the way, israel can't do much as iran will have a platform in form of syria to retaliate.
Further more, radars for aerial recon in syria are used by iran too and it will serve as early warning system.
and as for anti arab guy,
Yes most muslims hate the illegitmate state of Israel and its jewish citizens.(we don't hate em for being jewish, but we hate them for being israeli)

325 posts

Being naive towards a group that primarily straps explosives to themselves does not warrant racism. I am clearing stating that in the middle east (asia minor) that the majority of them (them being Arabs) [them being muslims] wish death upon Israel and Jews worldwide. Not to mention that their religion demands that all people convert to their religion or die.
That is not a statement of opinion, that last comment is a state of pure fact. If you want, I can throw koran verses in your face. But I don't think you want that. To dispute it, is to close ones eyes to facts and simply "band aid" a politically correct answer to appear to others that one is trying to appease the entire crowd.
If being racist is what I am, than I guess its true. If its a hate crime, it must be worse than murder =\\\\ (sarcastic face)

The majority, huh? Have you polled them? Have you asked every single one of the Arab men, women, and children about their views on Israel? Unless you have and come up with a percentage of greater than 50.1% general hate, I feel this is a wild statement. Three years is not nearly enough time to encompass all of Asia Minor and learn the heart and feelings of every single Arab. I personally know people of that faith as well. The last time they tried to bomb my house I....oh wait.

And actually, the Koran's commandments are similar to the Bible's commandments, and say nothing about 'death to the heathens'. Thats just how certain sects choose to view.

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