More over what kind of education intitutes you have there for foreign students?
I can usually see foreign students in a university's basketball court. But I really have no idea about the services of education institutes for foreign students.
is it safe to buy patents for china's industry? or is it just a waste of money and time.
This is my first time to see the word "buy patents". I went Baidu (like google) to search for the informations about it, but I could not understand it at all. I am a real financial idiot. Sorry!
Does this answer your question? You can't pick on a few black sheep and pose a question for all Chinese people. That's stereotyping.
Idk how you can compare the two... A two year old being run over twice with 18 people just walking by, that's not a few black sheep, that's alot of black sheep. Did you see what the driver did? He stopped when he ran over her, went on his cell, relized he'd have to pay alot less if she died instead of was injured and drove away.
I meant in your everyday experience. Do people seem unethical all the time?
Did you see what the driver did? He stopped when he ran over her, went on his cell, relized he'd have to pay alot less if she died instead of was injured and drove away.
4 Americans die daily due to hit and run cases. Whoops? So all Americans are unethical too?
18 people just walking by
So from this minute fraction we can now assume the rest of the one billion PRCs are unethical?
Do people seem unethical all the time?
Ethnics vary from place to place. As a foreigner who has lived in China, no, the people there are mostly like you and me, ethical so to speak.
Idk how you can compare the two... A two year old being run over twice with 18 people just walking by, that's not a few black sheep, that's alot of black sheep. Did you see what the driver did? He stopped when he ran over her, went on his cell, relized he'd have to pay alot less if she died instead of was injured and drove away.
It's called the bystander effect, essentially it's that the larger the crowd of people, the less someone feels obligated to help. People always feel like someone else there is going to do the job. This isn't common to China, this happens everywhere.
It's called the bystander effect, essentially it's that the larger the crowd of people, the less someone feels obligated to help. People always feel like someone else there is going to do the job. This isn't common to China, this happens everywhere.
Here's a great example of it. The man was stabbed while trying to prevent a mugging, and the women he helped just ran away. To add on to this, 25 people passed as opposed to 18, and nobody ended up helping him until the paramedics came, as opposed to someone helping that chinese 2 year old. Did i mention this is in America?
In what region of China is it best to live in if you are a: A) Peasant B) Person with average income C) Person with substantially high income ?
A) If you are a peasant you will usually live in the countryside. All
of a peasant's income is from the land.
B) People in China with average income usually live in cities. They have their own houses and cars. But they breath dirty air, eat unhealthy food and work under great pressures.
C) The rich live in the suburb of the city, they have big villas, drive nice cars.
Here's a great example of it. The man was stabbed while trying to prevent a mugging, and the women he helped just ran away. To add on to this, 25 people passed as opposed to 18, and nobody ended up helping him until the paramedics came, as opposed to someone helping that chinese 2 year old. Did i mention this is in America?
This is sick. Unlike here(KSA) Where a woman got angry and left her husband, he came after he people thought that he is mugging her beaten him pretty badly(with iron pipes and stuff).
Where a woman got angry and left her husband, he came after he people thought that he is mugging her beaten him pretty badly(with iron pipes and stuff).