Name: Thyrio Nykos
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Nationality: Macedonia
Class: Hypaspists.
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: Torso: 50/50 Shield: 75/75 Helmet: 25/25
Weapons: A Sarissa, a Spatha
Armor: Spolas, bronze greaves, Konos, Hoplon
Misc.: A kilt-looking skirt, with leather guards hanging over it, and a bronze arm ring.
Rank: Warrior
Physical Desc.: Tall, broad-shouldered, but overly-muscular.
Personality: Loves seeing people die, slightly satanistic-tendancies, and an eye for the ladies.
Trait:I want to see your blood: You do better with your Spatha
Bio: Thyrio began warrior training at age 16, when he became a man. From then on, his life was centered around becoming a glorius fighter. He enjoys going after the ladies, and related activities. He has no family, and therefore no attachments.
"I hope the latter does not prove true"
and you are led out, wut now?
Name: Aurum Roma
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Nationality: Rome
Class: Light Cavalry
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: Torso-10/75, Helmet-20/50
Conditions: Perfect, Nubbish
Weapons: Spatha
Armor: Lorica Hamata, Leather Battle Skirt, Bronze Horse Plume Helmet,
Rank: 17th Legion, 3rd Cohort, 2nd Line Cavalry
Physical Desc.: Average Height, Muscular Body, Steady Hands
Personality: Calm, Determined, Revengeful
Trait You don't have to worry about falling off your horse, unless directly hit hard enough to do so by a weapon
Bio: Has been working his life as a stable boy, he has a good relation with horses. His parents gave him away for an unknown reason. Always rides on horses in his free time. He dreamed to be a soldier which he is now.
you kill him, then a archer from atop one of the elephants shoots an arrow that hits your head, your helmet absorbing it
Name: Abdul Bakr Hassan al-Malikki.
Age: 19.
Gender: Male.
Nationality: Umayyad Caliphate(decided to go for something original ).
Class: Cavalryman.
Health: 80/100
Armor Health 50/50
Conditions: Perfect, Nubbish
Weapons: Damascus Steel Saber, Flanged Mace
Armor: Leather Armor.
Misc.: Arabian Horsey.
Rank: Private
Physical Desc.: Tan, brown eyes, short dark hair, athletic but lithe.
Personality: Quiet, reserved, brave.
Trait: you love being thin don't you?: You are a smaller target on the horse
Bio: Raised a Sunni Muslim in Amman, Jordan. Was athletic as a child, and often liked to go running or swimming, but his favorite hobby was horsey riding! He had a natural affinity for the horseys, and as his uncle was a horsey breeder, he got a horsey for his 12th birthday. He trained the horsey and practicing running races, speed, endurance, and hurdles. He also liked the military, and liked to watch military parades with cavalrymen a lot. His parents immigrated to Damascus after losing the majority of their money(his father was a trader), but his beloved horsey died on the way . He joined the cavalry of the Umayyad Caliphate shortly after.
Perk: BUTTERCUP NOOOOOOOOOOOO: your horse died, giving your horse the speed of two horses (lolwut?) when needed
you slash his spear, but it only deflect it into your leg
well at first we thought one was a girl so we got "her" a boy one, and well now it's a raging pot of angry male bird hormones and if you get near them they'll hiss at you, and their annoying as hell when they try to imitate my canary