Well, since this an intermission and a direct sequel, all of the status from before has fixed! But now we need to re-stabelize reality after Dark Super pretty much broke it. That, and refill our army.
Hey! Im not Garriss! (although I do have a cousin names Gary which sounds a bit like Garriss but I know it's not him since he's not interested in the stuff that AG has) Revive me so I can kill this faker! ...or at least kill him for me... ...again... brutally...
epic dead probably requires something epic to revive him... 6 people using the elements of harmony (not element) would probably be able to revive him, provived you get a base for it.
Then you're going to need overhealing! *Noms cupcake and boosts power level OVER 9000!!!!!!!* KAME...HAME...HAAAA! *Phoenix down, elixir, auto-life, white wind, and Final Attack EPIC HEALING COMBO!* I think that cupcake had a sensa (Dunno how it's spelled) bean in it!
Lalalalala *Walks around Memetia Dimension* I think I'll go back to my home in the Awesome McAwesome Pants Dimension. *Opens a big portal which makes my race and their pet pants come out* *Sees a particular pair of pants* Oh hey Figgy! I was about to visit you!
I use the Fire Elementals against the Scombie, Electric Elemental to Sewer Medic, Arcana Elementals onto the Heavydile, Wind Elemental onto the Knifehand, Ice Elementals on the Vagineer(Nice name :P) and the Fire Elementals at Pygas. Finally I use the Creepers to do a rush on Weasel Cupcake.
@sonicheroes95: You have Engie blow up the buildings and jump back into the APC! Scombine's shielding deflects the fireballs, however. You do turn Garriss into a cupcake for his insolence.
@Garris: So you're an attacker? The sentry's already gone boom. This attacking is confirmed when you drop the bomb and deal 5000 damage to Lolcatia. The pants are quickly eaten by
@GeminiDelta: Well, all purchases need to be approved by you. However, you manage to revive Garriss to full HP. You also randlomly find Super Soldier, now named Colonel Lolcatia! As for that cupcake, USELESS HEALING!
@CommanderDude7: The fully charged Machina rounds deal 2000 damage! However, Snyphurr has floated up to you and is speaking in backwards!
@godandd: Epic Dead is where you need something epic to revive. Also, you need to summon Sphai the correct way!
@Darkfire45: Well, I didn't come up with Vagineer. The Scombine and Pygas are completely unaffected by the elementals, Heavydile and Sewer Medic are out of range, Vagineer is frozen and takes 5000 damage due to his natural wetness and Knivehand only takes 500 damge from the wind!
Oh crap, something's crawling around in our sewers...