ForumsWEPRYou support Israel? I DO

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I just feel the morals and ethics of the middle east aren't right compared to any western country.

  • 879 Replies
4,104 posts

I think they should rap battle it over XD.. JK but I'm meant they should have some type of competition so they could battle over the land fair and square.

They tried to take it back in the 6 day war and failed.
1,627 posts

like israel should never have existed

No. It was made clear throughout the centuries that the Jews were an unwanted people. There needed to be someplace to put them. The people of the world were not going to say, "Well, what Hitler did was bad, but we still won't give you any compensation for it." No, because doing that would be akin to placing them back in the concentration camps. Instead, they decided to cut up the Mandate of Palestine (owned by Britain, who could do whatever the hell they wanted with the territory), into regions, where the Arabs would have the majority. The Jews accepted it, but the Arabs declared war, lost, and lost land. They again declared war, lost, and lost land. They then became the biggest crybabies in the history of the world, and to this date, nothing will satisfy them except the removal of Israel from the map. That shows that the Arab nations care nought of the Jews (they expelled all of the Jews from their nations). Also, should Israel do what Hamas does to them and launch thousands of rockets into Gaza, Israel would be invaded from even the US. However, since Hamas is firing into Israel, the world says, "Bend around and take it."
1,608 posts

Ok, I will concede that Israel should not exist, if anyone on this forum can answer these questions, and provide proof to back it up

Well I'm not saying they invaded an already excisting country but they came their as a group Jews. Thats okay. They said : this is ours. That's a little okay.
But then they conquer it, and tyranize the people who lived there after the Jews. That is just the problem.
1,627 posts

But then they conquer it, and tyranize the people who lived there after the Jews. That is just the problem.

They conquered nothing. If defending yourself, and then gaining land in those defensive wars is illegal, than this world has gone to the dogs. Also, if the Pals wanted something better, than they would negotiate, instead of sticking to the mantra, "Israel needs to die"
8,256 posts

They conquered nothing. If defending yourself, and then gaining land in those defensive wars is illegal, than this world has gone to the dogs.

First, Israel has a few spread and small territories, those poor ones. Then there's war and a treaty, and suddenly the situation is completely inverted. And still Israel is the poor one. Who has gone to the dogs?
Also, if the Pals wanted something better, than they would negotiate, instead of sticking to the mantra, "Israel needs to die"

Sure, Palestinians aren't behaving like they should. But on the other hand, if Israel really would want Palestina to stop being like that, they really should stop to spread their settlements around like pest plants.
8,256 posts

I'm sorry if that sounded a bit harsh. I'm just sayin' that neither side is behaving in favour of an end to that conflict.

1,627 posts

First, Israel has a few spread and small territories, those poor ones. Then there's war and a treaty, and suddenly the situation is completely inverted. And still Israel is the poor one. Who has gone to the dogs?

Yes Israel is still the poor ones because they are still the ones being attacked for no reason other than delusional madmen wanting to take back what was never theirs in the first place! Almost this entire conflict is based on religion, and while Israel is the holiest place to Jews, it is not to Muslims. In fact, Israel is specifically given to the Jews in the Coran.

if Israel really would want Palestina to stop being like that, they really should stop to spread their settlements around like pest plants.

While I think that the settlements in the West Bank should cease or at least slow down dramatically, it is ridiculous that the Pals are now crying about Israel building apartments in East Jerusalem, something that only was in their possesion because Jordan seized it during Israel's War of Independence. It has gotten to the point where Israel will need to seek international approval to build a high-rise in Tel Aviv, and Israel is finally saying enough is enough! There seems to be a double standard set for Israel. A perfect example is the Mavi Marmara raid. 9 Turks were regrettably killed, however there is video evidence of passangers beating the commandos with chairs and metal poles! Turkey condemns the "unwarranted" attack on their ship, and yet they still refuse to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, or release Northern Cyprus from their rule, all the while calling on Israel to give up back to the pre-1967 indefensable borders.
1,612 posts

I don't really care about who is right or who started the war, but I'd like to hear, what different solutions to the problem do you see/hope for?? I can't really imagine many.
1- exterminate or exile all Jews/Palestinians
2- convince all Jews/Palestinians that they are wrong and that they have to obey to the other side
3- don't do anything and keep things in the wonderful state they are in today
4- forget the conflict and the differences and live together pacifically like most other humans

1,627 posts

I honestly prefer option four, however too many radicals both on the Israeli and the Palestinian (but mostly Palestinian) sides are making it improbable that there will ever be a 2-state solution, and a one state solution looks more like the future.

1,826 posts

No. It was made clear throughout the centuries that the Jews were an unwanted people. There needed to be someplace to put them. The people of the world were not going to say, "Well, what Hitler did was bad, but we still won't give you any compensation for it." No, because doing that would be akin to placing them back in the concentration camps. Instead, they decided to cut up the Mandate of Palestine (owned by Britain, who could do whatever the hell they wanted with the territory)

first of all arab counries were forcibly occupied by brits
so they did'nt own that land in first place.
secondly no matter what happened to jews, doesnot justify existence of israel.
8,256 posts

Yes Israel is still the poor ones because they are still the ones being attacked for no reason other than delusional madmen wanting to take back what was never theirs in the first place! Almost this entire conflict is based on religion, and while Israel is the holiest place to Jews, it is not to Muslims. In fact, Israel is specifically given to the Jews in the Coran.

Ok, then that's that concerning Israel. But what about the expansion of the whole terrain? Generations of Palestinians lived on ground that they were forced to leave as soon as some Jews came and said they had a right on this land far far ago. I know it's a matter of religion and this is what upsets me; does religion justify inhuman decisions? I was hoping not...

While I think that the settlements in the West Bank should cease or at least slow down dramatically, it is ridiculous that the Pals are now crying about Israel building apartments in East Jerusalem,

Yeah, but my problem is with the settlements as a whole. Not only are some located in extremely controversial terrain, but they often appear as (gratuitous) provocation to me. Yes, Israel should be able to build houses to lodge it's people. Just not this way.
1,627 posts

Ok, then that's that concerning Israel. But what about the expansion of the whole terrain?

The War of Independence, the 6 Day War, the Yom Kippur War, I could go on and on and on. These were all defensive wars, and in the process, Israel gained land. I would note however, that the land that they have given away to attempt to make peace, is more than 300% of the size of the current State of Israel.

Yeah, but my problem is with the settlements as a whole.

Well, I have an issue with that, because the buildings in East Jerusalem are "settlements," but you seem to support those. If you mean the ones strictly in the West Bank, then I feel that if the community the buildings were built in already had a very strong Jewish/Israeli presence, than it was akin to just claiming land that was pretty much yours in the first place. However those where there are an abundant amount of Palestinians I think are just out of line.
408 posts

I don't really know why but I have always supported Israel. But anyway, the countries should really stop fighting, most people don't even know what they're fighting over.

4,104 posts

most people don't even know what they're fighting over.

I'm fairly certain almost every slightly educated person in the world knows generally what they are fighting for.
322 posts

Hey I found the time to make a visit here. So if you don't mined me bumping in a bit but I warn you I might not be here long enough to anwer.

Ok, then that's that concerning Israel. But what about the expansion of the whole terrain? Generations of Palestinians lived on ground that they were forced to leave as soon as some Jews came and said they had a right on this land far far ago. I know it's a matter of religion and this is what upsets me; does religion justify inhuman decisions? I was hoping not...

The so called 'generations' are usually like 100-200 years average before Israel was created (that's why most palestinians can say they are Egyptian palestinians, Syrian palestinians, etc - the place they came from), and Jews started coming as zionists about 50-100 years before Israel was created.

As for religion, please listen because the religion thing is really a baseless thing only people who don't really understand the conflict say. Most Israelis (or you can say Zionists) arn't religious at all. Zionism is based on nationalism, a will to control ourselves, to protect ourselves and live on a ground out ancestors lived on. Some religious people also add the will to live on the land they pray every night to come to since the exile happened. Thats the land Jews ever since kept trying to come back to and that's why Jerusalem was almost always Jewish by the majority.

An interesting fact to also consider is that by the Koran Israel was given to the Jews by Allah (not that the Koran is nice to the Jews but it still states that). The Palestinian and the rest of the Arab population is known to be very religous but not when it comes to something like that.
Its not something to be shocked from, religious never really stated actions, it was always a tool to be twisted by politicians. Always was. And this conflict is based on much deeper things then a different religion or a different skin color.
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