Just found this thing somewhere on my PC, a thing that i did somewhere else a few years ago.
So, you're a wrestler at world wrestling entertainment, things happen as you progress.
Character sheet: Name: (No real wrestlers, make up your own) Brand: ( Raw or Smackdown) Signature moves: ( 2 or 3) Submission move: ( Only 1) Finisher( Also only 1) Place: Weight: Speed: ( I will decide speed and strength by your weight) Strenght: That's all you need to know. If you have any questions, just ask.
Excuse me! I said Excuse me! I would like to announce that Dolph Ziggler is the number one contender for the United States Championship in two weeks, at Hell in a Cell, where he will face Kofi Kingston!
Then John lauranitis comes out.
[quote] I am John Lauranitis, and i am the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations, and the Interim General Manager of Raw. Since Eric Kurner beat the Undertaker last friday. I will give him a shot at the Intercontinental Championship at Hell in a Cell, so its now a Fatal Fourway Elimination match between The Intercontinental Champion Daniel Bryan, Christian, Kane and Eric Kurner.
Booyaka Booyaka 619.
From Mexico and Houston, with a combined weight of 306 pounds, the team of Rey Mysterio and Eric Kurner.
You succeed. Not only do you knock out Rodriguez. You also distract the referee. Mysterio puts a Thumb in Zigglers eye, and sets him up for the 619. He hits.
1,2,3. Ring the bell!
And the winners of this match, Rey Mysterio and Eric Kurner!