I HAVE RETURNED!!!! (srry for my absense...again. I've been really busy with my schoolwork, so if I don't respond to you in, lets say, a week, that means I'm busy and won't respond for a while longer :/. srry about that)
You live in the shattered ruins of the great world of Emotarkus, now in (literal) pieces after the Comet Otarus struck. You are one of the survivors left, and you must figure out a way to rebuild the world, even in it's state of unconnectivity. You are a Crafter. Crafters were the people of before the Apocolypse, and had made trade with other civilizations around the universe (The Mertians, The Huimaans, and The Vergons {trasnlation was a bit sketchy with these races}). You must rebuild power to the Crafters, as it has been 100 years since you have last communicated with the other races, as they might get suspicious, and come here. If they find us in our weakened state, they might take over. We must hurry...
You have just learned the craft of Ionics. Ionic craft is the craft of electromagnetics, electrical frequencies, and building air/space crafts that can float using electricity. As airships land, you see out the window what looks like a small town. The Mertians are gettign up from the controls, and are heading for the door. What now?
At the Town hall, the mayor was a tall, thin man with greying hair, and had his entire left arm in a glove, while his right arm was left bare. "Ah, hello, Mertian friends. What brings you?" He then notices you,"bringing in a stray?" What do you do?
"I see," said the mayor,"We've had Huimaan space shuttles come through, too, dropping off strays that they've found. But how did Otarus Comet hit us, I thought it would strike in another 10,000 years. That's what the Vergons said."
"Dat is becuuse dere wus nu 'Otarus Cumet'. Ve bulieve zit tuo ve an sit-up." Said the Mertain Admiral, in his best crafter tounge.
"If that is true, what are we waiting for, let's go to the Vergons and ask them!!" cried the mayor. What do you do?