Make a name for whoever is above you but i dont have anyone above me so yeah.Example:XxDaProxX: blah blah blahSomeone: XxDaProxX is now called ------ (make a random name)and so on.
Btw,sorry i made a forum just like this becuz i didnt know you had already made one anyways...its proberly locked now haha!
urbanwolf232 is nowruralfox323yez im so creative
pickpocket is now called moneythief.I'm just trying. SOrry if it seems lame.
Darky is now called Darky.
the pheonix that was the last of its kind
you are now remaa31
You're now called thief of the pockets.
thats pretty r now stephensquire cauz ur a squire
you are now pickapocketanypocketandyouwillgetaprize!
U are now sunrunner
your now called nosepicker
You are now called 1Meara3
You are now calmape
You're now called 000000mot9
your called a something (MASSIVE FAIL)
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