Make a name for whoever is above you but i dont have anyone above me so yeah.Example:XxDaProxX: blah blah blahSomeone: XxDaProxX is now called ------ (make a random name)and so on.
The Person of 13 Haamers.
Smart One (I hope I didn't get ninja'd).
the one who got ninjad!(i think...)
The 21th Dude of the sacred U
The Thirteenth Aamer of the Armor Games.
The Dude of 21 That Still Lives Next Door to You.
The Author.It's self explanatory.
The 21st U-shaped Dude
Dude that I see in the forums a lot
The 313rd furry ferret.
Fine, I'll be niceBloozCloozDood.
are U the dude from the 21th century?
Aimer 13.What a generic name.
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