I HAVE RETURNED!!!!!!!! im back with a new steady sorce of internet...lawland well ive notices that they is a lake of Evo RPGs soo i making one.
on the remote planet of Zargon7 is the fertile Planet in the universe. it homes up to 100,000,000 species. you areone of them. you can live in 4 select enviroments
1) the forest, many large tree with many river an one volcano
2)the mountains, there are many different shrubs and small streams and trees... and many caves
3) under water, its under water... with seaweed and coral reefs and rocks
here is your Charater Sheet
Name: Population:2 Discription tell me what it looks like) biowhere did it come from) ------------------------------------------- Stat Points:25
Strength: Defance: Speed: Agility: Intellegance: Percent to sentientd:1% _----_-_-_-z---------- Habitat: Food sorce: Water scorce: Symbiosys:
Name: Targon Population:2 Discription: 2" long, round body, 1.5" long tail Bio: The Targon evolved from microorganisms in warm tropical waters. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points:25
Strength: 5 Defance: 5 Speed: 5 Agility: 5 Intellegance: 5 Percent to sentientd:1% _----_-_-_-z---------- Habitat: Food sorce: Water scorce: Symbiosys:
Name: Karon Population: 2 Description: Practically a gold raven. Bio: The Karons were formed from gold and given life somehow. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points: Strength: 2 Defense: 4 Speed: 6 Agility: 5 Intelligence: 5 Percent To Sentientd: 1% ----------------------- Habitat: High Mountains Food Source: Metal, Caves Water Source: Cave Streams Symbioses: ???
Name: Karon Population: 2 Description: Practically a gold raven. Bio: The Karons were formed from gold and given life somehow. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points: Strength: 2 Defense: 4 Speed: 6 Agility: 5 Intelligence: 5 Percent To Sentientd: 1% ----------------------- Habitat: High Mountains Food Source: Water Source: Symbioses:
Name: Population:2 Discription red long swift tail has lava breath bio : came from the pit of the volcano ------------------------------------------- Stat Points:25 Strength:5 Defance:4 Speed:6 Agility:5 Intellegance:5 Percent to sentientd:1% _----_-_-_-z---------- Habitat: anything but water Food sorce: Water scorce: Symbiosys:
Name: Population:3 Discription red long swift tail has lava breath bio : came from the pit of the volcano ------------------------------------------- Stat Points:25 Strength:5 Defance:4 Speed:6 Agility:5 Intellegance:5 Percent to sentientd:1% _----_-_-_-z---------- Habitat: 1 ( forest with a volcano) Food scorce: Water scorce: Symbiosys:
you and your mate sit on a rock in the furnace... hungry and thisrty... how will you solve this problem
Name: Targon Population:3 Description: 2" long, round body, 1.5" long tail Bio: The Targon evolved from microorganisms in warm tropical waters. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points:1 Strength: 5 Defense: 5 Speed: 5 Agility: 5 Intelligence: 5 Percent to sentience:1% ---------- Habitat: 3 Food source: Sea weed Water source: Symbiosis:
you attempt to bit the sea weed... YUMMY!!! you eat the plant and you slow turn green
Name: Karon Population: 2 Description: Practically a gold raven. Bio: The Karons were formed from gold and given life somehow. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points: Strength: 2 Defense: 4 Speed: 6 Agility: 5 Intelligence: 5 Percent To Sentientd: 1% ----------------------- Habitat: High Mountains Food Source: Water Source: Symbioses:
you perch on a rock... cold hungry and thisrty ... fix this problem