I HAVE RETURNED!!!!!!!! im back with a new steady sorce of internet...lawland well ive notices that they is a lake of Evo RPGs soo i making one.
on the remote planet of Zargon7 is the fertile Planet in the universe. it homes up to 100,000,000 species. you areone of them. you can live in 4 select enviroments
1) the forest, many large tree with many river an one volcano
2)the mountains, there are many different shrubs and small streams and trees... and many caves
3) under water, its under water... with seaweed and coral reefs and rocks
here is your Charater Sheet
Name: Population:2 Discription tell me what it looks like) biowhere did it come from) ------------------------------------------- Stat Points:25
Strength: Defance: Speed: Agility: Intellegance: Percent to sentientd:1% _----_-_-_-z---------- Habitat: Food sorce: Water scorce: Symbiosys:
Name: Karon Description: A golden raven with glowing silver eyes. Bio: The Karons were formed from gold and given life somehow. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points:1 Strength: 2 Defense: 5 Speed: 7 Agility: 5 Intelligence: 16 Percent To Sentientd: 2% ----------------------- Habitat: High Mountains Food Source: Sciuris Water Source: Pond Pipe Symbioses: --------------- Population:20 Unborn:0 Unemployed:0 Guard:2 Hunters:8
*Mating Season*
I also try to expand the den with the growing Karons. If not, I just tell half of them to make another den or make a nest in the trees.
Name: Targon Description: Wide mouth with grinding teeth, yellow eyes, 8" long, oblong body, smooth skin, two fins on side of body, two short strong fins on back side of body, 1.5" long tail, green tint Bio: The Targon evolved from microorganisms in warm tropical waters. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points: Strength: 7 Defense: 7 (water) 2( land) Speed: 9( water) 4 (land) Agility: 7 ( water) 1 (land) Intelligence: 10 Percent to sentience:4% ---------- Habitat: on the beach Food source: Sea weed, Krill Water source: the ocean Symbiosis: ----------- Population:28 unborn:15 unemployed:5 Gaurd:3 Gatherers:10 jumpers:2 Builder: 3
(Sorry.) We'll try to gather more seaweed to harden in the sun, then see if we can stick some into the ground to make basic shelters.
Discription:A wolf with the wings of a bird or bat coming out of it's back bio:It evolved from wolf like animals that moved from the forest to the mountains. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points:5 Strength:5 Defance:5 Speed:5 Agility:5 Intellegance:13 Percent to sentientd:3% _----_-_-_-z---------- Habitat:2 Food sorce:Bear Dear Water scorce: Puddle in caves Symbiosys: Cleaning bugs ----- Population:20 Unborn: 0 Unemployed: Mates:3 Diggers:3 Hunters:3 Scouts: 2 good.. you do so.. today a scout saw a Bird dive under water from the sky
1 1 1 1 1 1
Description: A golden raven with glowing silver eyes. Bio: The Karons were formed from gold and given life somehow. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points:3 Strength: 2 Defense: 5 Speed: 7 Agility: 5 Intelligence: 16 Percent To Sentientd: 2% ----------------------- Habitat: High Mountains Food Source: Sciuris Water Source: Pond Pipe Symbioses: --------------- Population:20 Unborn:15 Unemployed:0 Guard:2 Hunters:8
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Name: Targon Description: Wide mouth with grinding teeth, yellow eyes, 8" long, oblong body, smooth skin, two fins on side of body, two long strong fins on back side of body, 1.5" long tail, green tint Bio: The Targon evolved from microorganisms in warm tropical waters. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points: Strength: 8 Defense: 7 (water) 4( land) Speed: 9( water) 6 (land) Agility: 7 ( water) 3 (land) Intelligence: 10 Percent to sentience:4% ---------- Habitat: on the beach Food source: Sea weed, Krill Water source: the ocean Symbiosis: ----------- Population:43 unborn:0 unemployed:20 Gaurd:3 Gatherers:10 jumpers:2 Builder: 3
aafter years of living on land you grow strong fins for land.. like ams..
Name: Targon Description: Wide mouth with grinding teeth, yellow eyes, 8" long, oblong body, smooth skin, two fins on side of body, two long strong fins on back side of body, 1.5" long tail, green tint Bio: The Targon evolved from microorganisms in warm tropical waters. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points: Strength: 8 Defense: 7 (water) 4( land) Speed: 9( water) 6 (land) Agility: 7 ( water) 3 (land) Intelligence: 10 Percent to sentience:4% ---------- Habitat: on the beach Food source: Sea weed, Krill Water source: the ocean Symbiosis: ----------- Population:43 unborn:0 unemployed:20 Gaurd:3 Gatherers:10 jumpers:2 Builder: 3
We'll see if we can try balancing on our back fins on land.
Name: Targon Description: Wide mouth with grinding teeth, yellow eyes, 8" long, oblong body, smooth skin, two fins on side of body, two long strong fins on back side of body, 1.5" long tail, green tint Bio: The Targon evolved from microorganisms in warm tropical waters. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points: Strength: 8 Defense: 7 (water) 4( land) Speed: 9( water) 6 (land) Agility: 7 ( water) 3 (land) Intelligence: 10 Percent to sentience:4% ---------- Habitat: on the beach Food source: Sea weed, Krill Water source: the ocean Symbiosis: ----------- Population:43 unborn:0 unemployed:20 Gaurd:3 Gatherers:10 jumpers:2 Builder: 3
you body is too "wierd" to fit on land... try havig you front fins get longer and stronger to stand on all fours
Name: Targon Description: Wide mouth with grinding teeth, yellow eyes, 8" long, oblong body, smooth skin, two fins on side of body, two long strong fins on back side of body, 1.5" long tail, green tint Bio: The Targon evolved from microorganisms in warm tropical waters. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points: Strength: 8 Defense: 7 (water) 4( land) Speed: 9( water) 6 (land) Agility: 7 ( water) 3 (land) Intelligence: 10 Percent to sentience:4% ---------- Habitat: on the beach Food source: Sea weed, Krill Water source: the ocean Symbiosis: ----------- Population:43 unborn:0 unemployed:20 Gaurd:3 Gatherers:10 jumpers:2 Builder: 3
Ah, so we're kinda shuffling right now. I get it. I assign 10 Targon to be gatherers, and I make 5 become builders. I send 3 Targon in different directions to explore the beach.
Name: Targon Description: Wide mouth with grinding teeth, yellow eyes, 8" long, oblong body, smooth skin, two fins on side of body, two long strong fins on back side of body, 1.5" long tail, green tint Bio: The Targon evolved from microorganisms in warm tropical waters. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points: Strength: 8 Defense: 7 (water) 4( land) Speed: 9( water) 6 (land) Agility: 7 ( water) 3 (land) Intelligence: 10 Percent to sentience:4% ---------- Habitat: Vast renforced underground tunnels Food source: Sea weed, Krill Water source: the ocean Symbiosis: ----------- Population:43 unborn:20 unemployed:2 Gaurd:3 Gatherers:20 jumpers:2 Builder: 8 scouts: 3
Scout report: nothing yet Builder report: you have a vast under ground tunnels Gaurd report: no danger
Name: Targon Description: Wide mouth with grinding teeth, yellow eyes, 8" long, oblong body, smooth skin, two fins on side of body, two long strong fins on back side of body, 1.5" long tail, green tint Bio: The Targon evolved from microorganisms in warm tropical waters. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points: Strength: 8 Defense: 7 (water) 4( land) Speed: 9( water) 6 (land) Agility: 7 ( water) 3 (land) Intelligence: 10 Percent to sentience:4% ---------- Habitat: Vast renforced underground tunnels Food source: Sea weed, Krill Water source: the ocean Symbiosis: ----------- Population:43 unborn:20 unemployed:2 Gaurd:3 Gatherers:20 jumpers:2 Builder: 8 scouts: 3
I'll have the builders construct a room where eggs can be laid safely.
Name: Targon Description: Wide mouth with grinding teeth, yellow eyes, 8" long, oblong body, smooth skin, two fins on side of body, two long strong fins on back side of body, 1.5" long tail, green tint Bio: The Targon evolved from microorganisms in warm tropical waters. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points:7 Strength: 9 Defense: 7 (water) 5( land) Speed: 9( water) 9 (land) Agility: 7 ( water) 5 (land) Intelligence: 11 Percent to sentience:4% ---------- Habitat: Vast renforced underground tunnels Food source: Sea weed, Krill Water source: the ocean Symbiosis: ----------- Population:43 unborn:20 unemployed:2 Gaurd:3 Gatherers:20 jumpers:2 Builder: 8 scouts: 3
Name: Karon Description: A golden raven with glowing silver eyes. Bio: The Karons were formed from gold and given life somehow. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points:1 Strength: 2 Defense: 5 Speed: 7 Agility: 5 Intelligence: 16 Percent To Sentientd: 2% ----------------------- Habitat: High Mountains Food Source: Sciuris Water Source: Pond Pipe Symbioses: --------------- Population:20 Unborn:15 Unemployed:0 Guard:2 Hunters:8
I try to find more kind of prey. I also go to the ocean with some kids to find friendly species there.
Name:Rex caeli ( king of the skies in latin) Population: 2 Description: just a 15 foot dragon made of stars Bio: Unleashed when a million stars caused the biggest ever supernova. --------------------------- Stat Points Strength :5 Defense:5 Speed :4 Agility :5 Intelligence:6 Percent To Sentientd: 1 % ---------------- Habitat: 1 or 2 Food Source : Water Source: Symbioses: Sup ^^
Name:Rex caeli ( king of the skies in latin) Population: 2 Description: just a 15 foot dragon made of stars Bio: Unleashed when a million stars caused the biggest ever supernova. --------------------------- Stat Points Strength :5 Defense:5 Speed :4 Agility :5 Intelligence:6 Percent To Sentientd: 1 % ---------------- Habitat: 1 or 2 Food Source :mons avis ( latin for mountain bird) Water Source: Purified Fresh Water Lake Symbioses: -------------- Population: 10 Builders: 8 Guard: 5 Hunters: 7 I told my builders to start building the perimeter wall so we can sleep sound at night. I like latin names
Discription:A wolf with the wings of a bird or bat coming out of it's back bio:It evolved from wolf like animals that moved from the forest to the mountains. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points:5 Strength:5 Defance:5 Speed:5 Agility:5 Intellegance:13 Percent to sentientd:3% _----_-_-_-z---------- Habitat:2 Food sorce:Bear Dear Water scorce: Puddle in caves Symbiosys: Cleaning bugs ----- Population:20 Unborn: 0 Unemployed: Mates:3 Diggers:3 Hunters:3 Scouts: 2
I send one of the hunters with the scout that saw this and have them both do the same as the bird to find out why this is done.
Name: Targon Description: Wide mouth with grinding teeth, yellow eyes, 8" long, oblong body, smooth skin, two fins on side of body, two long strong fins on back side of body, 1.5" long tail, green tint Bio: The Targon evolved from microorganisms in warm tropical waters. ------------------------------------------- Stat Points:7 Strength: 9 Defense: 7 (water) 5( land) Speed: 9( water) 9 (land) Agility: 7 ( water) 5 (land) Intelligence: 11 Percent to sentience:4% ---------- Habitat: Vast renforced underground tunnels Food source: Sea weed, Krill Water source: the ocean Symbiosis: ----------- Population:43 unborn:20 unemployed:2 Gaurd:3 Gatherers:20 jumpers:2 Builder: 8 scouts: 3
I assign three "mothers" to care for the eggs and hatchlings.