In a twisted world where the zombie virus mutates humans into zombies the lucky few who did not get bitten turned into cats!
Survive, have kittens, rebuild the Ledgendary Clans(Thunder,Wind,River, and Shadow).
The Zombie apocalypse as a cat!
Character Sheet:
Name: (Something pet-ish) Gen: (Male or Female) Type: (Click the link for breeds) Age: 1 week[kitten] Desc: (Fur color, eye color, and other stuff) ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
BE ORIGINAL, Experiment.
Players can interact with each other. Zombies come in the in the night from about 8PM to 4AM in-game. Fill out the character sheet and we will begin!
Name: Tipsy Gen: Male Type: American Polydactyl Age: 7 months Desc: black fur with blue/green eyes Shelter: Roaming cat Claws: Short and Stubby Hiss: Not Terrifying
I check out the window and decide that the broken glass is too dangerous so I cut a square out of one or the seats and drag it over the glass on the window then look for anything that I could possibly use when I get out.
All players are now 1 year old(Young Adult). Please update the character sheet. Time in-game: 12PM Zombies: Very few
Name: Cloud Gen: Female Type: Persian Age: 1 Year(Young Adult) Desc: gray, blue, blue eyes Shelter: Bomb shelter Claws: Short and Stubby Hiss: Not Terrifying
What do you do first, find a pillow for yourself or just explore the city and do something else?
Name: Athorn Gen: Male Type: American Shorthair Age: 1 Year(Young Adult) Desc: (Brown, blue is orange eyes, and longer tail tail) ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: mid size dull Hiss: annoying teeth: dull ------------- Inventory: Strange metal ball -------------
He says: "My name is Callatin. If you don't want to die I suggest you leave me alone."
Name: Tipsy Gen: Male Type: American Polydactyl Age: 1 Year(Young Adult) Desc: black fur with blue/green eyes Shelter: Roaming cat Claws: Short and Stubby Hiss: Not Terrifying
You can't find anything useful, but you manage to find a door leading outside.
Name: Fuzzy Gen: Male Type: Brazillian Shorthair Age: 1 Year(Young Adult) Desc: Gray fur, Hazel eyes Shelter: Roaming Cat Claws: Short and stubby Hiss: Not terrifying Inventory:
She says: "Hello, Fuzzy. I'm guessing that Callatin is gone now since your still alive. Do you know somebody that can kill anything?"
Name: Smokey Gen: Male Type: Nebelung Age: 7 months Desc: Black fur, red eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying. --------- Inventory: ----------
Name: Smokey Gen: Male Type: Nebelung Age: 7 months Desc: Black fur, red eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying. --------- Inventory: ----------
You find an open window that you can climb through. Inside is a long hallway.
Name: Fuzzy Gen: Male Type: Brazillian Shorthair Age: 1 Year(Young Adult) Desc: Gray fur, Hazel eyes Shelter: Roaming Cat Claws: Short and stubby Hiss: Not terrifying Inventory:
She says: "Can you find him and get him to find and kill Pallatin? Be sure to ask him his name so we know what to call him. We need to make sure Pallatin dies."
Name: Fuzzy Gen: Male Type: Brazillian Shorthair Age: 1 Year(Young Adult) Desc: Gray fur, Hazel eyes Shelter: Roaming Cat Claws: Short and stubby Hiss: Not terrifying Inventory:
She replies: "He's the person that killed all of those cats out there. I should go back to my brother now, he's probably looking for me."
Name: Athorn Gen: Male Type: American Shorthair Age: 1 Year(Young Adult) Desc: (Brown, blue is orange eyes, and longer tail tail) ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: mid size dull Hiss: annoying teeth: dull ------------- Inventory: Strange metal ball -------------
He looks at the symbol for a few seconds, then says: "I saw that symbol on a hatch hidden under the river a few days ago. That might have something to do with it."
Name: Tipsy Gen: Male Type: American Polydactyl Age: 1 year Desc: black fur with blue/green eyes Shelter: Roaming cat Claws: Short and Stubby Hiss: Not Terrifying
I go through the door dragging the square of seat fabric with me for something to sleep on later
Name: Tipsy Gen: Male Type: American Polydactyl Age: 1 year Desc: black fur with blue/green eyes Shelter: Roaming cat Claws: Short and Stubby Hiss: Not Terrifying Inventory: seat fabric
Name: Tipsy Gen: Male Type: American Polydactyl Age: 1 year (Young Adult) Desc: black fur with blue/green eyes Shelter: Roaming cat Claws: Short and Stubby Hiss: Not Terrifying Inventory: Seat Fabric
You go through the door. Outside you see a river, some houses and smoke in the distance.
Name: Tipsy Gen: Male Type: American Polydactyl Age: 1 year Desc: black fur with blue/green eyes Shelter: Roaming cat Claws: Short and Stubby Hiss: Not Terrifying Inventory: none
I decide to ditch the fabric, drink from the river and look for signs of life.
Name: Tipsy Gen: Male Type: American Polydactyl Age: 1 year Desc: black fur with blue/green eyes Shelter: Roaming cat Claws: Short and Stubby Hiss: Not Terrifying Inventory:
You drink from the river. After a few minutes of searching you find three cats: Two males and a female.
Name: Smokey Gen: Male Type: Nebelung Age: 7 months Desc: Black fur, red eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying. --------- Inventory: ----------