In a twisted world where the zombie virus mutates humans into zombies the lucky few who did not get bitten turned into cats!
Survive, have kittens, rebuild the Ledgendary Clans(Thunder,Wind,River, and Shadow).
The Zombie apocalypse as a cat!
Character Sheet:
Name: (Something pet-ish) Gen: (Male or Female) Type: (Click the link for breeds) Age: 1 week[kitten] Desc: (Fur color, eye color, and other stuff) ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
BE ORIGINAL, Experiment.
Players can interact with each other. Zombies come in the in the night from about 8PM to 4AM in-game. Fill out the character sheet and we will begin!
Name: Kitler Gen: Male Type: Bombay Age: 6 weeks[kitten] Desc: Black fur, white patch below nose, yellow eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
The machine seems to be creating something but you can't see what it is.
Name: Kitler Gen: Male Type: Bombay Age: 6 weeks[kitten] Desc: Black fur, white patch below nose, yellow eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
And so the zombies come. I'll move past the door and see what's past it.
Name: Smokey Gen: Male Type: Nebelung Age: 1 week[kitten] Desc: Black fur, red eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
Name: Smokey Gen: Male Type: Nebelung Age: 6 weeks Desc: Black fur, red eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
You are standing on a cardboard box next to a pile of rubble that probably used to be a house. You see a zombie. It hasn't noticed you yet but you probably shouldn't attack it because you are tired and you don't have sharp enough claws to harm it. What do you do?
Name: Kitler Gen: Male Type: Bombay Age: 6 weeks[kitten] Desc: Black fur, white patch below nose, yellow eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
Past the door is a set of stairs leading up to the roof. You can probably see where the zombies are from up there.
OK. I think we should get more players now. More spots are currently open.
Name: Smokey Gen: Male Type: Nebelung Age: 6 weeks Desc: Black fur, red eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
I get behind the rubble and try to look for a way away from the zombie without it seeing me.
Name: Athorn Gen: Male Type: American Shorthair Age: 6 week Desc: (Brown, Blue, and Small tail) ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby dull Hiss: Cute
You go down the stairs into the building and see another cat.
Name: Kitler Gen: Male Type: Bombay Age: 6 weeks[kitten] Desc: Black fur, white patch below nose, yellow eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
You see another cat coming down the stairs.
Name: Smokey Gen: Male Type: Nebelung Age: 6 weeks Desc: Black fur, red eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
You get behind the rubble. There doesn't seem to be a way out so you stay there. After a few seconds the zombie walks away. You feel very tired. Do you sleep or try to stay awake and do something else?
Name: Kitler Gen: Male Type: Bombay Age: 6 weeks[kitten] Desc: Black fur, white patch below nose, yellow eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
I'll move past the cat and meow, heading up the stairs.
Name: Kitler Gen: Male Type: Bombay Age: 6 weeks[kitten] Desc: Black fur, white patch below nose, yellow eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
You go past the cat(Omnihero10) and go up the stairs. You are now on the roof.
Omnihero10 and Legion1350 have met each other in the game. You guys should now start to look at each others posts if you haven't done that already.
Name: Kitler Gen: Male Type: Bombay Age: 6 weeks[kitten] Desc: Black fur, white patch below nose, yellow eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
I'll see if I can get a look off the roof and examine the city.
Name: Fluffy Gen: Tomcat Type: American Shorthair Age: 1 week (kitten) Desc: Tabby coat, Green eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat Belly: Plump and Full ------- Claws: Short and Stubby Hiss: Not Terrifying
By the way, is this going to turn into an RP like LEAP's game?
Name: Kitler Gen: Male Type: Bombay Age: 6 weeks[kitten] Desc: Black fur, white patch below nose, yellow eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
You look down to the city. There are a lot of buildings. There is a river, some restaurants, hospitals, houses and just about everything a good city would have. There's also a large warehouse.
Name: Fluffy Gen: Tomcat Type: American Shorthair Age: 6 weeks Desc: Tabby coat, Green eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby Hiss: Not Terrifying
I made your sheet like what it is here(Which isn't very different). It probably won't turn into an RP, since I think that's what caused it to die.
You wake up in a huge building. The lights are on so you can see. It's completely empty. What do you do first?
Name: Kitler Gen: Male Type: Bombay Age: 6 weeks[kitten] Desc: Black fur, white patch below nose, yellow eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
Now I'll try and see if I can get down the stairs and check out the machine again.
Name: Kitler Gen: Male Type: Bombay Age: 6 weeks[kitten] Desc: Black fur, white patch below nose, yellow eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
The machine is making louder sounds. Words come up on a screen saying:OVERHEATING! What do you do?
Name: Kitler Gen: Male Type: Bombay Age: 6 weeks[kitten] Desc: Black fur, white patch below nose, yellow eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.