In a twisted world where the zombie virus mutates humans into zombies the lucky few who did not get bitten turned into cats!
Survive, have kittens, rebuild the Ledgendary Clans(Thunder,Wind,River, and Shadow).
The Zombie apocalypse as a cat!
Character Sheet:
Name: (Something pet-ish) Gen: (Male or Female) Type: (Click the link for breeds) Age: 1 week[kitten] Desc: (Fur color, eye color, and other stuff) ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
BE ORIGINAL, Experiment.
Players can interact with each other. Zombies come in the in the night from about 8PM to 4AM in-game. Fill out the character sheet and we will begin!
Name: Cloud Gen: Female Type: Persian Age: 6 weeks Desc: gray, blue, blue eyes Shelter: Roaming Cat Claws: Short and Stubby Hiss: Not Terrifying
You go with him to the bomb shelter. It's completely empty other than a small pile of mice and some pillows. Alaska says:"Today we should do some hunting to get food. Then we sleep until tomorrow."
All characters are now 3 months old. Please update your character sheet unless I did it for you.
Name: Cloud Gen: Female Type: Persian Age: 3 months Desc: gray, blue, blue eyes Shelter: Bomb shelter Claws: Short and Stubby Hiss: Not Terrifying
You go back to the shelter. Two other cats come out of another room. Alaska says:"These are my other friends. There are only three pillows to sleep on, so either one of us sleeps on the floor or somebody has to share with you."
Name: Fuzzy Gen: Male Type: Brazillian Shorthair Age: 3 months Desc: Gray fur, Hazel eyes Shelter: Roaming Cat Claws: Short and stubby Hiss: Not terrifying
He gets annoyed and slashes at you with his sharp claws. You immediately run away. There are several cuts that are bleeding but there is no severe damage. It really hurts though. What do you do?
Name: Smokey Gen: Male Type: Nebelung Age: 6 weeks Desc: Black fur, red eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
I go back to my cardboard box and sleep inside of it.
Name: Athorn Gen: Male Type: American Shorthair Age: 6 week Desc: (Brown, Blue, and Small tail) ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby dull Hiss: Cute teeth: dull
i tap symbol... if nothing the i look to see for related symbol aroubd...
Time in-game: 10PM Zombies: Lots Name: Smokey Gen: Male Type: Nebelung Age: 6 weeks Desc: Black fur, red eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
You sleep, but only for two hours before something bumps into the box, waking you up. What do you do?
Name: Fuzzy Gen: Male Type: Brazillian Shorthair Age: 3 months Desc: Gray fur, Hazel eyes Shelter: Roaming Cat Claws: Short and stubby Hiss: Not terrifying
You try to find food but the cuts hurt badly;You are unable to catch anything in your present condition.
Name: Athorn Gen: Male Type: American Shorthair Age: 6 week Desc: (Brown, Blue, and Small tail) ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby dull Hiss: Cute
You tap the symbol and nothing happens. It's very dark outside so there are obviously some zombies. Do you try to find shelter or search for the symbol?
Name: Smokey Gen: Male Type: Nebelung Age: 6 weeks Desc: Black fur, red eyes ---------- Shelter: Roaming Cat ------- Claws: Short and Stubby. Hiss: Not Terrifying.
I sneak out the side it didn't bump and see what it is.