In this world, there are people born with strange powers, allowing them to turn into animals they made contact with. THen there are those who, in addition to the first, can also morph them selves. Then there are those who can turn into animals, but also create their own creatures from their known "arts". You are of "type 3". Find out about the mysterious group known as "Y" and why they are hunting you. Abuse your powers, or use them for good. It is your choice. Touch an animal and aqquire its exact form. Mix and match parts between them. But keep your powers a secret, as humanity doesnt like change...
Name: Age: 14-90 Fantasy creatures: (creatures that are otherwise non-existant, hard to get but uselly powerful. You start with one. It must be an adolecent(Baby, child, kid, ECT.) and please specify what type it is if there are types(Such as red european dragon. Blue chinese snake dragon. ECT.) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: (Creatures made from "mixing and matching" parts of your creatures, save their description here with a name that way you dont have to describe what your makeing each time you do it. Starts with none unless you want some "rat-cat" hybrid.) Additional powers: (such as human shapeshifting, whatever your current creature can do, ECT. starts with none)
Please tell me if you think there is anything i should add. I hope you enjoy this game, and it will have a 6 person limit.
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Black European dragon (Child) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Black European dragon (Child) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
Thank you very much. You wake up, dazed and confused in a dense forest. Your are leaning against a mossy stone, and hardly remember anything except your powers. There is an old abandoned wheat mill to the west, a city to the north, more forest to the south, and more forest to the east.
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Black European dragon (Child) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
Name: John Zahar Age: 19 Fantasy creatures: Gryphon (Child) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
Im glad your willing to. You wake up confused and dazed, only remebering your powers. You open your eyes and see you are in an empty bathroom on the side of a country road. There are 2 closed stalls, a broken mirrior and missing sink, and a silver brief case next to the exit door.
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Black European dragon (Child) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
(Note: the more powerful the creature you shape shift into, the harder it is to turn into, and the more worse for wear you are when you turn back human.) You head to the city but hear some muffled foot steps behind you as something hits your head and you black out again. You wake up in what appears to be a shower room with the door closed, rotting tile all over the room, and your tied form your legs to a pole on the celling.
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Black European dragon (Child) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
Ok, thanks. I'll shift into a sewer rat so I fall free.
Name: John Zahar Age: 19 Fantasy creatures: Gryphon (Child) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
It seem unable to be opened and is incredily heavy and very strong.
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Black European dragon (Child) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
You get loose, but it catches your tail, causeing it to be yanked off. It hurts alot, but your limbs are repaired when you shape shift.
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Black European dragon (Child) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
I shift back into a man, and attempt to open the door.
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Black European dragon (Child) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
You open the door. Its a gas station, with a couple rows of chips, a section for candy, a small freezer with 3 subs in it, and a little roaster with some hotdogs on it. The cash register is open with 50$ in it, along with a jacket and some tennis shows under the counter. Looks alot nicer then the rags your wearing. An empty duffle bag is near the counter. Your hungry.
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Black European dragon (Child) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
I'll take the duffle bag, the jacket, the tennis shoes, and the money, and eat a sub.
For once i'm not using a dragon when i'm given a choice of a Fantasy creature... IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Black European dragon (Child) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Duffle bag, 50$, jacket(E), tennis shoes(E). Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
Dont want to load the bag full of food? From the window its a long ways away from any source of civilization. There is a broken down truck in the front, a sleeping bag behind the counter. THe suns lowering, and in the distance you see a horde of something closeing in.
Name: Talow Rosine Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Pegasis (Child) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Additional powers:
You wake up in a vat full of green liquid, along with a breathing mask on your face so you can breath. AS soon as your eyes open, you see a scientist at a machine(your in a pristine white facillity) spot your eyes, and slam the alarm button, he flee's out the door and locks it. 3 gaurds in security armor with assult rifles and yellow Y's on their back point guns at the door. You have no previous memorys except about your powers.
Name: John Zahar Age: 19 Fantasy creatures: Gryphon (Child) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
Exiting the door, you see a city is no where near close, but a man in tattered pants, tennis shoes, and a jacket is helping himself to the food in the small gas station connected to the bathroom.