In this world, there are people born with strange powers, allowing them to turn into animals they made contact with. THen there are those who, in addition to the first, can also morph them selves. Then there are those who can turn into animals, but also create their own creatures from their known "arts". You are of "type 3". Find out about the mysterious group known as "Y" and why they are hunting you. Abuse your powers, or use them for good. It is your choice. Touch an animal and aqquire its exact form. Mix and match parts between them. But keep your powers a secret, as humanity doesnt like change...
Name: Age: 14-90 Fantasy creatures: (creatures that are otherwise non-existant, hard to get but uselly powerful. You start with one. It must be an adolecent(Baby, child, kid, ECT.) and please specify what type it is if there are types(Such as red european dragon. Blue chinese snake dragon. ECT.) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: (Creatures made from "mixing and matching" parts of your creatures, save their description here with a name that way you dont have to describe what your makeing each time you do it. Starts with none unless you want some "rat-cat" hybrid.) Additional powers: (such as human shapeshifting, whatever your current creature can do, ECT. starts with none)
Please tell me if you think there is anything i should add. I hope you enjoy this game, and it will have a 6 person limit.
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Black European dragon (Adolecent) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat, Sabertoothed tiger, Brown bar. Inventory: Duffle bag(7 bags of chips, 2 subs, 30 cooked hot hotdogs), 50$, jacket(E), tennis shoes(E), Locket half left. Faction: None Custom creatures: Dracandros (Human with the head, wings, and claws of a dragon.) Additional powers:
Name: blue wings Age: 18 Fantasy creatures: fox spirit (google a pic. its not a ghost) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
You see its some kind of necklace. Pull away the moss?
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Black European dragon (Adolecent) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat, Sabertoothed tiger, Brown bar. Inventory: Duffle bag(7 bags of chips, 2 subs, 30 cooked hot hotdogs), 50$, jacket(E), tennis shoes(E), Locket half left. Faction: None Custom creatures: Dracandros (Human with the head, wings, and claws of a dragon.) Additional powers:
Your injuries go away. There is a short climb near the wall that you could use as a short cut up, or you can contiue along the path. Its getting dark now.
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Black European dragon (Adolecent) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat, Sabertoothed tiger, Brown bear. Inventory: Duffle bag(7 bags of chips, 2 subs, 30 cooked hot hotdogs), 50$, jacket(E), tennis shoes(E), Locket half left. Faction: None Custom creatures: Dracandros (Human with the head, wings, and claws of a dragon.) Additional powers:
Name: Talow Rosine Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Pegasus (Child) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Additional powers:
ok... lets see... umm... guess my best bet right now to do what i want is to try and grab the staff next time he tries to hit me, and attempt to disarm him.
Name: blue wings Age: 18 Fantasy creatures: fox spirit (google a pic. its not a ghost) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
@ Legion, you go about half way up, but the wall starts to crumble, so you leap to the side on a small out cropping by the wall. There is a cave heading into the mountain, but you cant reach anything else.
@ Sonic, you grab the staff and yank it from him, then hit the dagger from his hands. All of the sudden a task for of armed men in elite army ranger uniforms bust down the door. The ranger leader looks around the building with disgust in his eyes.
The cultists leap to the ground and the cultist leader flips around, grabs his knife, and puts it to your neck, in one fluid motion.
Soldier: SIR! He has a hostage, engage?
Ranger leader: Civilians are witnesses. Take him out.
Soldier: SIR! That is not within the rules and regulations on this mission!
Ranger leader: Screw the rules, i have guns!
The ranger leader fires a shot, peirceing both your arm and the cultist leader's free arm.
@Blue wings, before you can uncover it, you see a sniper red dot trained on your forehead. You hear a voice from the trees talk.
Voice: Yeah, now just back away real slow now kid. Dont want any blood shed here.
He sounds australian and like an assasian. But mostly austrialian.
Sorry for not posting for awhile and not posting the charecter sheets, my computer is really messed up and i have to rush. Sorry.
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Black European dragon (Adolecent) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat, Sabertoothed tiger, Brown bear. Inventory: Duffle bag(7 bags of chips, 2 subs, 30 cooked hot hotdogs), 50$, jacket(E), tennis shoes(E), Locket half left. Faction: None Custom creatures: Dracandros (Human with the head, wings, and claws of a dragon.) Additional powers:
Name: blue wings Age: 18 Fantasy creatures: fox spirit (google a pic. its not a ghost) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
... this might be connected to that power... i cant just let it go like this...
ill quickly change into a rat and grab it and run into a bush/leaves etc.
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Black European dragon (Adolecent) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat, Sabertoothed tiger, Brown bear. Inventory: Duffle bag(7 bags of chips, 2 subs, 30 cooked hot hotdogs), 50$, jacket(E), tennis shoes(E), Locket half left. Faction: None Custom creatures: Dracandros (Human with the head, wings, and claws of a dragon.) Additional powers:
You walk for awhile in it, when suddenly a swarm of bats attack you. (Because in my world, bats are hostile and they attack you)
Name: Talow Rosine Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Pegasus (Child) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Additional powers:
You do so and duck behind the altar. The cultist leader went down, and you spot a mouse hole in the wall.
Name: blue wings Age: 18 Fantasy creatures: fox spirit (google a pic. its not a ghost) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
The moment the necklace leaves its place, a stone wall comes up around the area, spikes portrudeing, and slowly getting closer to skewering you.
Name: blue wings Age: 18 Fantasy creatures: fox spirit (google a pic. its not a ghost) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
i will turn into a sprirt fox and try to jump as high and fast as i can to get away from there.
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Black European dragon (Adolecent) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat, Sabertoothed tiger, Brown bear. Inventory: Duffle bag(7 bags of chips, 2 subs, 30 cooked hot hotdogs), 50$, jacket(E), tennis shoes(E), Locket half left. Faction: None Custom creatures: Dracandros (Human with the head, wings, and claws of a dragon.) Additional powers:
I'll guard myself, shift into a Dracandros, and breath fire on them.
Name: Talow Rosine Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Pegasus (Child) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Additional powers:
The mouse hole is a shallow tunnel, leading out into day light. Behind you, looking back into the room, chaos is about as the cultists and rangers duke it out.
Name: Aleister Pike Age: 14 Fantasy creatures: Black European dragon (Adolecent) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat, Sabertoothed tiger, Brown bear. Inventory: Duffle bag(7 bags of chips, 2 subs, 30 cooked hot hotdogs), 50$, jacket(E), tennis shoes(E), Locket half left. Faction: None Custom creatures: Dracandros (Human with the head, wings, and claws of a dragon.) Additional powers:
They quickly turn to ashs, with one dropping a key. On it is inscribed: This key to three, gold and silver for thee, salvation for some, and triumph for me. The key open 3, but one use it has. Choose wisly. Before you appears a door to the left, with a gold key lock and a elephant picture on it, to your right a door with a bronze key lock, with a wolf picture on it, and infront of you a chest with a silver key lock, and no picture on it.
Name: blue wings Age: 18 Fantasy creatures: fox spirit (google a pic. its not a ghost) Normal creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom creatures: Additional powers:
A roof drops down over it, but part of the wall blows up as your would be assassian busts in, aiming his rifle at you saying "Alright kiddo, now hand over that there necklace and no one loses an eye."
Name: Varised Age: 32 Fantasy Creatures: Gate Keeper (small) Normal Creatures: Sewer Rat, Tabby Cat Inventory: Faction: None Custom Creatures: Additional Powers:
(Its basiclly a big fat flesh golem, and it kind of gaurd other deminsions, as it protects the keys to mania and demintia)
He ignores you, hears a bang outside, and runs out to do something.