ForumsForum GamesThe Superhuman: Grand Reopening

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After some thoughts, I decided to give The Superhuman RPG another go. I hope this will work out.

As you run from the soldiers, you turn around and see yourself get zapped by a purple lightning. You wake up in the hospital and get up. You change your clothes and head out. This is the world of Jorge, a completely different world from The Superhuman 2. The soldiers from before-

"Hey! That's the guy, get him/her!"

Your main objective:
Find a cure for yourself, through the dangers and mishaps of Jorge.

Character Sheet

Name: (Any name you might think of)
Gender: Male/Female
Age: 18-30
Super Power: (Not too overpowered)
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 100/100

Don't need any explanations, right? Good.

  • 1,331 Replies
5,340 posts

Name: Blue Wings
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Water Manipulation
Level: 12
XP: 21/75
HP: 90/145
Hunger: 32/100
Berserk Form Abilities Available:
Cloning, No Effect From Physical Things, No Breathing, Lightning Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Fire Manipulation
Lightning Form Abilities Available:
Lightning Speed, No Effect From Physical Things, No Breathing, Cloning, Lightning Chain, Lightning Manipulation
Inventory: $1000

[ok why not?]

i will create a really big hole and let everybody inside it. then i will freeze the ceiling. once the avalanche stops i will get us out of there.

4,710 posts

Name: Zack Full-Force Elite McAllistor
Awards: Killing Madness Slayer
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape-shifting
Level: 14
XP: 20/85
HP: 200/300
Hunger: 92/100
Appre; Earth Manipulation; HP: 215/215
Inventory: Enhancer, Shape-shifting Dragon Armor, Legendary Dragon Sword, $8500, walkie-talkie
Devil Form Abilities And Cons:
No Breathing, Cloning, Shifting Into Unbelievable Things, Needs To Feast, Availability To Fire Manipulation

(so this fight is for the diamonds? sounds like avatar...)

ok, i shift into a rubber human made out of extreme bouncy rubber with cheeta legs and blade arms, then i run and jump towards them to kill them by cutting their heads of or by destroying their hearts/lungs. then i slice the heads of the paralyzed guards of too.

1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 11
XP: 57/70
HP: 145/185
Hunger: 45/100
Manite; Shape-shifting; HP: 110/260
Caroline; Lava Manipulation; HP: 5/185
Caroline Red Earth Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Earth Manipulation, Faster Reflex
Fire Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart

Fire Vapour Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Has Better Fire Manipulation Than Fire Form, Water Manipulation
Inventory: $59970

I tell Manite to carry me and Caroline up once we are up I will flood the whole place with water and then Manite can send huge Electric bolts into water. If I can't do that then I will shoot water at the scientist soaking her up and Manite will turn into a Electric dragon and shoot tons of electric bolts at her.

2,300 posts

Name: Blue Wings
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Water Manipulation
Level: 12
XP: 21/75
HP: 90/145
Hunger: 31/100
Azmodan; Osteokinesis; HP: 180/180
Berserk Form Abilities Available:
Cloning, No Effect From Physical Things, No Breathing, Lightning Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Fire Manipulation
Lightning Form Abilities Available:
Lightning Speed, No Effect From Physical Things, No Breathing, Cloning, Lightning Chain, Lightning Manipulation
Inventory: $1000


Name: Keket
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Super Power: Darkness Manipulation
Level: 10
XP: 21/65
HP: 145/145
Hunger: 85/100
Shadow; Minion
Geek; Matter Manipulation; HP: 150/150
Geek's Matterion Form Abilities:
No Effect On Physical Attacks, Cloning, Making Matters, Shifting Into Matters
Shadow Shift
Shadow Form Abilities:
No Breathing, Flying, Cloning, Demonic, No Effect From Physical Things, Can Split Apart
Shadowlight Form Abilities:
Absorbs Light, Absorbs Darkness, Flying, Looks Undefined, No Effect From Physical Things, Can Split Apart, Better Darkness Manipulation Than Shadow Form, Cloning, Light Manipulation
Inventory: Dark bracelet, $5000

Okay! Azmodan data added.

How would I do this...?

Keket didn't reply today. How could she know the situation?

But anyway, I still have to answer you.

You make a big hole and everyone gets inside. Except the ship.

Of course, Azmodan brought Gerth down.

But suddenly, Gerth's body exploded the ice away that froze him.

Gerth's body laid still on the snow. Then, his eyes rolled open and jerked his body up.

"Azmodan!" Gerth says. "Geek! Both of you, get me a Killing Madness guy! Anyone!"

They both say, "Yes, sir!"

Gerth is Earth's leader, no doubt. And Azmodan and Geek are high-ranked soldiers, but under his command.

The avalanche was gone, so Azmodan made his hands become bone shovels and dug out the way out.

Well, they would still be your allies. They won't be here for you guys if you don't help them. It would be twice as longer if you didn't.

Gerth looks at both of you.

"Keket, Blue, as I remember. Jorge-lings. They are our enemies, but I can treat you as humans. We are at war with Jorge. And there is a superior superhuman named Zack sent out to missions to destroy us. We, Earth, actually do not want war. Jorge's jealousy brought this war. If you want to stop it, you can help me do so."

Keket won't probably reply in a few more days, I assume. Blue, what do you think? This would mean betrayal to Jorge.


Name: Zack Full-Force Elite McAllistor
Awards: Killing Madness Slayer
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape-shifting
Level: 14
XP: 30/85
HP: 200/300
Hunger: 91/100
Appre; Earth Manipulation; HP: 215/215
Inventory: Enhancer, Shape-shifting Dragon Armor, Legendary Dragon Sword, $8500, walkie-talkie
Devil Form Abilities And Cons:
No Breathing, Cloning, Shifting Into Unbelievable Things, Needs To Feast, Availability To Fire Manipulation

You change into a rubber human made out of extreme rubber and with cheetah legs and blade arms. You jump towards them. One lightning guy shot you with lightning, then he forgot that lightning doesn't conduct to rubber.


The head dropped.

(10 XP)

The guards sprinted away like the slaughterer chasing chickens.

Alright! You cut off the paralyzed people too.

There was a loud noise that came from the cannon.

In a millisecond, a black cannonball traveled from the barrel to the space.

But, the black cannonball appeared in reverse of the direction back. One cannon was destroyed. The other one is not. The problem with Alya Teleporte that it is not made tactical yet. So, it is only for traveling. Each portal only appears in 5 posts. That's five days if I reply every day. And I do reply once every day.

The second one was about to blast it off. Back in the ship, the elemental manipulator fell unconscious because of space sickness.

You have a few minutes.


Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 11
XP: 62/70
HP: 145/185
Hunger: 35/100
Manite; Shape-shifting; HP: 110/260
Caroline; Lava Manipulation; HP: 5/185
Caroline Red Earth Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Earth Manipulation, Faster Reflex
Fire Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart

Fire Vapour Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Has Better Fire Manipulation Than Fire Form, Water Manipulation
Inventory: $59970

Manite carries you and Caroline in the form of an electric dragon. You flood the whole place with water and Manite shoots electrical bolts.

The water conducts electricity. The woman defended herself by surrounding plasma around her. The electricity did penetrate through the plasma, but didn't go through the woman's brains.

(5 XP)

She presses a button on her watch. Oh yeah, it's shockproof (Can be dropped until a certain height) and waterproof.

Small holes start to open up and the water is just sucked into in.

"Don't flood it. The space used for the water is infinite. I designed this myself ever since I abducted you," She smiles, soaked in water. But she surrounds herself in plasma.

Then, she shoots an ion beam towards you.

5,340 posts

Name: Blue Wings
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Water Manipulation
Level: 12
XP: 21/75
HP: 90/145
Hunger: 31/100
Azmodan; Osteokinesis; HP: 180/180
Berserk Form Abilities Available:
Cloning, No Effect From Physical Things, No Breathing, Lightning Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Fire Manipulation
Lightning Form Abilities Available:
Lightning Speed, No Effect From Physical Things, No Breathing, Cloning, Lightning Chain, Lightning Manipulation
Inventory: $1000

[wow... im really sorry but now im totally lost. you do know i didnt read any of the other players stories right? i have no idea who those people are, what planets exist, and i have even less of an idea how i got in this situation right now. also, i never knew im with jorge (thats a planet right?). could you give me some kind of explenation or a summary of whats going on in this story?]

4,710 posts

"Azmodan!" Gerth says. "Geek! Both of you, get me a Killing Madness guy! Anyone!"

They both say, "Yes, sir!"

Gerth is Earth's leader, no doubt. And Azmodan and Geek are high-ranked soldiers, but under his command.

The avalanche was gone, so Azmodan made his hands become bone shovels and dug out the way out.

Well, they would still be your allies. They won't be here for you guys if you don't help them. It would be twice as longer if you didn't.

Gerth looks at both of you.

"Keket, Blue, as I remember. Jorge-lings. They are our enemies, but I can treat you as humans. We are at war with Jorge. And there is a superior superhuman named Zack sent out to missions to destroy us. We, Earth, actually do not want war. Jorge's jealousy brought this war. If you want to stop it, you can help me do so."

i hope i have not to fight them...

Name: Zack Full-Force Elite McAllistor
Awards: Killing Madness Slayer
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape-shifting
Level: 14
XP: 30/85
HP: 200/300
Hunger: 91/100
Appre; Earth Manipulation; HP: 215/215
Inventory: Enhancer, Shape-shifting Dragon Armor, Legendary Dragon Sword, $8500, walkie-talkie
Devil Form Abilities And Cons:
No Breathing, Cloning, Shifting Into Unbelievable Things, Needs To Feast, Availability To Fire Manipulation

(as i thought, i am the bad guy that fights with the war-starters...i begin to think of abandoning jorge...)

i shift into lightning and try to stop the cannon ball while appre and the metal manipulator destroy the other cannon. if i cant turn into lightning i shift into a dragon to stop the cannon ball with my body.

by the way, what happens if i die?
3,042 posts

Name: Kaytawna
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Super Power: Animal Manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 18/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 93/100

I step on the snake symbol

1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 11
XP: 62/70
HP: 145/185
Hunger: 35/100
Manite; Shape-shifting; HP: 110/260
Caroline; Lava Manipulation; HP: 5/185
Caroline Red Earth Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Earth Manipulation, Faster Reflex
Fire Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart

Fire Vapour Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Has Better Fire Manipulation Than Fire Form, Water Manipulation
Inventory: $59970

" Manite, is there a way for Caroline to recover ? " I will shoot really intensified fire at the woman and Manite will turn into a Fire dragon to join me in the attack.

2,300 posts

Name: Blue Wings
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Water Manipulation
Level: 12
XP: 21/75
HP: 90/145
Hunger: 30/100
Azmodan; Osteokinesis; HP: 180/180
Berserk Form Abilities Available:
Cloning, No Effect From Physical Things, No Breathing, Lightning Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Fire Manipulation
Lightning Form Abilities Available:
Lightning Speed, No Effect From Physical Things, No Breathing, Cloning, Lightning Chain, Lightning Manipulation
Inventory: $1000

Lols, okay.

Time to do what I'm doing in writing stories.

When the Big Bang occurred, a goddess named Azure appeared. There were two planets that worshiped her. Azure wishes to spread equality to both the planets. But Jorge was less to worship than business when Earth had more. So, Azure was more towards Earth than Jorge, which made Jorge jealous. And then, the war began.

Azure realizes she is at fault, then tries to make them equal by sending a purple bolt to one of Jorge's biggest oceans. The purple bolt when touched will provide the person superpowers. That's where Gerth comes in. Jorge wasn't appreciating Azure's blessings so he sent a missionary with no name. He went to Jorge and touched the purple bolt. Azure specially selected his power, which is Memory Keeper, which lets people can remember something instantly and remember it forever, and Purple Bolt Manipulation, which lets the user shoot the purple bolt to people in order to give them super powers, just like you and Keket. And now, Gerth wants you to stop the war, whether surrendering or winning, but Jorge just wants domination, whether Earth surrendered or not. Azure couldn't do anything else, really. So, Gerth tried every way to stop it, including winning the war. Ever since the cast of the Purple Bolt, there had also been cases of super powers in Earth, but some of them treasured it, like Azmodan and Geek. Are you on course now?


Name: Zack Full-Force Elite McAllistor
Awards: Killing Madness Slayer
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape-shifting
Level: 14
XP: 35/85
HP: 200/300
Hunger: 90/100
Appre; Earth Manipulation; HP: 215/215
Inventory: Enhancer, Shape-shifting Dragon Armor, Legendary Dragon Sword, $8500, walkie-talkie
Devil Form Abilities And Cons:
No Breathing, Cloning, Shifting Into Unbelievable Things, Needs To Feast, Availability To Fire Manipulation

Ahaha! Actually, you will. It depends, though. If the battle is involved in the war, it's either they die or you die. If you die, you'll stay the same, as always, but play in another galaxy, not knowing about the war at all. You will be pronounced dead in the history of war. Maybe in History lesson, your name will be stated inside the textbooks, Zack, who fought for Jorge, but lost to Keket and Blue. Haha! Possibility, Blue and Keket might die and say they fought for Earth. But, in the end, the fight between you and both of them benefits all in XP, but not in war.

Okay, the question about what happens when you die.

You will be sent to another world, really. I've got a new world prepared, actually. For anyone who's gonna die.

Okay, back to business.

You turn into a lightning elemental and go towards the cannonball.

Well, when the cannonball was shot and you envelop the ball, slowing it down. The cannonball was going to crash in a lightning generator. Bad. Appre made the cannon's material block the barrels.

(5 XP)

If the lightning generator explodes, okay.

You will get absorbed into it faster than the generator will be destroyed. Since you don't really have the reactions of a Super Reflex guy, you can't get out of there. The cannonball will destroy the generator with you in it. Which would mean in loss of lightning, everything lightning.


Name: Kaytawna
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Super Power: Animal Manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 18/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 92/100

Okay, you step on the snake symbol platform. Something clicks from the snake statue. Aha! A clue!

But, comes a clue with an enemy.

Fire traps appear under you.

Uh oh.


Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 11
XP: 65/70
HP: 145/185
Hunger: 25/100
Manite; Shape-shifting; HP: 110/260
Caroline; Lava Manipulation; HP: 5/185
Caroline Red Earth Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Earth Manipulation, Faster Reflex
Fire Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart

Fire Vapour Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Has Better Fire Manipulation Than Fire Form, Water Manipulation
Inventory: $59970

"The only way to heal Caroline is to give her food or level up. Leveling up is probably better, since you don't have any food right now and only 8 XP is left until the next level," says Manite.

You shoot intensified fire to the ion beam and they dissipate each other.

(3 XP)

5 more XP to go.

Manite turns into a fire dragon. The heat you feel on him adds to your power temporarily. If you weren't a fire manipulator, you will be burned. Manite shoots fire to the woman. She simply made thick plasma appear in front of her, shielding herself from the attack.


5,340 posts

Name: Blue Wings
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Water Manipulation
Level: 12
XP: 21/75
HP: 90/145
Hunger: 30/100
Azmodan; Osteokinesis; HP: 180/180
Berserk Form Abilities Available:
Cloning, No Effect From Physical Things, No Breathing, Lightning Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Fire Manipulation
Lightning Form Abilities Available:
Lightning Speed, No Effect From Physical Things, No Breathing, Cloning, Lightning Chain, Lightning Manipulation
Inventory: $1000

[well right now i think id be with earth... still i feel like i just started playing... how was i supposed to know all those things?]

4,710 posts

Name: Zack Full-Force Elite McAllistor
Awards: Killing Madness Slayer
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape-shifting
Level: 14
XP: 35/85
HP: 200/300
Hunger: 90/100
Appre; Earth Manipulation; HP: 215/215
Inventory: Enhancer, Shape-shifting Dragon Armor, Legendary Dragon Sword, $8500, walkie-talkie
Devil Form Abilities And Cons:
No Breathing, Cloning, Shifting Into Unbelievable Things, Needs To Feast, Availability To Fire Manipulation

but i want not to kill them! i want to end the war with as less dead people as possible. i didnt know why i was sent to earth...

anyway, i shift into stone, to be immune to the generators and to make the cannon ball slower and to let it fall to the ground faster before it would hit the generator. i have to find a way to stop this war without killing someone...

4,584 posts

Name: Keket
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Super Power: Darkness Manipulation
Level: 10
XP: 21/65
HP: 145/145
Hunger: 85/100
Shadow; Minion
Geek; Matter Manipulation; HP: 150/150
Geek's Matterion Form Abilities:
No Effect On Physical Attacks, Cloning, Making Matters, Shifting Into Matters
Shadow Shift
Shadow Form Abilities:
No Breathing, Flying, Cloning, Demonic, No Effect From Physical Things, Can Split Apart
Shadowlight Form Abilities:
Absorbs Light, Absorbs Darkness, Flying, Looks Undefined, No Effect From Physical Things, Can Split Apart, Better Darkness Manipulation Than Shadow Form, Cloning, Light Manipulation
Inventory: Dark bracelet, $5000

"I can see why Earth doesn't want to go to war but sometimes violence is the only option you have other then giving up." I say and prepare for a fight.

3,042 posts

Name: Kaytawna
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Super Power: Animal Manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 18/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 93/100

Ok, i push the snake statue on the snake symbol.or the space infront.

1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 11
XP: 65/70
HP: 145/185
Hunger: 25/100
Manite; Shape-shifting; HP: 110/260
Caroline; Lava Manipulation; HP: 5/185
Caroline Red Earth Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Earth Manipulation, Faster Reflex
Fire Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart

Fire Vapour Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Has Better Fire Manipulation Than Fire Form, Water Manipulation
Inventory: $59970

I tell Manite to turn into a elemental dragon and to shoot all the elements in one blast I will turn into Fire Vapour form to join in the attack to make the elements stronger.

2,300 posts

Name: Blue Wings
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Water Manipulation
Level: 12
XP: 21/75
HP: 90/145
Hunger: 29/100
Azmodan; Osteokinesis; HP: 180/180
Berserk Form Abilities Available:
Cloning, No Effect From Physical Things, No Breathing, Lightning Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Fire Manipulation
Lightning Form Abilities Available:
Lightning Speed, No Effect From Physical Things, No Breathing, Cloning, Lightning Chain, Lightning Manipulation
Inventory: $1000


Name: Keket
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Super Power: Darkness Manipulation
Level: 10
XP: 21/65
HP: 145/145
Hunger: 84/100
Shadow; Minion
Geek; Matter Manipulation; HP: 150/150
Geek's Matterion Form Abilities:
No Effect On Physical Attacks, Cloning, Making Matters, Shifting Into Matters
Shadow Shift
Shadow Form Abilities:
No Breathing, Flying, Cloning, Demonic, No Effect From Physical Things, Can Split Apart
Shadowlight Form Abilities:
Absorbs Light, Absorbs Darkness, Flying, Looks Undefined, No Effect From Physical Things, Can Split Apart, Better Darkness Manipulation Than Shadow Form, Cloning, Light Manipulation
Inventory: Dark bracelet, $5000

Okay, Blue hasn't decided whether to help or not.

Well, I didn't know you didn't read other stories. I assumed you did. I'm sorry. But I need you to read everyone's stories as this will be important to your gameplay on this RPG.

But Keket decided to help. You go off with Geek to find a Killing Madness person, leaving Blue behind. Well, this reunion was useless but a progress further into the story.

Okay, Keket, you return back to Jorge to find that lady in Barbarian Village, since there's a Killing Madness lady there.

You landed outside Barbarian Village and get assaulted by a lightning demon.

Blue, Gerth is waiting. He has all the time he needs, actually.


Name: Zack Full-Force Elite McAllistor
Awards: Killing Madness Slayer
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape-shifting
Level: 14
XP: 40/85
HP: 180/300
Hunger: 89/100
Appre; Earth Manipulation; HP: 215/215
Inventory: Enhancer, Shape-shifting Dragon Armor, Legendary Dragon Sword, $8500, walkie-talkie
Devil Form Abilities And Cons:
No Breathing, Cloning, Shifting Into Unbelievable Things, Needs To Feast, Availability To Fire Manipulation

Well, Jorge is using every way possible to dominate Earth, even if Earth surrendered, no. Jorge wants to destroy Earth and they are gladiators, never accepting surrender. Just heads.

You turn into stone and push yourself at the cannonball, destroying roads instead.

(5 XP)

But you did get a bit of damage.

-(20 HP)

Well, you are sent to Earth to.. Destroy Earth, really. Since you're their hero.

You can change their hearts, provided you have a very moving speech.

Appre calls through the walkie-talkie, "Are you alright?! Are you hurt?!"


Name: Kaytawna
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Super Power: Animal Manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 18/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 92/100

You push the snake statue to the snake symbol and another click sound was made. This time, it came from the lever. Luckily, the fire trap was covered by the statue. The lever from the snake statue was suddenly pulled down, like an invisible hand pulling it. Note: There's no invisible hands. Okay?

Then, you see an elephant, bigger than the usual elephant, charging like a barbarian towards you.


Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 12
XP: 0/75
HP: 200/200
Hunger: 15/100
Manite; Shape-shifting; HP: 285/285
Caroline; Lava Manipulation; HP: 200/200
Caroline Red Earth Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Earth Manipulation, Faster Reflex
Fire Vapour Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Has Better Fire Manipulation Than Fire Form, Water Manipulation

Physical Flame Form Abilities And Cons:
Flight, Cloning, Cannot Shoot Fire, Uses Fire Melee Weapons, Stronger Than Fire Vapour In Melee Combat
Inventory: $59970

Manite turns into an elemental dragon-

Wait, he won't be able to. No dragons were able to shoot all elements, let alone shoot them all. You need another tactic and Manite doesn't have Devil Form unlike Zack.

Your fire destroyed her shield, making her vulnerable for a post.

(5 XP)

Level up!!

You accidentally transform into Physical Flame Form. It's a form that limits you to attacking in melee combat, but multiplying the power of Fire Vapour attacks by tenfold, at least, which is actually very good.

She charges a plasma beam.

Showing 1231-1245 of 1331