ForumsForum GamesThe Superhuman: Grand Reopening

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After some thoughts, I decided to give The Superhuman RPG another go. I hope this will work out.

As you run from the soldiers, you turn around and see yourself get zapped by a purple lightning. You wake up in the hospital and get up. You change your clothes and head out. This is the world of Jorge, a completely different world from The Superhuman 2. The soldiers from before-

"Hey! That's the guy, get him/her!"

Your main objective:
Find a cure for yourself, through the dangers and mishaps of Jorge.

Character Sheet

Name: (Any name you might think of)
Gender: Male/Female
Age: 18-30
Super Power: (Not too overpowered)
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 100/100

Don't need any explanations, right? Good.

  • 1,331 Replies
694 posts

i aborb the enemeys

4,710 posts

Name: issac
Gender: Male
Age: 10
Super Power: can absorb anything
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 100/100
invotory none needed
energy gose down

you are too overpowered, you know that you lose hunger points if you use your powers? if you would lose energy too then you could die by using your power.
1,447 posts

Are my powers and Pyro's the same ?

2,300 posts

Sorry I was late, guys. I had work to do.

And wow! Two moar people!

Wait, Zack is right. Absorbing any powers is OP.


Name: Pyro
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Fire Manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 10/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 99/100

You make a fire wall in front of you and send it towards them.

"What in blazes?!"

And ironically, the soldiers were all in blazes.

(10 XP)

Your mind flashed an image. A girl, a sister. She'll knows the answers to your awakening and the war between Earth and Jorge.

But right now, you have to deal with a wormhair.

The Superhuman 2 and The Superhuman: Legend Of The Purple Bolt players like thebluerabbit; he quit; and sasukemystery knows about it.

A wormhair is a giant hairy worm, that cause earthquakes every time it moves. And there is always at least a scientist inside it to study the worm.

Rare wormhairs have 4 brains. None have 5, unless they're genetically modified.

Luckily, you'll only have to destroy one brain, by getting inside or burning it.

But first, the defense mechanism. It makes a fissure that will send you down and crash you.


Name: Jericho
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Super Power: Blood Solids Manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 100/100
Allies: N/A

Hello, Mooncity! I thought you quit.

Anyway, I'll set you in a different scenario.

You are on Earth and you somehow got those powers, maybe by a virus, you don't know.

But Gerth, the Earth's leader has all the answers you need. And maybe perhaps you have the heart to stop the danger of your life.

First, I'll have to warm you up! *Rubbing hands*

*It's getting hot*

You are attacked by a demon by your size and it controls air.

At the max, you can make a blood mallet four times your size.


Name: Zack Full-Force Elite McAllistor
Awards: Killing Madness Slayer
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape-shifting
Level: 14
XP: 48/85
HP: 180/300
Hunger: 83/100
Appre; Earth Manipulation; HP: 215/215
Inventory: Enhancer, Shape-shifting Dragon Armor, Legendary Dragon Sword, walkie-talkie
Devil Form Abilities And Cons:
No Breathing, Cloning, Shifting Into Unbelievable Things, Needs To Feast, Availability To Fire Manipulation

Sorry, I tend to forget after replying your post, typing in long sentences and paragraphs.

The man's head shakes. He can't.

"I have a place I need to go to, but not where Gerth is. It's a really important matter too."

From now on, if you return to Jorge, you will be known as Public Enemy Number 1. But you stick have the title, 'Full-Force Elite' for being the strongest in this RPG.

Anyway, you set off for Everest.

When you reach there, you see Gerth outside, not even wearing any coats to warm him up. Appre covered you with thin and woven earth coats.

"Zack? What? Jorge sent you to kill me? You know, I am a smart man. When you made that speech back a few posts, I couldn't believe a word you said, because you might still work under Jorge and they might be acting. So why bother? I was dead last time. But now Jorge knows of my presence because of Rapyion. That blasted idiot."

Gerth makes a rock minion appear, and it's a giant one, and sturdy one.

"Go, Poler, crush their bones to bits!"

And it went, crushing snow under its feet.


Name: Issac
Gender: Male
Age: [Insert age, from 18-30]
Super Power: [Insert not-OP power]
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 100/100

Please fill it up before we start. The power is definitely too OP. Not just OP, but too OP.


Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 12
XP: 10/75
HP: 200/200
Hunger: 90/100
Manite; Shape-shifting; HP: 285/285
Caroline; Lava Manipulation; HP: 200/200
Caroline Red Earth Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Earth Manipulation, Faster Reflex
Fire Vapour Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Has Better Fire Manipulation Than Fire Form, Water Manipulation

Physical Flame Form Abilities And Cons:
Flight, Cloning, Cannot Shoot Fire, Uses Fire Melee Weapons, Stronger Than Fire Vapour In Melee Combat
Inventory: $59940

Yes. Almost exactly. I will see how he plays. What style he likes. Rare RPG players like to play melee. Like Zack.

You burn the bones through your fire and shot both of them water and fire respectively. They reacted, blocking the shot with thick layers of more bones.

"What the? Kill the gang."

One summoned up a bone minion, slightly taller than him.

He pointed towards you and the minion went.

The other one stabs his bony hands into the ground and a bone wall emerged in front of him. The wall in front was spiked with more bones. He moves it towards you.

The one who summoned the minion sent bone missiles towards you.

A whole lot of attacks, eh?

1,060 posts

Name: Jericho
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Super Power: Blood Solids Manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 100/100
Allies: N/A

I make a sword about 1.5m (5ft) long and I slash the demon.
I forgot I joined.

694 posts

Name: issac
Gender: Male
Age: 10
Super shape shifting
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 100/100
invotory n/a
turns back when huger is low cant use it afterwards untill he eats

4,710 posts

Name: Zack Full-Force Elite McAllistor
Awards: Killing Madness Slayer
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape-shifting
Level: 14
XP: 48/85
HP: 180/300
Hunger: 83/100
Appre; Earth Manipulation; HP: 215/215
Inventory: Enhancer, Shape-shifting Dragon Armor, Legendary Dragon Sword, walkie-talkie
Devil Form Abilities And Cons:
No Breathing, Cloning, Shifting Into Unbelievable Things, Needs To Feast, Availability To Fire Manipulation

i let appre stop the earth minion, then i say loud enough so gerth hears it: "i am not here to kill you. in fact, i wont kill anylonger. i am sick of killing others. plus, i want to help you. you can test me if you want, you can punish me for what i have done in the past, but please, i want to end this war with as less killed people as possible."

694 posts

Name: issac
Gender: Male
Age: 10
Super shape shifting
Level: 1
XP: 0/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 100/100
invotory n/a
turns back when huger is low cant use it afterwards untill he eats

me too i say appering next to you

1,044 posts

Name: Pyro
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Fire Manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 10/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 99/100

I blast the hairworm with fire. I hopefully catch it's hair on fire.

1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 12
XP: 10/75
HP: 200/200
Hunger: 90/100
Manite; Shape-shifting; HP: 285/285
Caroline; Lava Manipulation; HP: 200/200
Caroline Red Earth Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Earth Manipulation, Faster Reflex
Fire Vapour Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Has Better Fire Manipulation Than Fire Form, Water Manipulation

Physical Flame Form Abilities And Cons:
Flight, Cloning, Cannot Shoot Fire, Uses Fire Melee Weapons, Stronger Than Fire Vapour In Melee Combat
Inventory: $59940

I will fly up, Manite will turn to a Lava dragon and carry Caroline up then Caroline and Manite will shoot lava to flood the place and then once there is enough lava Manite will turn to a water dragon and will shoot water to the lava and so will I.

2,300 posts

Name: Jericho
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Super Power: Blood Solids Manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 5/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 99/100
Allies: N/A

At the range of the sword, your sword's tip sliced the demon's insides, but still alive, automatically filled up by air. This would only be temporary.

(5 XP)

Then, it shoots air ripples that could cut bone.


Name: Zack Full-Force Elite McAllistor
Awards: Killing Madness Slayer
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape-shifting
Level: 14
XP: 53/85
HP: 180/300
Hunger: 82/100
Appre; Earth Manipulation; HP: 215/215
Inventory: Enhancer, Shape-shifting Dragon Armor, Legendary Dragon Sword, walkie-talkie
Devil Form Abilities And Cons:
No Breathing, Cloning, Shifting Into Unbelievable Things, Needs To Feast, Availability To Fire Manipulation

Gerth is a loving human. He's just insecure because most Jorge-lings are cruel to the core.

Appre stops the earth minion, but instead controlling the minion.

(5 XP)

Gerth takes your word for this.

"If you betray, I will kill. Simple."

Gerth's super power is unknown, it could be anything or fixed on one super power only. No one knows for sure, but in fights, he usually summons minions to do the work, the minions that are bound by him.

"Our first move was actually to win over Jorge, since surrendering won't do. They're stupid, I know. It seems they want the challenge. We've tried reasoning, but they struck us down, luckily, all of us managed to escape that meeting."

So, to win over Jorge? Because no words can penetrate their hatred for Earth.

Now, you're free-willed, but with an objective. You won't be sent on missions, since Gerth has no commanding power over you.

Gerth frowns in frustration.

"Stupid demons. Jorge must've gotten a formula to summon monsters again."

A super-strength behemoth rises from the snow. Mount Everest already got felled, since dragons in Blue Wings' and Keket's adventure could have caused the rupture. And there was even a big snowball that rolled down the mountain.

Behemoth, the first time I've used the word. Yep!


Name: Pyro
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Fire Manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 15/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 98/100


The bushy hair on the worm caught on fire!

(5 XP)

The wormhair went wild, causing earthquakes from that spot to the surrounding area. The earthquakes caused a fissure measuring about 500 metres towards you.

You have limits on how much damage you can cause, but you are free to use any form of fire.

You can't outrun the rupture on ground. If I were you, I'd be able to move out of the ground.


Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 12
XP: 17/75
HP: 200/200
Hunger: 80/100
Manite; Shape-shifting; HP: 285/285
Caroline; Lava Manipulation; HP: 200/200
Caroline Red Earth Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Earth Manipulation, Faster Reflex
Fire Vapour Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Has Better Fire Manipulation Than Fire Form, Water Manipulation

Physical Flame Form Abilities And Cons:
Flight, Cloning, Cannot Shoot Fire, Uses Fire Melee Weapons, Stronger Than Fire Vapour In Melee Combat
Inventory: $59940

I see you don't like the Physical Flame Form. Never mind that. Let's focus on the fight.

You fly up, Manite turns into a lava dragon and carries-

Caroline declines the offer. She turns into her Red Earth Form.

She flies up and shoots lava together with Manite.

The lava covers the minion, the bone wall and the bone missiles. Your water made them into rock almost immediately.

(7 XP)

They ran, because they have seen such power in your gang.

The bar was empty and charred from the ceiling to the floor.

The owner was counting his money in his room, but he hears the noise and comes out.


And how much? $100000. Something you couldn't afford. He also doesn't accept workers anymore because it's full.

Be wary if you want to attack him. He's a super-speed guy and a lead manipulator. Fast and deadly.

1,044 posts

Name: Pyro
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Fire Manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 10/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 99/100

I use fire to create thrust, thereby lifting myself off the ground.

1,060 posts

Name: Jericho
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Super Power: Blood Solids Manipulation
Level: 1
XP: 5/20
HP: 50/50
Hunger: 99/100
Allies: N/A

I make my word into a shield that will hopefully at least decrease the damage the ripples cause.

4,710 posts

Name: Zack Full-Force Elite McAllistor
Awards: Killing Madness Slayer
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Shape-shifting
Level: 14
XP: 53/85
HP: 180/300
Hunger: 82/100
Appre; Earth Manipulation; HP: 215/215
Inventory: Enhancer, Shape-shifting Dragon Armor, Legendary Dragon Sword, walkie-talkie
Devil Form Abilities And Cons:
No Breathing, Cloning, Shifting Into Unbelievable Things, Needs To Feast, Availability To Fire Manipulation

i distract the behemoth with throwing fire balls at him while appre uses the earth minion to attack the behemoth. if he destroys the minion appre uses the stone pieces to distract the behemoth while i attack him with blade arms after i flew into the air, using my dragon wings.

if i have to use the devil form just to throw the fire balls then appre uses the minion to distract the behemoth, if the minion gets destroyed she uses the pieces to distract the behemoth while i attack him from behind, using my blade arms to cut through his flesh, then i jump up with my rubber legs while my blade arms are still inside him.

1,447 posts

Name: Viet Anh
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Super Power: Pyromaster
Level: 12
XP: 17/75
HP: 200/200
Hunger: 80/100
Manite; Shape-shifting; HP: 285/285
Caroline; Lava Manipulation; HP: 200/200
Caroline Red Earth Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Earth Manipulation, Faster Reflex
Fire Vapour Form Abilities:
No Effect From Physical Things, Flight, Cloning, Can Split Apart, Has Better Fire Manipulation Than Fire Form, Water Manipulation

Physical Flame Form Abilities And Cons:
Flight, Cloning, Cannot Shoot Fire, Uses Fire Melee Weapons, Stronger Than Fire Vapour In Melee Combat
Inventory: $59940

" We just saved your life out there so if you want to pick a fight go ahead "

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