ForumsGame WalkthroughsNecronator 2 Tips tricks and help

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This hopefully will clear up troubles with many diffrent bosses and levels , if it dosent feel free to post and ask about any particular problem ,

First off i noticed in the human campaign you'll have to deal with 3 rather annoying enemy heros , the Tauren , the Nazgul , and the forest Golem , all three are melee , and for those of you who cant seem to get pasta stage were these tag team on you or tank for ranged units the best defense is the 'Blizzard' spell at max level, knights the spartan and (optional) max level chain lightning

Next is the rather painful to play Undead campaign ... for any situation i suggest a combo of zombies and ranged units, ALWAYS have atleast one squad of ranged! its easier on your melee forces as they wont have to run and attack running civilians or other enemy ranged, were as the zombies can kill and fill up your empty population with new zombies, and as a hint DONT BOTHER WITH THE SKELETON SQUAD they are weaker then the undead militia.

Hope this helps!

  • 16 Replies
468 posts

You forgot about the Robin Hood in the blackmoor island levels though technically it's not part of the 'official' campaign

I find zombies absolutely useless since you max out your food supply and cant replenish your ranged units. Also if there are two paths to your base your castle will get destroyed while you are attacking up one way since you can't deploy any units and the controls are terrible

7 posts

Well trying, this is were you have to learn to regulate the amount of zombies, and how to control them BEFORE they find a enemy, otherwise they will go straight to it, and for BlackMoor Island, even i havent quite figured out all the levels completely ... but ill say this IF YOUR NOT FULLY UPGRADED ... GO HOME!!!!!!!! that island is not a sandbox like the campaign is , so if you seriously want to embarrass yourself go ahead and try it .... but dont come crying here for help for it its as simple as anything you've seen in the human campaign : use ranged units to block incoming troops from your castle, knights to tank , and best of all get your spartan ... march him out there with your knights ... and watch the wreckage Thats all i can say for the island

Anyway back to the zombies Zombies are are meant to be a last second tool to save your castle, with a contentious stream of soldiers as the enemy rushes in to kill you. i don't suggest using them if you have better units like cavalry or knights unless your forced to. Hope this helps in what little ways i could, Sorry for the lack of detail on the island

7 posts

I forgot about this one, let me offer a bit of extra help fore human campaign:

As ive taken the time to fill all this out, there is a simple way to have the best army ,

This requires the ENTIRE unit/spell upgrades done for starters, and like ive said, with 7 shields per town this is NO problem, next your going to need exactly what units you think are useful for campaign, use them to go back through EVERY SINGLE LEVEL up to the point were you cant get through and keep repeating until ALL of the units you have are maxed out, this will put them at their normal strongest, but with the military upgrades done you will have units better then anything they can offer , and that Spartan will massacre anything comeing up to him with total ease ..... heres some of the issues ive also picked up

glitches some time youll notice units that wont move attack or listen to commands, this is common for zombies both knights and the spartan the easy fix is to select them, tell them to Stop, the tell them to go Forward (Warning: this wont always works, but this is the only method i've found so far)

Most note worthy units ive found that the human's have 3 note worthy units mainly we have the Cavalry , they are perfect replacements for the slow bulky knights, and have about the same stats . Next is the knights , and although their slow fully upgrade knights can smash the Tauren and Nazgul 3 outta 4 times with one pack of them, these guys are BEASTS and lastly we have the swordsmen , if found no better cheap assault force, then an army of swordsmen they are a cheap alternative to knights but no mistake they aren't as strong , but make up for it in amount and with their cheap price-tag .

468 posts

learn to regulate the amount of zombies, and how to control them BEFORE they find a enemy, otherwise they will go straight to it,

That's pretty obvious but you WILL have to fight sometime and it WILL make your food supply go out of wack
if you seriously want to embarrass yourself go ahead and try it .... but dont come crying here for help for it its as simple as anything you've seen in the human campaign

I have beaten the level open to non-premium users on easy and medium. I dont think anyone can beat Forgotten Kingdom on hard without premium units

best of all get your spartan ... march him out there with your knights ... and watch the wreckage

You will never have enough time or money to pull that out until you are pretty much winning. I only send out hero units when I have to use it for a shield. I have finish all the levels in the human campaign except the premium ones and the hard mode of Forgotten Kingdom WITHOUT ANY heroes.

Zombies are are meant to be a last second tool to save your castle, with a contentious stream of soldiers as the enemy rushes in to kill you. i don't suggest using them if you have better units like cavalry or knights unless your forced to.

you just said:
for any situation i suggest a combo of zombies and ranged units,

Human cavalry are nowhere near being replacements for Knights.
568 hp
44 damage
8 armor
810 hp
68 damage
14 armor
You probably are thinking of the Knight Cavalry which I dont have stats for since it is a premium unit.

I'm surprised you never mentioned the Grenadiers which are great for butchering up ranged units and whittling down large groups of units
7 posts

yes actully they are ,all they lack is armor, double check the stats, and its possible on hard, just a pain in the arse , and for the grenidiers i said any ranged units, they fall in that line, and ive pulled of a hero at the very beginning of the island non-prem on medium, its very possible, dont belive me? let me make my video and ill show you and next time actully pay attention and if you dont understand , ASK untill then stop wasting my time

468 posts

I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Those stats are correct. Why dont YOU double check YOUR stats.

If you are pulling a hero out at the very beginning you obviously have the premium content which is not going to help the vast majority of players.

Why dont you stop giving bad advice then.

7 posts

Sure you do, go ahead try again , besides if you still not going to bother looking, don't come to this is is for the open minded and easy achievers, you are merely a troll trying to make people and namely me , flame now, if you don't mind, this needs to get back on task and on topic (p.s. if i had premium , i wouldn't waste my time offering up my tricks cause i'd be a cheap dirt bag without any skill or experience with games like this at all now ... please leave me and my 'bad advice' alone )

For anyone who doesn't understand how and why i say cavalry can replace knights, is because they are cheaper and have similar stats with all of the attack and defense upgrades and generally, they are faster

for other 'roblems' "Trying" has found , grenadiers they S.U.C.K they are open for any long-range foe, archers and riflemen in particular will wipe out the wimp grenadiers quick, that and cavalry and towers will too.

Disclaimer I realize not everyone will have the same results as me, as "Trying" has dully noticed and made a horrible fight over , he's obviously convinced i have premium (.... what a load of crap)besides, you'll only succeed if you can beat it by yourself without help.

468 posts

You're the one being demeaning and started this flame war so why don't you quit being a bully and quit being so closed minded.

If you're too lazy to look yourself perhaps this will help you a=out a bit

Grenadiers are one of THE BEST units and can wipe out an ENTIRE SQUAD of archers, riflemen, or any other weak unit IN ONE HIT.

You obviously have a premium why else would you say:

for BlackMoor Island, even i havent quite figured out all the levels completely

when there is only ONE level for non-premium users
468 posts

7 posts

"You're the one being demeaning and started this flame war so why don't you quit being a bully and quit being so closed minded."

Huh? ... last i checked there aren't any rules about me using a friend to get info on the premium levels for those who ask, but i personally haven't bought premium, and how am i so close minded I've beat over half the undead campaign using zombies and swordsmen? .. im not saying they aren't Hard, but the certainly aren't easy, all you need though is the mindset to send zombies to area's of enemy focus , they will kill the zombie horde, while the zombies slowly spread until they engulf the resistance, and will move on down that path as a another horde can then be brought away, and sent down another to to defend a key point, like a tavern town or your portal. Plus thee fact that you refuse to believe you can do just as good using cavalry as you can be using knights, all you need is to adjust your strategy a bit and you can substitute any unit for another, through this your army has the ultimate selectivity and can do the best they are able.
And because i think the grenadiers suck and have never lost a squad to the lil' annoyances, doesn't really mean they are best or worst, means they can be beat , mages and riflemen last a fair amount of time, and can usually win IF you are fighting on medium or easy from the beginning to the middle of either campaigns, but still on hard its not that hard to overcome them, simply use the spells you can unlock with the units you have and you'll a few short skips and jumps away from being one of the best achievers, however there is ALWAYS a weak point, wither you use my thought pattern of a solid horde makes a solid army, or listen to people like you , Trying who say the contrary , "wisdom is key because running head first always gets the win!" this is not the case, think of this as any battlefield, and people you WANT to loose and people you DON'T want to loose, weak people are easy to send on a unused path to blind side the foe , were-as the stronger units can tank or destroy the enemies completely.

468 posts

The only think I can say from reading that post is:
learn to use periods

7 posts

Keep the this on task please. Besides, whats next, stop being a foreigner?

468 posts

Well then make your post actually readable.

8 posts

I'm stuck at Kriscenthfold ..

381 posts

your both right.

i often get a hero first. and i often use cavarly instead of knights.

but only at the beggining. they capture buildings faster giveing you an emidiate advantage.

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