-Inspired by the hit flash and Iphone App DoodleGod and DoodleDevil-
Your job as a player is to mix elements to create new ones, to mix an element simply post 2-3 Elements that are currently available via the Table of Elements . To see what's current available check the latest post by the OP.
Deathless- Table of elements: Car, Gasoline, Air
Random User- This looks fun! I will mix Car Gasoline and Air
Deathless- New element created: Polution! New Table of Elements: Car, Gasoline, Air, Polution
Random User- Hey let's try Air and Car!
Deathless- New element created: Airplane! ect. ect. ect.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You do NOT create new elements on your own, you simply post the ingredients:
Right Post- I will mix fire and grass and patiently await a response Wrong Post- I will mix fire and grass which will make wheat
The game ends when all 1000 elements are discovered. Good luck everyone!
Adding a new hint system, ask for a hint and I will give you two groups of elements in which the combination of some of it's content would produce outcomes, Players are allowed 1 hint every 12 armor game hours
Rock + Fire= Failed (you need another element to make this work)