
779 185558
227 posts

Well a lot of people have been telling me evolution is real. They give me the most craziest surreal 'facts'. Has anyone discovered any fish with legs? Any humans with gills or fins? If you put all the pieces of a watch into you're pocket and shake it around for trillions of years, will it ever become a watch? Is there but one possibility? Or if you completely dismantle a chicken and a fish, and put it into a box, shaking it around for trillions of years. Will it ever become a fish with wings? or a chicken with fins? :l

  • 779 Replies
4,104 posts

That's not really how it works though. In this case it's different. Since there are missing links and I mean many missing links fossils in evolution, and we have found many fossils already, don't you think we should have found them by now? Like I said earlier, they obviously don't exist.

Take 5 more pieces out of the puzzle. It's still obvious.

Also, you're right, they may not exist. Not every bone of every animal is preserved, and some may not exist anymore. They could have existed at one point before they decayed away.

And in the large picture, finding the links between things is not even needed to prove evolution. It is extraordinarily simple to observe and prove that through every reproduction, mutations occur. And it is only logical that mutations that benefits a specie are more likely to keep that specimen alive for longer (therefor able to reproduce for longer) than mutations that harm it. Links between species is not needed for proof of evolution, it is simply a demonstration of it.

And then you can just as easily observe and prove evolution by watching it right in front of your eyes. Take a plate of bacteria, expose them to something that should kill them, and most of them would die. But some will survive, and very soon you'll have a plate full of them again, but if you try to use the same substance to kill them, they won't die. This is because they evolved and developed a resistance to whatever method of killing you used on them.
4,104 posts

Also, one last picture to share

9,462 posts

That's not really how it works though. In this case it's different. Since there are missing links and I mean many missing links fossils in evolution, and we have found many fossils already, don't you think we should have found them by now? Like I said earlier, they obviously don't exist.

I would like first point out that we don't even need the fossil record to demonstrate common decent. We can find evidence of it when we compare genetics. For example we find the exact same retro viral markers in two different species in the exact same places. Even from this only we can create a tree illustrating common ancestry between species. This evidence can be found in the here and now and matches with what we are concluding based on the fossil evidence. Basically we have two completely independent forms of evidence leading us to the same conclusion.

As for how we use the fossil record think of it like snapshots forming a timeline.
For example here is a series of snapshots of Michael Jackson. Each picture was taken at a different point in MJ's life. You'll notice in some of the pictures not much has changed, while in others there has been a great deal of change. You will also notice that there are gaps between points. Does that mean that because I couldn't find photos showing a smooth transition from MJ as a baby to MJ as a young kid, or MJ as a young kid to MJ as an adult that those steps between him as a baby to being a kid and as a kid to being an adult didn't happen? Or does it mean that I was simply unable to find snapshots of those steps because I simply didn't look hard enough or because they are simply unavailable?

The fossil record is like this series of snapshots. We may have some close to each other and others far apart, with either small or large gaps. But we can use them to construct a timeline of the life on Earth.
5,340 posts

you know, i find it hillarious that whenever there is an argument thats is theists vs. atheists usually the atheists knows more about religion then the teists while the thesis know less about religion and nothing about science.

421 posts

Dude, Evolution isn't science, it's science fiction. It's quite illogical.

5,552 posts

Dude, Evolution isn't science, it's science fiction. It's quite illogical.

What's illogical is that after 411 posts you -still- haven't learned that you should state WHY something is what it is.

What about it is illogical?
If it's illogical why does 99.99% of the scientific community accept it as UNDISPUTED FACT.
If it's illogical why do we have ENTIRE PROGRAMS based off of evolutionary theory that WORK?
If it's illogical then what are fossils?
If it's illogical what explains the vast number of species and our OBSERVEANCE of evolution through bacteria/ring species/microevolution?
If it's illogical what explains all of the above? Answer that.
8,256 posts

Dude, Evolution isn't science, it's science fiction. It's quite illogical.

Even if it was, science fiction is in many ways still much more logical than magic-dude-in-the-sky and way cooler.

Tell me, if we humans were designed, why then are the coronar anastomoses almost non-functional? It would save a lot of people from heart attacks if they were.

Or what about wisdom teeth that are in the process of disappearing? This can be perfectly well explained in the view of evolution; what is your explanation for this change in the 'holy plan'?
9,821 posts

Dude, Evolution isn't science, it's science fiction. It's quite illogical.

Evolution is much simpler than you seem to think it is. It is naught but a logical consequence of the existence of life--genes that are more favorable to survival get passed on and become more common until they are ubiquitous. Beneficial mutations do the same thing, causing species to change slowly over time. All evolution is as a theory is describing a key natural system--it is not adding anything. It's an emergent property of life.
9,462 posts

Dude, Evolution isn't science, it's science fiction. It's quite illogical.

Perhaps you should try and educate your self on the matter before making such statements. Also please back up your statement, or is this just another post and run of yours?

Science; n. the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment - Oxford Dictionary

we arrived at the theory of evolution though the process of science. Through this study and observation of life, both past and present we arrived at the explanation that changes occur in allele frequency in a species over generations, or more simply put we observe decent with modification. There has been plenty of evidence and observations presented already in support of the theory. Do try and read it.
5,340 posts

Dude, Evolution isn't science, it's science fiction. It's quite illogical.

the fact that you cant (or are too lazy to try to) understand something doesnt make it illogical and isnt a reason to turn to simpler theories. until you actually have the same knowledge of evolution as the others you cant really say anything against it.
9,462 posts

until you actually have the same knowledge of evolution as the others you cant really say anything against it.

I wouldn't even ask for that much. Even just a basic understanding would suffice.
4,104 posts

Dude, Evolution isn't science, it's science fiction. It's quite illogical.

You are the epitome of an idiotic religious person.
2,825 posts

Creationism is ridiculous. There is no proof AT ALL! However, I am not saying God/Gods is/are not real. Has it ocurred to anyone that God(s) caused evolution? After all, it would be satisfying to watch it happen.

9,462 posts

Creationism is ridiculous. There is no proof AT ALL! However, I am not saying God/Gods is/are not real. Has it ocurred to anyone that God(s) caused evolution? After all, it would be satisfying to watch it happen.

Considering we have a pretty good grasp on the mechanisms the drive evolution and we have seen evolution occur we are left with very little room for a god. The power of this god has been driven into absurdity by the closing gaps of our knowledge.
18 posts

I'm confused now :S There is some proof of a God?

What what about in some Holy books (especially the Muslim holy book) where it mentions scientific knowledge that we are only discovering today eg the Big Bang is mentioned in the Muslim Holy book, but how could people of 2000 years ago with hardly any scientific knowledge at all know of it or of how it happened???

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