
779 185581
227 posts

Well a lot of people have been telling me evolution is real. They give me the most craziest surreal 'facts'. Has anyone discovered any fish with legs? Any humans with gills or fins? If you put all the pieces of a watch into you're pocket and shake it around for trillions of years, will it ever become a watch? Is there but one possibility? Or if you completely dismantle a chicken and a fish, and put it into a box, shaking it around for trillions of years. Will it ever become a fish with wings? or a chicken with fins? :l

  • 779 Replies
159 posts

[A cross is two straight lines, and all those lines are squiggly. You know what else is squiggly lines? Noodles.

O so now you are being picky you just don't want to accept the fact that you have cross shaped cells that are holding your body together this very instant.

9,504 posts

I see it in the shape of a sword. Odin always loved swords. He's clearly added laminin to make our bodies into the fighting spirit for lengthened periods of time. This is all so we can kill in His name. I'm sorry, what were we talking about again? Oh, laminin. So how is this relevant to Evolution again? If you wanted a picture, here's what laminin looks like. I have no clue why we are talking about swords and noodles and crosses though. If you ask me, swords win over both. Pretty sharp thingumbobs.

159 posts

[I see it in the shape of a sword.

In a shape of a sword if it is upside down in this case its not. And stop being so stub urn and just look at it closely for a minute or two.

3,817 posts

O so now you are being picky you just don't want to accept the fact that you have cross shaped cells that are holding your body together this very instant.

Or you are not accepting that there are noodle shaped cells holding you together.

Some other pictures I got from the search. Do those look like crosses to you? No. They are noodles. Still, most of the pictures are not of laminin but you still have noodle cells holding you together. Just admit it.

When you search "Laminin molecule" it brings up some better results:



To show a picture of actual noodles, to show how much more they look like noodles.
9,504 posts

When I see it closely, I see this:

Being in Organic Chemistry, you know that polar chains don't have a definite shape. Non-polar would have a zero charge on all ends, being symmetrical.

75 posts

"Noodle" cells is just a Synonime named by their similar shape with "laminine molecule".End of story.Anyways about the question of this thread.....
To the people that said there are "facts" and "evidence" that can prove the Evolution scientifically.That isn`t true.Those are just theories,that have been started by scientists.But,now when you think of it.Miser Lamarck and Charles Darvin only had Theories about the revolution.But in that time,people believed in a lot of things,including Lamarcks and Darvins theories,and those theories were carried out through generations.By the way,those scientists were using outdated and primitive tehnology.....sort of tried to prove the revolution,but no matter how deep they dig for it,they alwys get THEORIES,not the hard-hitting evidence.....

9,462 posts

Go on Google and type in laminin in pictures and I bet you that almost every single picture it will be in the shape of a cross.

As I've already pointed out what your looking at is the representation of it, not it's real form. But even if it was a prefect cross, the modern idea of a cross is only one in a wide variety of forms the cross took. Many crossed were just wooden poles, they also came in the shape of a Y or X. So your argument that this is a sign from God is completely off and paradotical.

To the people that said there are "facts" and "evidence" that can prove the Evolution scientifically.That isn`t true.Those are just theories,that have been started by scientists.

Your using the word theory wrong, and since the definition was provided to you only one page back and has been provided several times in this thread I can only assume you didn't bother to really read anything here before posting. But in a technical sense you could be right since a theory has to remain falsifiable and thus not proven, but that does not mean it's not well supported or has been demonstrated as fact, as evolution or gravity has been.

Let's try this again.

Theory; A scientific explanation of related observations or events based on hypotheses and verified multiple times by different independent researchers.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Classic example of a religious person desperately trying to square the circle. Well done guys, God bless the E bomb. Or not.

5,552 posts

Lol wow nicho...I clicked on the last post for this right as you posted on it and I got directed to the "Do you have a religion?" thread.


I'd like to point out that the shape of something holds no significance towards anything.

Tiger, the cross was not originally used as a symbol for religion, it was a torture mechanism for death/punishment. It was only taken as a religious symbol after the biblical account of Jesus dying on it and then returning to life and represents him taking humanities sins upon himself (I'm sure you already knew that). Why would God make cross shaped cells when Jesus even by a biblical time-frame doesn't occur until 6000 years later? It would have no significance at the time of creation.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Let's hope that's not a sign from some sky-high bogeyman trying to frighten us by yet another coincidence hehe......

Tiger, the cross was not originally used as a symbol for religion, it was a torture mechanism for death/punishment. It was only taken as a religious symbol after the biblical account of Jesus dying on it and then returning to life and represents him taking humanities sins upon himself (I'm sure you already knew that). Why would God make cross shaped cells when Jesus even by a biblical time-frame doesn't occur until 6000 years later? It would have no significance at the time of creation.

Possible Creationist answer: God knew Jesus was already going to die horribly, so He thought, ah, what the heck, let's make them in that shape.

Maybe. I don't know. I'm not good at this squaring business.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Given God apparently gave us free will, how would he know we would use the shape of cross as a torture mechanism? I still don't get how people can say he is omnipotent and can see the future when in reality, given those circumstances (in a non-determinist world) free will would negate being able to see into the future.

Unless of course, people subscribe to the Divine Plan branch of thought, which would mean all of us have no free will.
1,824 posts

We don't. We think, but we are bound by our thoughts, no free will as such.
Anyway. Go Evolution! Go Charles Darwin! Go the Leviathan Trilogy!

9,462 posts

Tiger, the cross was not originally used as a symbol for religion, it was a torture mechanism for death/punishment. It was only taken as a religious symbol after the biblical account of Jesus dying on it and then returning to life and represents him taking humanities sins upon himself (I'm sure you already knew that). Why would God make cross shaped cells when Jesus even by a biblical time-frame doesn't occur until 6000 years later? It would have no significance at the time of creation.

Of course God put it there, there simply is no other explanation. Like it simply being a form of pareidolia where we are interpreting a vague form and perceiving it as significant.

I mean how else could cat butt Jesus be explained as well? (at least I hope that's the cat's butt)

What does this have to do with evolution? Nothing!
1 posts

The whole cross-shaped cells thing is a myth. We have swastika shaped cells and demonic symbols in our bodies, but they mean nothing. Look up "lammanin shammanin" on google, there is a good article on it.

On another note, where are all the transitional forms, where are all the vestigial organs? How did the bombardier beetle evolve? What are the odds that bioluminescence evolved 40 (or more) seperate times?

There are tons of problems with evolution, the odds that the natural world as we know it has evolved are beyond astronomical

9,462 posts

where are all the transitional forms,

There are thousands.
But here is a little something I wrote up a while back for just this question.

Where are all the transitional fossils (a.k.a. missing links)? Well here are some examples. While not all direct ancestors they do help to represent the evolutionary step to the next form.

1. Pikaia gracilens (get a back bone man...)
2. Conodont
3. Haikouichthys
4. Arandaspis prionotolepis (it's a fish)

5. Osteolepis
6. Eusthenopteron
7. Panderichthys
8. Tiktaalik
9. Ventastega
10. Elginerpeton
11. Acanthostega
12. Ichthyostega
13. Hynerpeton
14. Tulerpeton (a reptiliomorpha, reptilian like amphibian. Considered one of the first true tetrapods)
15. Pederpes
16. Eryops (semi-aquatic amphibian)

17. Proterogyrinus
18. Limnoscelis
19. Tseajaia
20. Solenodonsaurus
21. Hylonomus (early reptile)
22. Paleothyris

dinosaur evolution
23. Chasmatosaurus
24. Dromomeron
25. Marasuchus
26. Eoraptor

27. Protoclepsydrops (Begins the change from reptiles to mammals.)
28. Clepsydrops
29. Dimetrodon
30. Procynosuchus
31. Thrinaxodon (mammal like reptile)
32. Morganucodon (early mammals)
33. Yanoconodon

34. Pedopenna
35. Anchiornis
36. Archaeopteryx
37. Confuciusornis
38. Eoalulavis
39. Sinornis
40. Vorona
41. Ichthyornis

And now we have modern day birds

42. Protungulatum (first herbivorous placental mammal)

land mammal-whales
43. Mesonychid
44. Pakicetus
45. Ambulocetus
46. Dalanistes
47. Rodhocetus
48. Takracetus
49. Gaviocetus
50. Dorudon
51. Basilosaurus

Thar be Whales!

horse evolution
52. Hyracotherium
53. Orohippus
54. Mesohippus
55. Miohippus
56. Parahippus
57. Merychippus
58. Pliohippus
59. Dinohippus


human/primeape evolution
60. Darwinius
61. Apidium
62. Aegyptopithecus
63. Proconsul
64. Pierolapithecus
65. Ardipithecus
66. Australopithecus afarensis
67. Australopithecus africanus
68. Homo habilis
69. Homo erectus
70. Homo heidelbergensis

Homo sapiens (us!)

Considering the difficulty in getting a fossil to form in the first place. What we have found in the fossil record is like looking for a needle in a hay stack, and finding an almost complete sewing kit.

where are all the vestigial organs?

Well one example of a vestigial in humans is the human earlobe. the appendix is also considered a vestigial organ as it no longer preforms it's original function. Wisdom teeth are yet another vestigial found in humans. From the Scope Trial "There are, according to Wiedersheim, no less than 180 vestigial structures in the human body, sufficient to make of a man a veritable walking museum of antiquities."
We see bird with vestigial wings such as Ostriches, Kiwis, and Emus. Many cetaceans have vestigial legs bones. We see cave dwelling animals with vestigial eyes. Just to name a few.

How did the bombardier beetle evolve?

here are articles on the Bombardier Beetle.
Bombardier Beetles and the Argument of Design
The Bombardier Beetle Myth Exploded

Here are videos on the matter.
Evolution of the Bombardier Beetle
Richard Dawkins tackles the Bombardier Beetle

What are the odds that bioluminescence evolved 40 (or more) seperate times?

If it's already happened the odds are 1 in 1.

There are tons of problems with evolution, the odds that the natural world as we know it has evolved are beyond astronomical

And you have presented non.
I leave you with this video since you seem to be hung up on odds.
Beating Astronomical Odds
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