Name: Claw Paw Age: 96 Desc: short, fat lazy, orange , killer , back stabbinig. Clan: shadow if that is a clan. Apprenticeif you have one) Litter mates:
Name:Shadowpaw Age:6 Desc.: Shade-black pelt, skinny, reletively tall for a cat his age, blue eyes, black whiskers Clan:Shadowclan Apprentice: He's an apprentice himself. Litter mates:N/A
Ammer, I think the desc. was meant to show what your cat looks like. Not his personality and looks put togethor. Shadowclan is what you're looking for. Also, you should probably change your name a bit. If they name you clawclaw at your warrior's ceremony, it won't make a lot of sense, will it? Try leafpaw or tigerpaw or boulderpaw or mudpaw. I could go on for a while. An apprentice is 6-12 moons old. That's about the age of a warrior.
Name:Shadowpaw Age:6 Desc.: Shade-black pelt, skinny, reletively tall for a cat his age, blue eyes, black whiskers Clan:Shadowclan Apprentice: He's an apprentice himself. Litter mates:N/A
Good you understand this and also there are new clan leaders.
You are woken by another apprentice Thistlepaw and there seems to be some commotion outside do you stay in the den or check it out?
Name:Shadowpaw Age:6 Desc.: Shade-black pelt, skinny, reletively tall for a cat his age, blue eyes, black whiskers Clan:Shadowclan Apprentice: He's an apprentice himself. Litter mates:N/A
F*** yeah I understand it! I'm a die-hard fan of Warriors.
I stand up to check it out. I make sure Thistlepaw is behind me. (I am very suspicious about this) I stop beside the entrance of the den and poke my head out to see what's going on.
Name:Shadowpaw Age:6 Desc.: Shade-black pelt, skinny, reletively tall for a cat his age, blue eyes, black whiskers Clan:Shadowclan Apprentice: He's an apprentice himself. Litter mates:N/A
There are three foxes attacking the camp :O Thistlepaw starts attacking one of them but the other two go to help the other fox what do you do? *jaws music*
Name:Shadowpaw Age:6 Desc.: Shade-black pelt, skinny, reletively tall for a cat his age, blue eyes, black whiskers Clan:Shadowclan Apprentice: He's an apprentice himself. Litter mates:N/A
Charge the smallest fox. Pounce on it's back and start clawing at it's eyes. While yowling, spitting, etc. Anything to make noise so the rest of camp knows.
Name:Shadowpaw Age:6 Desc.: Shade-black pelt, skinny, reletively tall for a cat his age, blue eyes, black whiskers Clan:Shadowclan Apprentice: He's an apprentice himself. Litter mates:N/A
Whole camp has been fighting anyway you keep fighting but you hear a Queen scream and you see your clan leader RowanStar(yes blackstar is dead he got attacked by two dogs) lying on the ground bleeding and he was on his last life he was attacked by one of the foxes while guarding the nursery his Deputy Ratscar is right next to him hissing at one of the foxes that went back over Now do you keep attacking the small fox or ensure the safety of the queens and kits? Muahahaha
Name:Shadowpaw Age:6 Desc.: Shade-black pelt, skinny, reletively tall for a cat his age, blue eyes, black whiskers Clan:Shadowclan Apprentice: He's an apprentice himself. Litter mates:N/A
Well, it's either, leave Thistlepaw to fight the foxes himself (provided that a warrior helps him) or the kits and queens. More casualties and you lose the youth.
Shadowpaw pounces off of the fox and sprints to the nursery.
Name:Shadowpaw Age:6 Desc.: Shade-black pelt, skinny, reletively tall for a cat his age, blue eyes, black whiskers Clan:Shadowclan Apprentice: He's an apprentice himself. Litter mates:N/A
As three warriors attack the two foxes(you could have made a dire mistake) you get to the nursery but the fox turns its attention towards you
Name:Shadowpaw Age:6 Desc.: Shade-black pelt, skinny, reletively tall for a cat his age, blue eyes, black whiskers Clan:Shadowclan Apprentice: He's an apprentice himself. Litter mates:N/A
Whixh one? The one charging into the nursery or the one Shadowpaw just jumped off?
Name:Shadowpaw Age:6 Desc.: Shade-black pelt, skinny, reletively tall for a cat his age, blue eyes, black whiskers Clan:Shadowclan Apprentice: He's an apprentice himself. Litter mates:N/A
The one near the nursery and Ratscar is trying to stop Rowanstar from bleeding so try to survive