You are in the heart of the canadian woods stranded and you have a jeep wrangler with a popped tire and 2 gallons of gas in it. What do you do?
This game is about survival if you die you can loose food and water but your difficulty restarts and you keep all of your special items. It is imposible to find cities with people in them you may scavenge deserted cities for suplies.
The goal of the game is survival there is no way to win. You could build cities and empires but a plague or natural disaster might strike and the lonely scavenger could take over every thing you worked for, so be carful.
The chance of disasters are rare though. You can do anything so be creative. Be an artist, hunter, or even a scientist trying to cure disese and make new technology.
Character sheet
Name - Gender - (M/F) Stanina - 80% Hunger - 96% Thirst - 89% Days survived/difficulty - 0 Group - none Invintory -
To start copy charachter sheet and fill it out. Put current charachter sheet with every post. I hope you enjoy.
Name - Graydon Gender - M Stamina - 80% Hunger - 96% Thirst - 89% Posts - 3 Group - none Inventory Bow, newspaper
15 ft not sharp cant find metal cup but cupholder is loose
Name - Jason Grame Gender - M Stanina - 75% Hunger - 65% Thirst - 76% Posts - 13 Group - none Invintory: jeep, gas, fishing pole, jerkey, knife, logs
burned a little but cool all 3 fish good Name - Jericho Hawthorne Gender - M Stanina - 83% Hunger - 67% Thirst - 70% Posts - 13 Group - none Inventory- jeep, bark, gas, seat
boil good catch a lobster fall over and get dirt in cut
Name - Graydon Gender - M Stamina - 82% Hunger - 90% Thirst - 85% Posts - 4 Group - none Inventory Bow, newspaper
Ok, well i take off the white shirt and wrap it around the cut tightly. I also lift my head to the sky and scream 'IS ANYBODY OUT HERE!!!!' in an attempt to find other survivors. I loom around for a sharp stick or piece of metal thats sharp(maybe in my jeep)
Name - Jason Grame Gender - M Stanina - 72% Hunger - 64% Thirst - 72% Posts - 14 Group - none Invintory: jeep, gas, fishing pole, jerkey, knife, logs, small fish, big fish
Name - Graydon Gender - M Stamina - 80% Hunger - 86% Thirst - 82% Posts - 5 Group - none Inventory - Bow, newspaper noone answers find rock that is pointy, find sticks
Name - Jericho Hawthorne Gender - M Stanina - 80% Hunger - 64% Thirst - 67% Posts - 13 Group - none Inventory- jeep, bark, gas, seat, lobster
cut cleaned and you hear yells in distance go or stay