ForumsWEPRDo Grades Prohibit Real Learning?

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I have recently read an article stating that grades make students only focus on homework and cramming before tests and they don't really absorb the material. to be honest i can agree, as a student i feel that i forget all my information of the years because i only focused on cramming for the test. Do you think that this is true? and what would be a new system to test the intelligence of the modern day student?

  • 90 Replies
1,810 posts

I cram for test a lot and end up doing bad on most of them. To take something my pre cal teacher said, grades make students focus on the letter instead of the material. And sometimes the grade doesn't say how smart the student is. Some people just stink at tests (like me) or have other things going on that impair their homeword time. Not to mention the copying of homework outside of school. And some teachers have different grading styles that might not fit how the student is comfortable learning. Overall, grades do prohibit true learning, not just temporary memorizing for a test.

9,439 posts

I do the same thing. I think homework should be completely optional with no penalty for skipping it and replace it with very short daily quizzes to show understanding.

1,810 posts

I think homework should be completely optional with no penalty for skipping it and replace it with very short daily quizzes to show understanding.

That is a very good idea. It suits the people that don't have time for homework and the people that aren't good at quizzes/tests.
202 posts

Well I don't like homework, but I believe it is necessary because you don't always have enough time to get through everything in class.

4,104 posts

This i kind of interesting actually, because my school is preforming an experiment right now about something very similar to this. They're trying to see if students will still try even if there are no grades involved. They want to see if student integrity falls if there are no benefits to trying, other then wanting to learn. So the way it works is that every department has a set time period, where each class in the department has to pick a unit that will last 3-5 weeks to teach without...

1) Graded homework or assignments (there is optional homework)
2) Any material that will be used later in the year
3) Any graded tests that count (you will receive a grade, but the teacher won't record it in the grade book)

Basically, everything that happens in those weeks will not affect you at all in school. So far the only subject that we've had it in is chemistry, and I'm not really sure about any of the tests grades. Also, while the tests don't affect your grade, the teacher does record them so he or she can share their experiences with the unit with the administration.

1,502 posts

Homework allows for practice during the time you're not in school, and for you to have more time to learn new things while you're in school. I dont like homework but I think it is necessary. And instead of cramming its a good idea to use notes and whatnot to make your own study guide. If you can kinda anticipate whats going to be on the test then you'll do better.
I think grades promote learning. At least they do for me, if I get bad grades I feel motivated to do better, and if I get good grades, I'm motivated to stay top of my class.

1,810 posts

if I get bad grades I feel motivated to do better, and if I get good grades, I'm motivated to stay top of my class.

Funny, i'm the exact opposite. If I get a really bad grade in any class, besides history which is my best subject and I have never gotten less than an A, I begin to self-destruct and lose all interst to recover. A perfect example of this is my math class. Grades put a lot of pressure and stress on some students that don't need it.
1,502 posts

Well everyone is different. I was like that last year, but I had a lot of drama going on with my mom and when I moved out it was like everything imploded. I got back on track but it was hard as heck!

16,287 posts

i hate grades, all that happens is i get screamed at and told that i will work at mcdonalds by my parents since you have to have the best grades in college, even though i'm way above most everyone in most my classes

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Well to me it doesn't. I enjoy a few subjects and genuinely put in effort for them. Those that I am neutral about, I still put in effort to score.

Even if grades prohibit learning, how do you purport that one is measured in life? How does one somehow ''grade'' which student can go to Harvard without grades? Grades are still the most objective and universal way to rank students.

16,287 posts

Even if grades prohibit learning, how do you purport that one is measured in life? How does one somehow ''grade'' which student can go to Harvard without grades? Grades are still the most objective and universal way to rank students.

but it's screwed up, i mean i can be smart yet still get all F's. hows the fairness in that?
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

but it's screwed up, i mean i can be smart yet still get all F's. hows the fairness in that?

If you are smart according to the system, that is the standard that people require for so and so job, you won't get Fs. Let's say I want to be an economist. I need an A for math and economics, based on whatever is set, because whatever is set is geared towards such a career path.
3,371 posts

but it's screwed up, i mean i can be smart yet still get all F's. hows the fairness in that?

To be smart and still fail you must be lazy, or just don't want to do the work. Which is fine. You know exactly that will most likly affect you in life. If you are average, the same still applies. I'm an average guy, and I have good grades. I try, and I see others who are smarter than me and get worse grades because they don't want to try. And that's perfectly fine because they know exactly what they're doing.
1,627 posts

I feel that the grade system is pretty good. If a student is bad at test taking (could someone please explain this to me?), than that student should talk to the teacher about alternative methods to getting points! Plus, without an evaluation system, how would higher education facilities know if you are a good student (which is partly your grade), or if you are a slacker who doesn't care if their report card has an "A" or an "F"

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

or if you are a slacker who doesn't care if their report card has an "A" or an "F"

Yep. Even if you're a smart but extremely laid back bummer, no one will want to hire you.
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