basically kill the boss.first boss Name: Gladiator.100/100hp
I get a water unicorns to attack it:
flaming unicorn300/500massive battle water wins!NEW BOSSGIANT PIKACHUHp:1000/1000weaknesses: pokemon picture, any thing giant.
age=1&tbnh=139&tbnw=172&start=0&ndsp=38&ved=1t:429,r:36,s:0" alt=",r:36,s:0" />Go Go Bulbasuar!
Water shark attackz
GIANT PIKACHUHp:900/1000scouse: i will imgine a pokemon. -50Ichigo: thunderbolt boom is dead -50
Air bending powers uses earthquake!It's super effective!
GIANT PIKACHUHp:800/1000invalid: so powerful -1Acmed : air bending? okay -99
I use Masterball on it!
GIANT PIKACHUHp:400/1000ichigo : nice move 400
I use Vegeta on it. (Damage: OVER 9000!!!)
GIANT PIKACHUHp:350/1000stephan: ummm *squish -50
I sic Godzilla on him.
Rayquaza, I choose you!Use Fly and take Pikachu out!RAAAGGGEEEEE!
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