The year 2897, Earth has gone through 999 zombie apocalypses, but the 1000th is the worst, the virus has spread to... ROBOTS! You are a survivor, Survive , Disinfect And recreate Earth.
Name: Age: Gender: ------- Items: Weapon: De-infecter weapons: special weapons that de-infect. ------- Injuries: Status: How you are feeling Companions: Vehicle: Base: Your main HQ ------- Zombie infection 0% how much you are infected.
You begin in an apartment, the rooftop, you wake up.
Name: Jack Torance Age: 24 Gender: Male ------- Items: Weapon: De-infecter weapons: special weapons that de-infect. ------- Injuries: Status: How you are feeling Companions: Vehicle: Base: Your main HQ ------- Zombie infection 0% how much you are infected.
Name: Jack Torance Age: 24 Gender: Male ------- Items: Weapon: De-infecter weapons: special weapons that de-infect. ------- Injuries: Status: How you are feeling Companions: Vehicle: Base: Your main HQ ------- Zombie infection 0% how much you are infected.
Name: Jack Torance Age: 24 Gender: Male ------- Items: Weapon: De-infecter weapons: special weapons that de-infect. ------- Injuries: Status: How you are feeling Companions: Vehicle: Base: Your main HQ ------- Zombie infection 0% how much you are infected.
Name: Age: Gender: ------- Items: Weapon: De-infecter weapons: special weapons that de-infect. ------- Injuries: Status: How you are feeling Companions: Vehicle: Base: Your main HQ ------- Zombie infection 0%
Name: John Zahar Age: 23 Gender: Male ------- Items: Weapon: De-infecter weapons: special weapons that de-infect. ------- Injuries: Status: How you are feeling Companions: Vehicle: Base: Your main HQ ------- Zombie infection 0%
Name: Jack Torance Age: 24 Gender: Male ------- Items: Weapon: De-infecter weapons: special weapons that de-infect. ------- Injuries: Status: How you are feeling Companions: Vehicle: Base: Your main HQ ------- Zombie infection 0% how much you are infected.
you see some smoke downwards from the building, but then you see a robot wandering aimlessly down on the ground
Name: Jack Torance Age: 24 Gender: Male ------- Items: Weapon: De-infecter weapons: special weapons that de-infect. ------- Injuries: Status: How you are feeling Companions: Vehicle: Base: Your main HQ ------- Zombie infection 0% how much you are infected.
Name: John Zahar Age: 23 Gender: Male ------- Items: Weapon: De-infecter weapons: special weapons that de-infect. ------- Injuries: Status: How you are feeling Companions: Vehicle: Base: Your main HQ ------- Zombie infection 0%
you wake up on top of the apartment building what do you do?
Name: Jack Torance Age: 24 Gender: Male ------- Items: Weapon: De-infecter weapons: special weapons that de-infect. ------- Injuries: Status: How you are feeling Companions: Vehicle: Base: Your main HQ ------- Zombie infection 0% how much you are infected.
umm your on top of a building and the robot is down...
Name: Jack Torance Age: 24 Gender: Male ------- Items: Weapon: De-infecter weapons: special weapons that de-infect. ------- Injuries: Status: How you are feeling Companions: Vehicle: Base: Your main HQ ------- Zombie infection 0% how much you are infected.
Name: Jack Torance Age: 24 Gender: Male ------- Items: Weapon: De-infecter weapons: special weapons that de-infect. ------- Injuries: Status: How you are feeling Companions: Vehicle: Base: Your main HQ ------- Zombie infection 0% how much you are infected.
you go down thebuilding. the robot sees you and starts coming at you. (could be zombie robot)
Name: Jack Torance Age: 24 Gender: Male ------- Items: Weapon: De-infecter weapons: special weapons that de-infect. ------- Injuries: Status: How you are feeling Companions: Vehicle: Base: Your main HQ ------- Zombie infection 0% how much you are infected.
Name: Jack Torance Age: 24 Gender: Male ------- Items: Weapon: De-infecter weapons: special weapons that de-infect. ------- Injuries: Status: How you are feeling Companions: Vehicle: Base: Your main HQ ------- Zombie infection 0% how much you are infected
there is a dent in the robot, but it doesnt attack you. it stays there but your sure its alive.
Name: John Zahar Age: 23 Gender: Male ------- Items: Weapon: De-infecter weapons: special weapons that de-infect. ------- Injuries: Status: How you are feeling Companions: Vehicle: Base: Your main HQ ------- Zombie infection 0%
Name: Jack Torance Age: 24 Gender: Male ------- Items: Weapon: De-infecter weapons: special weapons that de-infect. ------- Injuries: Status: How you are feeling Companions: Vehicle: Base: Your main HQ ------- Zombie infection 0% how much you are infected