this game i really simple you try to make a person that is unkill able and the next person tries to kill him. example: first person: a normal guy with a bullet proof vest on. next person. i bomb them i guy in a bomb proof tank.
the person that is unkillable becomes the champion until someone can kill them. example: first guy: undefetable guy (not telling you what will work)
second guy: i cant destroy you. (no person if you cant kill the one above)
third guy: i cant destroy you
if that happens 5 times in a row they are crowned the champion i will be the judge if something works or not.
I come to u use martial arts to take off that helmet ur wearing rip ur eyballs off and then make u eat them and now im waiting to kill u in ur zombie form (
I attack you razer by hiring the Flashs evil cousin whos so fast even ur martial arts can't do anythin against him and he runs so fast around you he creates a vortex that rips ur skins of a burns ur bones to ashes hahaaa
I can turn into anything and therefore can do anything, even survuve a nuclear fallout. Therefore, i turn into shoop De Whoop, FIRE MA LAZAAR! And kill you all. I then turn into a black hole and suck up all the scientists, leaving only people too dumb to stop me...HAHAHA!!!
I use a forbidden form of gun martial arts to shoot each of you in the head with rapid speed, then I insure you are dead by placing grenades in the wounds, and hit the big red button.