in the far future the human race has split through out the universe, they have evolved far past the Homo sapiens they once the farthest sector of the universe there is a small group of Homo sapiens left but heres the catch.
Name: Mort Looks: Slim and agile. Long legs, and pointy ears. Mood: Optimistic --- Stats added you cant spend these: 10 Strength: 7 Speed:15 Intelligence:10 ---- Misc: Weapons:Shot gun, small Axe Ammo: 11 shots Armor: Tech: Food: raw turkey,5 bottles of water Building materials:
I scout an area of about a kilometer around the cottage.
ame: Aleister Pike Looks: 6'2", short black hair, pale, thin, deep green eyes, clawed digits, lighter bones, head elongated back for brain capacity Mood: Skeptic --- DNA: 7 ( this means to gained 2 not you can spend 2) Strength: 14 Speed: 20 Agility: 10 Intelligence: 20 Robotics: 8 ---- Misc:Scope ( attachable) Weapons: Plasma Pistolw/ scope Armor: Tech: K-01 Building materials:
Flag Name: Mort Looks: Slim and agile. Long legs, and pointy ears. Mood: Optimistic --- Stats added you cant spend these: 10 Strength: 7 Speed:15 Intelligence:10 ---- Misc: Weapons:Shot gun, small Axe Ammo: 11 shots Armor: Tech: Food: Building materials:
at the last spot you cheak you find another house but here there is a man chopping wood
ame: Aleister Pike Looks: 6'2", short black hair, pale, thin, deep green eyes, clawed digits, lighter bones, head elongated back for brain capacity Mood: Skeptic --- DNA: 7 ( this means to gained 2 not you can spend 2) Strength: 14 Speed: 20 Agility: 10 Intelligence: 20 Robotics: 8 ---- Misc:Scope ( attachable) Weapons: Plasma Pistolw/ scope Armor: Tech: K-01 Building materials:
you realized you no nothing about bot programming.. ( books)
ame: Aleister Pike Looks: 6'2", short black hair, pale, thin, deep green eyes, clawed digits, lighter bones, head elongated back for brain capacity Mood: Skeptic --- DNA: 7 ( this means to gained 2 not you can spend 2) Strength: 14 Speed: 20 Agility: 10 Intelligence: 20 Robotics: 8 ---- Misc:Scope ( attachable) Weapons: Plasma Pistolw/ scope Armor: Tech: K-01 Building materials:
ame: Aleister Pike Looks: 6'2", short black hair, pale, thin, deep green eyes, clawed digits, lighter bones, head elongated back for brain capacity Mood: Skeptic --- DNA: 8 ( this means to gained 2 not you can spend 2) Strength: 14 Speed: 20 Agility: 10 Intelligence: 20 Robotics: 9 ---- Misc:Scope ( attachable) Weapons: Plasma Pistolw/ scope Armor: Tech: K-01 Building materials:
you read that
Programming most bots are actually sime.. most bot corps code in a "options" menu for ther needs. you must find a computer or tablet. link it with a Hard drive.. and edit the primary functions and directives and junk...
ame: Aleister Pike Looks: 6'2", short black hair, pale, thin, deep green eyes, clawed digits, lighter bones, head elongated back for brain capacity Mood: Skeptic --- DNA: 8 ( this means to gained 2 not you can spend 2) Strength: 14 Speed: 20 Agility: 10 Intelligence: 20 Robotics: 9 ---- Misc:Scope ( attachable) Weapons: Plasma Pistolw/ scope Armor: Tech: K-01 Building materials:
ame: Aleister Pike Looks: 6'2", short black hair, pale, thin, deep green eyes, clawed digits, lighter bones, head elongated back for brain capacity Mood: Skeptic --- DNA: 8 ( this means to gained 2 not you can spend 2) Strength: 14 Speed: 20 Agility: 10 Intelligence: 20 Robotics: 9 ---- Misc:Scope ( attachable) Weapons: Plasma Pistolw/ scope Armor: Tech: K-01 Building materials:
you find noting of he kind.. but themn you remebered that the survey bots had something?
PS coukld you look in Forum games help thread and look at my lore for a game i will make?
ame: Aleister Pike Looks: 6'2", short black hair, pale, thin, deep green eyes, clawed digits, lighter bones, head elongated back for brain capacity Mood: Skeptic --- DNA: 8 ( this means to gained 2 not you can spend 2) Strength: 14 Speed: 20 Agility: 10 Intelligence: 20 Robotics: 9 ---- Misc:Scope ( attachable) Weapons: Plasma Pistolw/ scope Armor: Tech: K-01 Building materials:
Hm. I'll go to check the survey bots, back flipping along the way.
ame: Aleister Pike Looks: 6'2", short black hair, pale, thin, deep green eyes, clawed digits, lighter bones, head elongated back for brain capacity Mood: Skeptic --- DNA: 10 ( this means to gained 2 not you can spend 2) Strength: 14 Speed: 20 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 20 Robotics: 9 ---- Misc:Scope ( attachable) Weapons: Plasma Pistolw/ scope Armor: Tech: K-01 Building materials:
you notie that the survey bot went to the south instead and are now confuse where the Lumber bots are... the dont have any defances...
ame: Aleister Pike Looks: 6'2", short black hair, pale, thin, deep green eyes, clawed digits, lighter bones, head elongated back for brain capacity, sharp devil tail Mood: Skeptic --- DNA: 10 ( this means to gained 2 not you can spend 2) Strength: 14 Speed: 20 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 20 Robotics: 9 ---- Misc:Scope ( attachable) Weapons: Plasma Pistolw/ scope Armor: Tech: K-01 Building materials:
ame: Aleister Pike Looks: 6'2", short black hair, pale, thin, deep green eyes, clawed digits, lighter bones, head elongated back for brain capacity, sharp devil tail Mood: Skeptic --- DNA: 10 ( this means to gained 2 not you can spend 2) Strength: 14 Speed: 20 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 20 Robotics: 9 ---- Misc:Scope ( attachable) Weapons: Plasma Pistolw/ scope Armor: Tech: K-01 Building materials:
ame: Aleister Pike Looks: 6'2", short black hair, pale, thin, deep green eyes, clawed digits, lighter bones, head elongated back for brain capacity, sharp devil tail Mood: Skeptic --- DNA: 10 ( this means to gained 2 not you can spend 2) Strength: 14 Speed: 20 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 20 Robotics: 9 ---- Misc:Scope ( attachable) Weapons: Plasma Pistolw/ scope Armor: Tech: K-01 Building materials:
Yes, mostly balance. Sharp, so it could be used for combat in some situations.
ame: Aleister Pike Looks: 6'2", short black hair, pale, thin, deep green eyes, clawed digits, lighter bones, head elongated back for brain capacity, sharp devil tail Mood: Skeptic --- DNA: 10 ( this means to gained 2 not you can spend 2) Strength: 14 Speed: 20 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 20 Robotics: 9 ---- Misc:Scope ( attachable) Weapons: Plasma Pistolw/ scope Armor: Tech: K-01 Building materials:
( how long is your tail?)
you snach up a Survey bot.. you notice that the Tablet is there left hand..
ame: Aleister Pike Looks: 6'2", short black hair, pale, thin, deep green eyes, clawed digits, lighter bones, head elongated back for brain capacity, sharp devil tail Mood: Skeptic --- DNA: 10 ( this means to gained 2 not you can spend 2) Strength: 14 Speed: 20 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 20 Robotics: 9 ---- Misc:Scope ( attachable) Weapons: Plasma Pistolw/ scope Armor: Tech: K-01 Building materials:
(How about 1.5 feet?)
I take the tablet, pull off the bot's head, and return to the cottage to try to reprogram a lumber bot.
ame: Aleister Pike Looks: 6'2", short black hair, pale, thin, deep green eyes, clawed digits, lighter bones, head elongated back for brain capacity, sharp devil tail Mood: Skeptic --- DNA: 10 ( this means to gained 2 not you can spend 2) Strength: 14 Speed: 20 Agility: 12 Intelligence: 20 Robotics: 9 ---- Misc:Scope ( attachable) Weapons: Plasma Pistolw/ scope Armor: Tech: K-01 Building materials:
thats really short... i was thinking about 4 feet or 3 that way it could come up and over your back... to stab