It's been thirty years. Thirty years since those creatures came from the ground and took our planet. Now we our their last road block. We our the rebellion.
Welcome New Recruits. We are the rebellion of earth and since your here you probably want to join and fight the elementals. So tell us who you are.
Char Sheet
Name: Gender: Level:1 Life:100 Age: ProficiencySee below) Description of looks: Skillsdispense 22 between skills) Agility- Accuracy- 6th Sense:-(ability to sense when something is close) Intelligence- Charm-(Helps Bend Others Will) Will- Strength- Healing-( How well you can heal and cure poison without items) Inventorydepends on Proficiency)
Marksmen:Starts with- M16A4 30X90, 1 Frag Grenade, USP 15X30, 1 ANTI-ELEMENT GRENADE- 3 to accuracy, 2 to 6th sense(add automatically)
Assault:starts with- AK-47 25X75, 2 Semtex Grenade, USP 15X30, 1 ANTI-ELEMENT GRENADE- 2 to strength, 2 to will, 1 to accuracy
Sniper:starts with- Intervention 5X15, 2 Claymore, Magnum .44 6X18, 1 ANTI-ELEMENT GRENADE, 200 Auto-Armor- 5 to accuracy, 2 to charm
Medic:starts with- Skorpian 32X32, 1 Claymore, 1 ANTI-ELEMENT GRENADE, 100 Auto-Armor, 1 Master Med Kit(Fully Restores Heath), 1 Large Med Kit(Restores 100 life), 1 Medium Med Kit(Restores 50 life), 2 Mini Med Kit(Restores 10 life), 1 Anti-poison- 4 to Healing, 2 to charm, 1 to will
Now just a quick piece of info there are for types of enemies for each element the lowest being spirits then Stalkers colossi then finally persona.
Name: Mort Gender: male Level:1 Life:100 Age: 27 Proficiency: sniper Description of looks: a bit long, sharp eyes, and a slim build. --- Agility- 4 Accuracy- 3+5 6th Sense:- 3 Intelligence- 3 Charm- 2+2 Will- 3 Strength- 1 Healing- 3 Inventory:Intervention 5X15, 2 Claymore, Magnum .44 6X18, 1 ANTI-ELEMENT GRENADE, 200 Auto-Armor
Mort you wake up and notice something wrong. you cant remember very much besides your name, the elementals, and what your good at. You look around and see your on the edge of a forest. You see a slightly concealed forest path. For some reason you feel relieved yet have a sense of foreboding.
Name: Da Legend Gender: Male Level: 1.00000000001 Life: 100 Age: 13 Proficiency: Assault Description of looks: Broad shoulders, harsh face and a muscular build ------------------------------ Strength: -2+5 Will: 2 Accuracy: 1 Agility: -2 6th Sense: 0 Intelligence: 1 Charm: 1 Healing: -1
Inventory: AK47 25x75 - Semtex Grenade x2 - USP 15x30 - Anti Element Grenade
Legend woke up the same way he had for the past ten years. Sighing he sat up and took in his surroundings with a grin. He had done it. He had graduated from the academy he was an official rebel soldier. Just like the other he now had his own apartment. But his face turned into a scowl as he remembered the fact that he had to get up so early else miss the good jobs for the day. Though it wouldn't really matter the best you can get at his rank was a sighter. What to do he thought to himself.
Name: Thomas Mason Gender: Male Level: 1 Life: 100 Age: 19 Proficiency: Marksmen Description of looks: Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, 5'8 Skills: Agility: 5 Accuracy: 1 6th Sense: 2 Intelligence: 2 Charm: 3 Will: 3 Strength: 2 Healing: 2 Inventory: M16A4 30X90, 1 Frag Grenade, USP 15X30, 1 ANTI-ELEMENT GRENADE
Thomas walked down the hall of the central base a small smirk on his face. He had done it again. For the past six years he hadn't been kept on a team more than six months and the council was finally considering him to go lone wolf. Now he just needed to blow off a couple hours of time. He was hungry but his last mission was taxing he could of course walk the town.
Name: Thomas Mason Gender: Male Level: 1 Life: 100 Age: 19 Proficiency: Marksmen Description of looks: Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, 5'8 Skills: Agility: 5 Accuracy: 1 6th Sense: 2 Intelligence: 2 Charm: 3 Will: 3 Strength: 2 Healing: 2 Inventory: M16A4 30X90, 1 Frag Grenade, USP 15X30, 1 ANTI-ELEMENT GRENADE
You decide to get some lunch at the local cafe. You head down the street and enter looking at the menu. You are just about to place an order when your pager goes off. You look around before muttering a curse. You walk back to the base and into the council room with a scowl to see the high councilman looking at you with a smile that sends shivers down your spine. "Thomas. Welcome. We have made a decision." Your heart is in your throat. "You see we were going to let you go solo. But then an idea struck me. Yes we have another just like you a year younger. So we decided to pair the two of you together." Many emotions cross through you as you think on your reply.
1."Now sir can you not rethink this decision."(CHARMED)
Name: Mort Gender: male Level:1 Life:100 Age: 27 Proficiency: sniper Description of looks: a bit long, sharp eyes, and a slim build. --- Agility- 4 Accuracy- 8 6th Sense:- 3 Intelligence- 3 Charm- 4 Will- 3 Strength- 1 Healing- 3 Inventory:Intervention 5X15, 2 Claymore, Magnum .44 6X18, 1 anti-element grenade, 200 Auto-Armor
You look around a bit when a feeling comes over you you turn only to be looking at the barrels of two guns and the face of a man. Suddenly the man moves forward, grabs your hand, and satbs it with a strange device. 'Human' he mutters then his eyes widen a bit and he mutters again. 'No. No it cant be' Finally he looks up at me. "Sarge. I can't believe it. Where da hell you been. Oh the councils going to freak. Come on." Then he started walking to the path in the forest. The twom men with guns put them down and followed.