A small and simple game, where you are always given two choices. One choice leads you to the next harder level, while the other choice makes you die, or kills you. Unlimited number of players, because not many will live for long. If you die, you can start over, but your level will be back at the beginning. There will also be leaderboards, like who passed the most levels, and some amazing facts. Oh yeah,here's how you sign up:
Name: (Anything you like, nicknames, celebrities, memes etc.) Level: 1
Any old players sign up again, you all follow the same storyline but your actions turn you into different direction, new players can sign up if they want to. What the idea is one option leads you somewhere but another takes you somewhere else. Death may occur. Death disqualifies you. In the end the last survivor is the fifty fifty champion and wins glory and bragging rights. If you die you can still comment but you just will not compete. Only winners can not play the next competition. Wow, err I've said a lot here, let's wrap it up.