ForumsGame WalkthroughsSonny 2 Tips/ Walkthrough

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I'll start with the walkthrough:

Biological: Start out with the Prison Guard. You should have 90% to your next level. You might get a Guards Grip, Guards Leggings, or their club(I don't know the name.) Start the next battle, this time with 2 guards. This time you can get their footwear or headwear. You should level up. Get the following abilities: Integrity, Vicious Strike, Break, Disrupt(Upgrade 2 times,)and Wound. Put them in your ability bar. For attributes, update Strength twice. Go to the next battle to find 2 prisoners who are trying to escape. Don't be alarmed, they are pretty easy. You should get some of the prisoners' clothes and weapons. If you level up, upgrade Integrity. Upgrade Speed for your next attribute. Next battle, consisting of 3 prisoners. You should level up once again. Get Immobilize this time. For Attributes get Vitality. The next battle has a doctor and 2 prison guards. You should get some of the doctor's clothes and the guard's clothes,too.

Note:I'll only dicuss strategy on some battles, so on the ones I don't, just beat them.

If you have 48 money, get the EMD Blade, and put in the Secondary Arms slot. The next battle has a Twisted Experiment. I'll give a strategy this time:

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Umm why is this walkthrough shortened? There no strategy for the TE?

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