Befor you skip this thread cause of this long story. please no that this is back round info...
In a world not to far from earth lived a planet that was inhabited with magic. There magic became physicis and there for ... life.
there evolved the beings called Magikin. they ruled there planet gracefully. but not always peacefully. they learned to minuplate the magic, they made sciences and religion of of it. but there ways destroyed them. after a seriec of wars they began to push eachother to the brink of extinction. so in a moment of panich. a group of scorcers gave life to the planet again and incased themselfs in a tomb of stone deep with in the planet, but over time the life they made began to evolve. and follow there path.
Several races began to make claim to the land. the infamous and unappreciated race of Orcs. they are big but they can shoe compassion and intelligence. most creatures fear them for there size and voice. but get to now them and they will suprise you. the moment they orignate from the savanna and mid deserts
The elfs: the elfs are a expecialilly trickey race, they have split into two different races altogether. the woodland and the Night. the woodland elfs are also known as the Day elfs.they mostly populate the forests. they live in large trees and respect nature to the best of theyr ability but do not have a single god. they are truely the renncarnation of the Magikin. they rever to the "Mana" a they call it.
but the night elfs... they are as peace ful as they are religious. they rever nature as a god and even harness it. they believe mana is the blood life of nature and use it to that its forms. they live in dense jungles and are hard to find but they do not lie it when they trespass on the holy grounds.
the human are a valiant and majestic race. they lev in small forests but mostly Meadows and plains. they are a very industrial race, but they always put back. they refer to Magic as Holy energy. there religion, there god, has created every thing and every one, they use his power to attach the foes and to heal the wounded. but some humans Revere the undead god. they use his " unholy" ( how original) power to destroy all in his path.
The Dwarfs and humans are alike, but they doo have some differances. the dwarfs are just shorter then they are but they are Far stronger. they may not be the smartes but they have Gnomes for that. the Dwarfs orignated in the mountains where its cold. they build there city inside mountains and Volcanoes.. they use " the essance of earth" the Magic they use comes from inside the Earth. where its hot. but most do not use EOE. they sue melee weapons and heavy armor.
The gnomes are small funny thing. they are extremely smart and can build most any thing. they use Mana as Electricity. they use mana as a power sorce for all things the Gnomes follow the Dwarfs around for protection as the dwarfs let them saty you guild them
The goblins are the Gnomes of orcs, but they are more manipulative. they are masters at corporation and At being greedy. they are major polluters and one really use Magic ahy also use " electricity
THe Dragonous:
After the second generation of life the dragons were the first major species. they lived every where but then began to evolve. firsts the were HUGE! then the size of humans. they are practically Humans with alter-motives they have Scales and wings up there arm and side.. the wings can contract. the Dragonous refer to Magic as Life. they thing that every one that is alive has the Magic in them and when they die the magic is returned to the world. there Praise there Ancestors and parents.
To be noted that each race can use each kind of magic. but some combo go better with others
Name: Race: Age: Appearance: Scars: ---- Abilitiesdepends on studies)
Name: Azure Blood Race: Dragonous Age: 26 Appearance: Dark blue scales, black hair (if they have any) Scars: One going across his chest (from a old fight long ago) ---- Abilities: Studies: --- Weapons: Ammo: Armor: Tech: Texts: none
+ you fly to the recruittions office. you put your name and age. you realive you have not powers or training...
Name: Azure Blood Race: Dragonous Age: 26 Appearance: Dark blue scales, black hair (if they have any) Scars: One going across his chest (from a old fight long ago) ---- Abilities: Studies: --- Weapons: Ammo: Armor: Tech: Texts: none
I look for a trainer who is willing me to train me for the war.
Name: Azure Blood Race: Dragonous Age: 26 Appearance: Dark blue scales, black hair (if they have any) Scars: One going across his chest (from a old fight long ago) ---- Abilities: Studies: --- Weapons: Ammo: Armor: Tech: Texts: none
Name: Azure Blood Race: Dragonous Age: 26 Appearance: Dark blue scales, black hair (if they have any) Scars: One going across his chest (from a old fight long ago) ---- Abilities: Studies: --- Weapons: Ammo: Armor: Tech: Texts: none
you see 6 Necromancers in a hexagon formation with purple orbs pulse -ating from there hands. they stop and turn to you an say " AHHH you found one.. well then Dante.. y do you with yo join us
Name: Azure Blood Race: Dragonous Age: 26 Appearance: Dark blue scales, black hair (if they have any) Scars: One going across his chest (from a old fight long ago) ---- Abilities: Studies: --- Weapons: Ammo: Armor: Tech: Texts: none
you travel to the hunters station and asks for training... he says that you will sstart training when you get a weapon
"eyy Darf, if ya looking for your awwe the you should you remeber that some lads took it when you lost the 5 on 1 bar fight. you almost one but he pulled a knife.
Name: Azure Blood Race: Dragonous Age: 26 Appearance: Dark blue scales, black hair (if they have any) Scars: One going across his chest (from a old fight long ago) ---- Abilities: Studies: --- Weapons: Ammo: Armor: Tech: Texts: none
i vist a local blacksmith to see if he could make me a bow for a cheap price or for labor work
Valad point. but first you must know what real death is. ( he hands you a knife) go to the nearest human city and kill as many human as you can until the authority find you. then let them kill you. you leave the rest to us