Name: Kazimir Lekov
Official Title: Head of the Peoples Parliament
Type of Government: Parliament
Economy: Capitalist
GDP: 2 billion
Exports: Raw Minerals (Mostly Iron, and coal), Natural Gas, Ivory, Precious Metals
Alliance: EDEN
History: Broken off from the former Georgia, just recently got it's bearings as a counry. Won West Africa by ending the WATER threat that plagued the world.
Country Name: NUSSR
Environment: Mostly low hilly terrain with grasslands dominating the center and mountains to the north and west. Some desert and grasslands in West Africa
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY
Units: 1400 +500
Branches: 400 Army, 300 Airforce, 200 Navy, 300 Home Guard, 200 Special Forces, ETF 500
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT PEACE
Default WeaponsAK 108, PKP GPM, SV98, various mines and AT weapons including modern armor (tanks not vests)
Navy:Various ships of all sizes, compact versions of the Army assault rifles
Home Guard:stechkin APS, essentially same as army but less modern,
Special Forces: PP 19 bizon, RG 6, MON 200, various stealth gear and light vehicles
Airforce: MP 443 modern planes, bombers and multirole
ETF:Same as army
They all ignore the propaganda.
North Africa is UP FOR GRABS!
-Global Post
The Globe Sales Declining
-The Globe
In order to keep peace throughout the world, we suggest that you take charge of North Africa. We would also like for you to take charge of the Middle East.
-EDEN Members
Name: Mort
Official Title: President of Madagascar
Biography: Shut down EVERYTHING!
Type of Government: Depotism
Economy: Capitalism
GDP: 1 billion
Exports: Coffee, shellfish, sugar, cotton, oil, vanilla, and chromite.
Alliance: A.R.M.O.R. (The Underground)
History: everything was shut down.
Country Name: Madagascar
Environment: Steppes, forests, coastland, and a bit of swamp.
Average Citizen Health: HEALTHY
Units: 1000
Branches: 530 militia and the national guard 70.
Average Soldier Health: HEALTHY
Status: AT WAR
Default Weapons: AK47 and RPG (the mational guard is obviously better equipped with sights and stuff (the weapons are higher quality too))
(they are newsletters)
You attempt to recruit more people at the country side, but people are not willing to die for the country.