Simple game, just edit the quote of the person above you.For example
Player 1:I don't get this game.Bobby:[quote]I don't hate this game!
No way! I OWN this game!
You WHAT?!*throws poison at warriorcats123*
Congratulations on martyring the god.
You mean the spammer's dead? I'm not sure whether to grieve or to congratulate.
You mean everyone's dead? I'm not sure whether to be upset or bored.
Yes, I got ninja'd and I wanna WAKE UP!
Can't tell how much I'm dying right now!
i can kill patrick2011 okayim imortal
I'm immoral
@warriorcats123: Do not spam. Instead, quote the non-quoted part of the above post and make some edits to the quote, then post a response to what you quoted. Below this message is an example.
I can tell you're dead.
You are right.
No, I am always on the right.
You're agreeing a statement that you've disagreed on?
You're pooping a statement that you've agreed on?
Did it blend?
Dammit ninja'd
Well, when I heard the moaning I just couldn't refuse.
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