Simple game, just edit the quote of the person above you.For example
Player 1:I don't get this game.Bobby:[quote]I don't hate this game!
No way! I OWN this game!
There ends a time in every girl's drink 'Herbalife'
Don't laugh at Sub-Zero. He has cancer.
Whose it anyway?
That's a great mow
You're mapping the landtower?
They can be playing "All the quotes"!
YESSSS!!! thanks a lot, bro.
Why are you spanning him?-_-Dark Cerebrus
The space bar is complicated.I had trouble finishing them with a punctuation mark,I didn't know what is space bar.I had trouble with one simple step,I need to start avoiding the forum.
I thought it was German.
Well, that which has been seen still has not been seen, just as that which has been seen can be unseen.
This paradox makes perfect sense.
Muffins are always disgusting.(Sorry, but rabbits are fun)
What are you talking about? Everyone loves pigs! Not rabbits.
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