First get the kettle, the beater, and the mixer. Now drag the kettle in to the sink and press the blue knob. When it's done, click the kettle to return it to your inventory. Next, move to the left twice and get the bowl, power cord, and frozen fish. Go back to the first scene and drop the kettle back on to the heating pad. Then drag the power cord to the heating pad and click the the plug at the end. Now press the little orange button on the kettle. Press the kettle when it's done. Now go back to the left twice and drag the bowl to the blue counter. Then drage the frozen fish to the bowl, then the kettle. When it's done, click the bowl and get the knife. Go left once and click the radio. Press the side of the radio and then press the pannel on the back to get the batteries. Go back and go to the right twice. Click the bird cage, then press the bird's tail feathers to get a feather. Go back and click on the dog in the corner. Drag the feather to the dog's nose. Then grab the collar. Go back and press the hammer up in the left hand corner. Drag all of the items to their place. Once it's done building, press the drill to add it to your inventory. Then exit and drag the drill to the door.
Dank, This walkthrough is amazing!! Is there anyway you could put together a flash SWF of this information? I would then upload it to the game page and give you credit for it.
I Like When People Actually Commit To Their Posts. Good Job. Its Amazing, Its Helpful, Its Neat, Its Great! It's Helped A Lot Of People To, Including Me. So Keep Up The Good Work Dank!