ForumsForum GamesYggdrasil (a "Cut the Tree" Game)

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Based on [link=]"Cut the Tree" [/link]

First of all, the Yggdrasil is a magical tree of Norse mythology. Surely, if you cut this tree, you cut life to the world, yet the Norse believed that there were creatures constantly biting and picking at the tree, probably to scare somebody.

No memes
No posting own damage
One attack per turn
If I ignore you, its because its a stupid attack, or broke a rule
No being an idiot
No girlfriend/Boyfriend attacks
No protecting the tree by building walls or trenches etc around it(You can become an environmentalist, a norse hero/god, or a lawyer and sue the attackers.)

Because this is a magical tree, there are a few things you can do that you couldn't with a normal tree.

Note that this is the standard for some of the attacks:

A chainsaw will do 1 damage. Try if you really run out of ideas.
A tree cutter also only does 1 damage.
Axe does 1 damage
Battle axe does 2 damage
Norse Battle axe does 3

If people get sued by the tree's friends, they simply lose health.

People get banned if they break a rule or do something that no one likes. And I am the one who decides who gets banned. Every new rules post I make will say who is banned or has died. Banned people are considered 'dead'

Dead people can't come back. It is very hard to die: You have 100 health and unless you do some sort of really dumb or weird thing that just manages to get under the rules, you will receive damage.

To make this a bit more fun, the tree starts off with loads of health. this means that people can do lots of damage(I will decide how much). I'll try to stay active a lot to keep the damage in check.

Tree: 100,000,000,000,000 HP
Climate: No wind and sunny

  • 2,695 Replies
2,487 posts

actually, I delay the post of the response for 2 reasons:

1.I"m not always able to at a moments notice.

2.some people (especially newcommers) like to post at the last minute.

now that you now know, onto the response:

I use my dark powers to teleport a good distance above IS and bring my blades down upon him, aiming for his neck and waist.

IS sees you above him, but he doesn't have enough time to react. you cut off his head, and IS is dead. with you cutting off his head, you feel his corruption flow into you, and you absorb it and add it to yourself. IS is gone, but you now have his power.

LEVEL UPTormentor

I go to the fountain, and take one of my three swords. I turn the blade into shards, and imbue them with a bit of the magic I currently possess and a good portion of nexus, then procceed to turn the shards back into a single blade. I understand that the blades gave me the nexus in the first place, but now I'm giving them the physical counterpart to replace the crystal. I stab the sword into the fountain, making sure I miss the crystal, and see what happens.

you notice that the spring changed color into a deep yellow hue. the spring has accepted your makeshift stabilizer, and allows you to take the crystal.

Hmmmm,now what to do with the ice that could work really well......OH! Killersup takes his earthquake sledgehammer and pounds it at the tree,the vibrations will crack the ice and cause it to know,if physics made sense.....

you shattered the armor, but the tree is back to the way it was before.

Thanks for making that easy. Now I'm going to do what my class type was meant to do. Kill Insane freaking corrupted energy people things. I take 5 Holy Energy Grenades, stick 'em in a M203, and light Insane side up. Then I make a tiny tiny bubble of Holy Energy in the center of IS and expand it rapidly.

you're a little late actually. see earlier response for kylelol.

well, I think the consequences for that would be being a bit (or more corrupted... would it make me a little stronger? if so, then I proceed, and if it will make me weaker, or some other unseen bad thing, I do not.

some people are better suited for absorbing corruption. in this case, it depends on how much you absorb.

See, the thing is, galbatorix didn't want to kill eragon by then. The pain was so great, his mind was getting all screwey, and all he wanted to do was make it end. By killing himself. Thaboss doesn't know about the other guy either, so just count him out.

then couldn't he just kill eragon instead of himself? I don't know about him, but that's what I would do.

And aren't you just being silly? "There's no proof it can, so it can't." The spell is "Be not." All other spells can be directed at something. "Stenr risa." Stuff like that. Aaaand, also, a nice tidbit that will hopefully prove you wrong. The opposite (kinda) of "Waise neiat" is "Waise heil" (Be healed.) Obviously, that spell hasn't been used only on one's self. Eragon uses it many times to heal injured people in battle, and Saphira and such. So why wouldn't the opposite (destroy as opposed to heal) be true?

you're right, I am being silly, but that aside, I can't allow you to absorb that much energy. if you do, not only will you die, but everyone else will die as well, and I'm pretty sure that Santi_, or I, could just rebuild the place if I really wanted to. you also know that not only am I the mod, but the guardian of the tree itself. I use my powers to reverse the polarity of your energy absorption, which wounds you. I then use my magic to cancel your ability to use energy from anyone other than yourself (this is the first time I had to intervene this heavily, but for the sake of the game itself, I have no choice).

-20hp: Thaboss

I can help this game come back... i guess...

you are always welcome here.

Temporarily disabled: (Kinda like Lose-A-Turn)

Norse Gods: (Users who are allowed to change the universe)
Bladerunner679 (New Creator)

Norse Heroes: (Epic Players)

Demi-Gods: (players who have earned my respect)

Noble Warriors: (Not-as-Epic-but-still-epic Players)

Elementalists: (Evolved Noble warriors)

Elemental Sages (ultimate elemental masters):

Dark Mages: (Mages with dark powers)

Shades: (ultimate dark mages)

Tormentors (ultimate force of evil):

Good Mages: (Mages with beneficiary powers)

Angels: (ultimate good mages)

Archangels (ultimate force of good):

Undead: (Dead but put back to life)

current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)

Tree:2,495,367,269,758 HP

Weather:Apocalyptic energy storm
Ground Condition: Soaked
Wind: Heavy Winds

@my loyal players- I will never let this thread die. I will do whatever it takes, wait for however long, but I will make this thread live. I may take a while to respond, but like I said earlier, it is only because some people don't post until after I end the turn.

13,701 posts

let's try firing a catapult at the tree to where the wind will take the boulder and speed it up as it goes towards the tree... most of my ideas usually involve boosting other player's attacks or just combining references like the DMC and Sonic The Hedgehog one I did when I first got the guns... speaking of the guns, I also fire at the tree while the boulder's flying through the air.

883 posts

Shouldn't the Apocalyptic Energy Storm dissipate with IS's death?
Hum de ho dum hum ha..... I have no idea what I'm doing. I begin associating my self with Oxygen until I have control over even atoms of Oxygen.

1,044 posts

I'll absorb a little to see what it's like.

If I don't die, then I'll absorb until I feel some effects.

336 posts

I look for ways to gain power

4,813 posts

I attempt to discover the new extent of my power since I just absorbed my insane side.

2,487 posts

I hate having to say this, but I fear that this thread is losing it's ability to gain players. I don't want you to do this unless you are okay with it, but if you are able to send this thread some new players, then I will quite thankful for it.


4,813 posts

s'okay Blade. I'm perfectly fine with plugging for other threads on mine. I do it for my own threads all the time.

2,739 posts

Seems legit,Killersup will try to advertise this forum game

1,044 posts

Yep, I'll send it to peeps. I don't want to spam, so I'll say that I am going to send it to jeff1999 and other people.

1,649 posts

So, the whole point of the game is to kill the tree, but as soon as someone figures out an attack that WILL kill the tree, it's magically brushed aside as if it were nothing...

1,649 posts

You could just be like "Oh, congrats, you killed the tree and everyone else, good job, now, lets start a new game with everyone who's playing at the same power and achievement as before, and the tree has the same health, except thaboss isn't in this game."

2,487 posts

not ending turn yet, but I will make a quick response.

@thaboss-the main reason why I couldn't allow that is the fact that it was so dangerous. not only would you kill the tree, but you will also eliminate everyone else in the process. If I didn't do it, then chances are somebody else will be less lenient on you and kill you for the attempt. I will allow any attacks that harm the tree, but so long as they only harm the tree. you know my rule is that no player can kill another without provocation. that attack was provocaton. not to mention the fact that I did allow you to do attacks that did massive damage, or did you forget about it in your unjustifiable anger?


1,515 posts

I decide that sheokaku is the best name for the sword, after a bit of thought.

1,649 posts

@thaboss-the main reason why I couldn't allow that is the fact that it was so dangerous. not only would you kill the tree, but you will also eliminate everyone else in the process. If I didn't do it, then chances are somebody else will be less lenient on you and kill you for the attempt.

not only would you kill the tree

Again, isn't the point of the game to kill the tree?

but you will also eliminate everyone else in the process. If I didn't do it, then chances are somebody else will be less lenient on you and kill you for the attempt.

Contradictory statements. If everyone's dead, including thaboss, who would kill him? (especially since he's already dead.)

not to mention the fact that I did allow you to do attacks that did massive damage, or did you forget about it in your unjustifiable anger?

Thaboss did forget. Many apologies. But. Massive damage is different than total annihilation.

Alright, thaboss would rather go down attacking the tree than being killed by another player.. *sigh* It really didn't have to end like this.. Thaboss uses the Waise Neiat spell on himself while hugging the tree. Boom. Damage to the tree. Dead thaboss.
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