I go and search for someone that can grant me the powers of the void itself!
the closest thing that I can give you is the powers of a dark mage. nobody can truly give you those powers, but there is someone who can help you unlock your abilities. he is a minor demon named vertoroh.
well while im still makeing the suits i call my dragon back to me due to the fact we have a link it should have dark powers to so i have it use a darkfire atack then i ask the oh mighty blade to give me my powers from killersups game
i'll allow the attack, but you sure as heck aren't getting powers from another game. you need to earn your power here, and that wouldn't be fair to the other players.
Thaboss is actually going for brightsteel. For a custom sword.
he comes back about 2 minutes later, and hands you just enough brightsteel to make the sword. "there is a master smith not far from the portal, show this to him and he will make you a sword beyond your imagination."
Ok then, I sneak up on the sleeping troll and try to kill it by stabbing it in the neck.
you wound him, but you didn't kill him (you need fire to kill him. any ammount will do, or else he will regenerate).
note: small in size of nanite not in size of the army. I then send the nanites at the tree to analyse it.
the moment they got close to the tree, they are all burned away by the arcane membrane around the tree.
Forbidden to enter? As Arcane Elite, wouldn't I be making those rules?
elite or not, you're still human. only those borne from the weave can survive there.
I find the plane, create a trans-dimensional anchor to tether myself to our plane of existence, then I jump in just long enough to see where Yggdrasil gets its energy. Then I make my anchor yank me back to our reality.
you enter in, but the energy is too thick for you to handle. you start suffocating, and realize that the energy is crystalizing inside your lungs. you have barely enough time to see where the tree is getting its energy before you have to leave to prevent full crystalization.
I go and get a crystal, and when the first rays of llight hit it, I will concentrate my energy on the devilfire, then hit the diamond with it.
you are just barely able to pull off the devil fire, and the first rays of the sun are captured by the crystal. it is time to take it to the fire spirit.
on the tree, to delevel it, so it's defense decreases. The tree does not attack, so the attack reduction is useless.
the tree is unnafected (they're beer bottles. try harder)
Let's see what happens when we play with light. namely, I teleport to the top of the tree and try using my control of light and dark to divert and or stop the tree's leaves from getting light.
it weakens the tree a little, but that isn't the main source of its energy.
I practice mastery over alchemy & aura.
(Alchemy:The skill of transmutation,equivalent exchange, and to transform other objects into something of equal value.)
(Aura:The magical energy in all beings.)
not allowed. neither exist in this game and that's how I want it to be.
Temporarily disabled: (Kinda like Lose-A-Turn)
Norse Gods: (Users who are allowed to change the universe)
Bladerunner679 (New Creator)
Norse Heroes: (Epic Players)
Demi-Gods: (players who have earned my respect)
Noble Warriors: (Not-as-Epic-but-still-epic Players)
Elementalists: (Evolved Noble warriors)
Elemental Sages (ultimate elemental masters):
Dark Mages: (Mages with dark powers)
Shades: (ultimate dark mages)
Tormentors (ultimate force of evil):
Good Mages: (Mages with beneficiary powers)
Angels: (ultimate good mages)
Archangels (ultimate force of
Arcane Elite (those who have mastered magic itself):
Undead: (Dead but put back to life)
current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)
Tree:2,495,366,129,545 HP
Ground Condition: dry
Wind: Heavy