Sorry, I had to do some stuff. Anyway...
i soon have all of the major and minor elemetns in jars in the machine it looks like a giant battle axe with mechincel clawed arms and talons and flamethrows and chain saws and lots of other things and A MASSIVE blaster and its all huge its still not ready though i put a weird energy ball (light blue made from some sort of destrictive thing called sonic energy (no not the hedgehog or the sound type) it then starts to active causeing an earthquake to come at the tree along with a tornado as it rises into the air
The machine does huge damage to the tree, mainly due to its quake/tornado, but then Laevatein makes another appearance as it shoots out of the tree and carves your machine in two. The halves are still working, but...
I coax the sun into a massive solar flare, then focus all its energy into a blast of power aimed at one person: pokemawn. This should knock out all his electronics and machines. I then proceed to open up massive hot geysers around the tree, undoing the ice/dehydration damage it suffered.
Then I create, from those same geysers, an army of some five hundred large water elementals under my direct control. I send a squad of them to dissipate into the air and patrol the skies as steam, a squad to move through the earth and a squad to guard the rest.
The other elementals form a circle, create another "bubble" (this time of magical tempered ice with a melting point of something obscene in the seven-figure area) and proceed to cast a spell of flooding around the place. Of course this wouldn't work unless I had an outer wall, so I make one out of the same kind of ice.
Then I turn the geysers into cold springs.
The solar flare hits hard, scrambling your machine and driving the two halves insane. They attack everything in sight and, while the tornado dissipates and the quake subsides, the machines do a bit more damage to you and other nearby attackers. You, too, are damaged.
You go unconscious for a moment and when you wake up, you feel... weaker. Then you notice your doppelganger. It seems your power-hungry mind has split, meaning that you are weaker (on even terms with the doppelganger) but have more control.
Your evil twin (exactly like you but in negative colour) leaves you and begins its conquest.
32,450 damage.
It notices and absorbs some of my elementals, meaning that it is now stronger than you. You need to move fast if you don't want it killing all of you. It is unharmed by the ice wall and does not see fit to damage it, so the tree begins healing. It recovers about 1,200 health. A lake forms within the wall. The terrain has changed and the tree gets an extra 0.5% defence.
Hey, If you would waltz over to the 211 page mark, I would've posted like, 2 times.
So now I'm back, and here's my response:
I walk up to the innkeeper, and ask him If he know's where is the house of a certain holy sage.
He gestures towards some nearby mountains. You can't get any more out of him.
Please give me some info on what you're doing, because I have no recollection of this. Anyways.
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Shades: (ultimate dark mages)
Forces of destruction: Very powerful beings with numerous powers:
Tormentors (ultimate force of evil):
Good Mages: (Mages with beneficiary powers)
Angels: (ultimate good mages)
Archangels (ultimate force of
Arcane Elite (those who have mastered magic itself):
Nature Touched
Tree's sworn Guardians)
Undead: (Dead but put back to life)
current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)
Weather: freezing
Ground Condition: flooded ice
Wind: heavy gale