...wow. thanks for the good reception, guess my wish came true.
since no one has actively described the leviathans, I'm going to say that they have no eyes, but use the energy they absorb as a kind of echolocation/sonar thing.
you actually aren't that far off. they do have eyes, but it doesn't see the way humans do. it's more similar to a snakes thermal sensory, except it tracks energy.
After I learn this, I head back and try to convince everyone that in order to destroy the leviathans, they had to feed one of them a massive burst of energy, which would cause it to self-destruct, which in turn releases more energy to be absorbed by the other leviathans, starting a chain reaction.
good luck with that one.
I get in the general area the leviathins are in. I use the nexus and my control ability to grab the actual energy in the leviathins and hold them in place for this turn. I then take their corrupted, black energy, and and invert into holy energy, think magnetic reversal, ying yang or something similar to that. I take the still everpresent corrupted energy, form it into a stone, and give it to Kylelolcat. Maybe he could use it better than I could
you warped their energy signature into a purified state, but that won't do you much of anything in the long run.
I smack a leviathian with a Red Matter mace.
I then shoot a Broadhead arrow at it from a Compound Bow.
I then attempt to summon a Ghast.
(thank you) it turns out that the red matter only works when ignited (I saw the star trek movie just a little while back and further analyzed the red matter), but you injured one leviathan with the arrow, and the ghast was summoned, but one of the leviathans ate it and was immune to its dark energy due to santi reversing their energy signature.
I send the Ender Dragon to destroy Yggdrasil.
(for future reference, I only count your first attack post, all others are ignored) the dragon was killed by the leviathans floating in the air. sorry.
i cut a hole in the tree, leave an axe with bombs in it and boom!
(same goes to you as well) no real damage done.
Hehehe... awesome... now, FULL POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you burned away the oxygen in the area so quickly, that you actually started suffocating, but when you got into an area loaded with oxygen, your powers exploded (no damage done to you of course) with the power equivalent of the dresden fire-bombing. the entire area became a scorched patch of land, almost as if a volcanic fire ravaged the land.
It was a Skyrim reference.
(lol, I have skyrim on the x-box, but I know the reference you are talking about. I just got a little carried away when poizaz did that computer crap that I told him to stop doing for the third time. I get the reference because it is also the quicksave function for skyrim's predecessors) the minion of yours tells you that it can serve as your flying mount, and your warbeast to fight in your defense. it can also burn away corruption with a holy fire that is special in nature.
With a blaze of darkness, I reverse my energy charge, and start to drain the life force of the leviathans.
you steal the life force of one, before you get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of power that was stored in it.
OK, seriously. With me being the weakest one here, I construct a soundproof, bulletproof, fireproof bunker and inside meditate to attempt to harness my magics.
lol, that won't do you any good. if you really want to gain power, you need to go on a quest to become more powerful (you can do this for anything except norse hero. the quest takes at least 4 turns)
I send out a chain of electrical orbs and hit the tree with it.
the leviathans eat the orbs before they could get to the tree.
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Bladerunner679 (New Creator)
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Undead: (Dead but put back to life)
current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)
Tree:2,495,450,314,860 HP
Weather: sunny
Ground Condition: damp
Wind: heavy winds