Your a zombie in this game and your goal is to bring down the wall and capture the base. Rules: No killing other zombies, No nukes,(They are to heavy for a tank to carry)
Wall one:
Fort Alpha Plastic wall: 1000 10 solders 300 people
Bao: You manage to kill 1 person, only to get shot in the head.
Vesking: You and the zombie wait by the door to ambush the soilders, infecting one and driving away the rest.
Armorboy: Good thinking, You manage to almost kill the immune, unfortunaly it mised the brain, but he will be out of the fight and will be at the next fort. You make another shot dammaging the wall by a factor of 100.
ill go to workshop try to make a rpg with gas tanks and pipes ( in real we can ) than ill make some bullets for it and than ill go somewhere safe and start shooting to the plastic wall after that ill pick the sniper and shoot who ever i see !(humans of cource lol) !
vanties: you have to have more stratagy or you get shot in the head oh wait you just did, well you did 50 dammage.
Mort: Ranged you use your toungh to constrict a survivor, usualy infecting them, but the sniper was immune, so he cut your toungh but now he is in another fort recovering from armor boys "amazingly good shooting skills"
Armor boy: You make a wonderful role playing game for zombies.
thanks god !! np !! any ways i continiue shooting RPGs on the wall untill it is broken or i am out of ammo after that ill take my sniper and try to find a good spot then fill my ammos with my blood so who ever gets shot turns into zombie than ill shoot whoever i see !
Fort Alpha Plastic wall: 850 7 solders 299 people 2 bazookamen
Perry: An RPG is also a role playing game.
armorboy: Ohh! that RPG! maybe should have been more spacific, may help later. Anyways, You scout the area looking for anything to can use as a rocket, only seeing a big load inside the base. Looks like there training bazookamen.
ok ill go stealth and attack the both RPG or bazooka guys with my knife and kill them than ill pick their weapons and start shooting at the base door !
Fort Alpha Wooden wall: 5000 7 solders 299 people 2 bazooka men
Well, you start shooting the door right away cause you made a rocket propelled grenade. However, they evacuated from the wall when they saw you about to shoot it. you destroy the wall, revealing yet another made out of wood. (bazookas instant kill plastic, do 1000 to wood, 500 to steel, 100 to titanium, 10 to diamond.) You have 3 shots left. Also, please say your class at the top of every post.